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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I think there's that, but also that they seem to be making an effort to actually get this game out in a reasonable time frame. In the gameplay trailer, they already have English voice-acting and localization is usually the last thing done. Now, a lot of that might be temporary but the point still stands. If they release it in segