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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Yeah if you have anything left...I'd give it a shot too. People always told me I had a good voice and should've been in radio. This could be a chance to prove them wrong or right. Yeah lol. When you hear yourself talk, you hear it through all the bone and tissue in your head as well as your ears. So it sounds different when you hear it on a recording....most people just blame the recording gear.
  2. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37388 We haven't had the time to finish it, but there may be some Twisted Metal 2 in there. Your prayers may be answered one day.
  3. Not much of a fan of Beyond or Metal!? What!? Anyway, thanks a lot for the feedback. Indeed, I long to do some sort of Batman Beyond remix type thing. With solos and all that.
  4. Thanks! Yeah, it was more just a little thing I threw together cuz I was bored lol. You're right though and I'll probably doing something like this on a larger scale in the future.
  5. Yeah, been a tad busy with the band and some other projects! We should still do it though. Need a solid WIP first like Metal Man says.
  6. Who said write "love" songs lol? Ah well, I'll never find love anyway so I can keep writing I guess.
  7. Sure, here's one that has quite a few replies http://vimeo.com/forums/topic:45512 I've actually gotten a couple little projects to write music for recently through Vimeo forums. Paid ones even. Obviously success isn't guaranteed, but nearly every time I post there I get at least one response via email.
  8. Well, I usually just write about girls. Great source of inspiration and often frustration as well. Even wrote a song about the hot waitress at East Side Mario's once. So there's a subject.
  9. A V6. Lol just kidding. Sorry, I forgot! I'll try to find out for you today!!!

  10. Meteo hit the nail on the freakin' head with this one. Another good place to check out is the Vimeo community forums. Lots of independent film makers looking for musicians to write a custom soundtrack.
  11. ♫Metal man's in the mud, yeah he's really stuck it's only rock n' roll so you shouldn't give a fuck So pick up your guitar and raise your glasses high bang your head and throw the horns cuz metal never dies Said Metal Man's writin' some lyrics to his song He found his inspiration it was buried all along♫
  12. Pretty good song, I like it. Reminds me a lot of Castlevania even though you said it's inspired by RPGs. I think it's the chord progressions and guitar that makes me think of that. Harmonizing some of the melodies would improve this further. Try playing the guitar and violin parts in thirds. Just don't make every melody harmonized or it will get old. That's my two cents. Nice work!
  13. Arkham City is amazing all around. I won't spoil it if ya don't know, but there is a clue that the next game could be Batman Beyond. I'm not talking about the DLC costume either. Anyway, I really dig the song! Composition is great. My only issue is with the piano around 2:05. I can't quite figure out why, but I just feel like there was some better instrument choice for that part. I think this would be absolutely phenomenal if you could get a real orchestra to play it. I don't know if that's even feasible or not, but if you could get at least some of the instruments like the strings done by an actual string ensemble it would be that much more awesome. BAMF work regardless, sir.
  14. Thanks Aster! Yeah I would, but I'm not a mixer lol. Just write music and play guitar. I know you're a guitarist too, we should do a collab sometime!
  15. Demo 2 http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/force-of-4-ounces-demo-2
  16. I notice when random sounds harmonize. Like the "door ajar bell" on my car was a minor third to a song on the radio. Or one time, I was playing guitar and the train went by. The guy who drives that thing just stands on the fucking horn when he goes by so the horn sound was going on forever. It was at that time I played a chord (D I think) and the train horn harmonized nicely with it. When I hear songs I know how to play on guitar, I air guitar them exactly as they are played without even thinking about it. Good taste.
  17. Here's a little electronic-rock track I've been working on. Currently it's missing a guitar melody and the finished recording will have actual bass guitar. I will also be sending this one in for professional mixing and mastering, so commenting on the mix will probably be pointless. Therefore I am only looking for feedback on the composition/arrangement itself. Thanks http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/the-force-of-4-ounces-demo-1
  18. We Canadians massacred delicious turkeys last month. You guys are late for the fun.
  19. That's sweet. I like the drums in your version especially. but they need moar cowbell.
  20. Well, I thought about it, but since there hasn't been more elaboration from the OP... Anyway, a common question is making smooth transitions between two phrases or sections in a different key. If this is the case, just use a chord or harmony found in both keys as the transition point. You can also use half-steps. what I mean is, if you're in E minor and want to go to D minor smoothly. One way you could do that with chords is C Major - A Major(no5)- D minor.
  21. I'm quite certain he's talking about composition...I think. We need more info! Transitions between what exactly? What do you mean by "embellishments?"
  22. Castlevania 1-3. Songs from the very first game are still in the modern games, it's been remixed countless times, it's had it's own live concert and in the mid 90's, Naoto Shibata of the japanese metal band, "Anthem' made two legendary rock/metal arrange albums of the music. That should make it count.
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