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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. There IS Batman in it! A man who wields a bat! He is the bat-man.
  2. I remember my first composition...it was a rock song I wrote on Valentine's Day many moons ago. Anyway, if this is based of a riff from your first ever composition, I'd say it's pretty good! Definitely has some of that Middle Eastern feel I love. It could benefit from a bass line and some more harmony, melodies etc. Just flesh it out more. Maybe some of those sexy female Arabian voices. Prince of Persia style! Actually, I saw there's this new sample CD out called "Arabic Vibez". I'm not big on such CDs, but I'll bet you could find some sexy vocals on that! Interesting idea and it's got some pretty sweet grooves. It's kinda like funk meets Arabia. See what you can do to expand upon it!
  3. Today I attempted to learn the song "Batman Chases Inque" from the Batman Beyond series by jamming along in real time to the recording. I know was off time here and there, but what I'm trying to do is figure out all the correct notes. This is the best I got so far http://youtu.be/H5BmsDF1-_0 Lol the link has -_0 face P.S. Audio/Video sync on my webcam went to shit for some reason.
  4. I hate to see a thread for constructive criticism of music degraded to an argument, and I think this is the first time you and I have just flat out disagreed, but I still feel it needs to be said. First, that IS a paradox. Any time you have a linear succession of pitch and rhythm that is perceived as a single entity, you have melody. Unless your singer is just talking or something....you have melody. 90% of the great singers I listen to are either people who have been singing long before pitch correction existed and/or are professionally trained. I have friends and family that are professionally trained (some are even opera) singers and at no point do they require pitch correction to sound amazing and to keep it together. Are they always 100% perfectly spot on? No there's minor, often un-noticeable slip ups, but even your Jun Senoue is not 100% on with his guitar all the time. Nobody is. I actually met these guys in person and heard them sing and they were great. here's another example Live example The first two songs were made before Auto-Tune was invented, and the last guy doesn't use it. He's been singing with his own voice since the 70s and 80s. Not too mention that singers like Christine Aguilera have widely spoke out against the use of it. See, this is why I am not a fan of all this music tech. It has changed people's perception of music and not for the better. Bottom line, if you want to use Melodyne or Auto Tune for budget reasons for the song and you get a vocalist who can do it, that's fine. What I do not like however, is that fact that it you make the argument that "90%" of singers I hear are a bunch of fakes.
  5. So more melody would some how ruin it's energy yet a singer would make it better. The singer is supposed to make it better, but the singer sings melodies. Paradox. If your singer can not hit every damn note you need a better singer. One who has taken lessons and practices hard. If you have one nasty note that brings the song to it's knees, it's because you don't know what you're doing and/or not skilled enough with the instrument. Also, most pitches are naturally very slightly sharp or flat, but not necessarily noticeable separately. When you play your guitar, how hard you press the string down can and does ever so slightly alter pitch. Another example is that when you have a string section "in tune" they are not completely, "in tune". There are very minor differences, maybe only micro-tones, but it is still important. The extremely minor differences in pitch are an important part of what makes it real. If you use auto-tune, you kill that. I understand that this is often desirable in electronica; to make the voice sound like a synth. but back in the day, there were many people who could sing without "500 takes per bar", vocal tuners did not exist and they could still "keep the song together" just fine. End rant.
  6. Agreed with this No...just no. If you require Melodyne on the voice for any reason, you do not have a good singer. The fact that stuff like that exists is why legitimately good singers are fading
  7. Yeah! Beat em' ups and fighting games had some pretty funny ads. Like this
  8. It's awesome, but I still stand by my belief that this could use more melody all around. I know house music is a rhythm driven genre, but basically this is mostly side chaining, bass and killer drums. Not a bad thing, but I think it would be 3 times more awesome if there were more catchy melodies to go with it.
  9. The internet is the most advanced information and communications system available to the public. It effortlessly connects people around the world. Anyone who blames internet piracy for the failure of their media, is just looking for an excuse. Many video games, movies and music are pirated every day and the creators still have many ways to, and DO make good money. If they didn't, they would not be creating any longer. This is of course just about greedy ass corporations looking to get every single penny they feel they deserve. Said Corporations usually never created the material in question, but simply screwed the creator with a contract so they could get the rights to the material. Point here: The creators are almost never the people complaining. The internet has been available to people in North America for what....16 years now? It remained relatively un-censored for that long. If you suddenly censor a platform for creativity, words, communications, business etc. in a country after them being available for so long, it will be met with great anger and violence. If that bill were to pass, I am quite certain congress would be very sorry. I don't think it will pass though lol: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/sopa-stop-online-piracy-act-lawmaker-opposition-grows-as-debate-heats-up/2011/11/18/gIQADBdQZN_story.html?tid=pm_business_pop
  10. Today I saw this AWESOME announcement trailer for a Street Fighter X Tekken commercial/short film this martial arts team is filming. Isn't that intense? What are some other really sweet commercials etc. you've saw for games?
  11. Haven't played too much of it yet, but it seems like what would happen if Tron and San Fransico rush made a sex tape. (guest-starring F-Zero.)
  12. Chiptunes ...... Anyway, I love psytrance stuff. This has a bit of that Ajurika/Tekken feel that I love so. Good use of vocal samples. Someone suggested throwing in pads, which might not be a bad idea. It could add more of those Psytrance, "layers". I don't think that's a necessity to improve it though.
  13. Well I found the monsters to be boring because of how easy it is to escape them. I somehow managed to play through the game without running into the monster in the storage. I have no idea how I managed this as everyone else always talks about him. Usually you go around a corner and you can see the monster coming down the hall, so ya run, go around a couple turns and crouch down into the dark and wait for the music to stop. Then the monster seemingly vanishes for good. I never ran into the same one twice. It's hard to be afraid of something that you can escape so easily.
  14. I agree with Amnesia and the expansion, "Justine" sounds pretty good too! I disagree with the legions of people who say Amnesia was super duper scary. It had atmosphere, that's for sure, but the monsters were such an anti-climax.
  15. I wanted to put together something that would sound like it would be in James Bond or maybe metal gear. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/spy-theme This is what I've got. Mostly, I'd call it an "ambient" tune. Thoughts?
  16. So far I'm addicted to Arkham City. Haven't beat it or anything, but so far I like the story. I also very much enjoy Harley in this game
  17. Definitely preference. When I first started learning about music composition, I read this one book that had a section about different keys. Saying that "D minor sounds like this" or "A minor sounds like." When I asked my music teacher about it and he said, "play in which key is suitable to the instrumentation." The entire purpose of playing in a particular minor instead of another, is to accommodate the instruments in the song and their tuning. That's it. Try playing "mary had a little lamb" in all keys on your keyboard or guitar. It is the very same song no matter what, but you will most certainly find it easier to play in specific keys. "But wait!" I hear people already typing a response. "Death metal bands use the key of C Minor so much! It wouldn't sound as aggressive (or whatever) if they used a different key!" That's because lots of those kinds of bands tune down to C. The act of tuning the guitar lower results in a deeper sound, which many rock and metal bands like the sound of. However, it is not because the key of C minor has magical heavy metal powers. You could play the song all the same in D tuning if you wanted. If you're question was, "does it matter which minor scale I use" then the answer is "yes". Without playing along, I want you to tell me what minor key you think this song is in I'll give you a hint, it's not the same as the original song's key. However, no one who listens is likely to notice or care. This version sounds more aggressive because the guitar plays a palm muted pedal tone underneath the riff, the tone is crunchier and this version is faster. Key has nothing to do with it.
  18. Yeah, I don't like the chiptune style. Strader's song is good though. The mario coin sound is a cool touch, and overall it captures an aquatic sort of feel well. Still, all that just makes wish I was hearing it done with all live instruments like guitars or something. My wording in the first post was piss-poor. Should've said "style" not "song".
  19. With your ears and instruments. That is truly the only effective way. So many people want to convert mp3s to midis, guitar tabs, sheet music etc. The best way is to figure it out by ear because that will improve your sense of pitch, playing, and you will most likely be playing it somewhat different than the original. Which is a good thing. Or you can just search the web for midi etc. of the song in question. Which are usually transcribed by ear as well.
  20. Love the title. Don't love the song as much. There's some catchy melodies for sure. However, It's got that "chiptuney" sound which is obviously what you intended and is true to the source in that regard. But I hate "chiptune" sounding things.
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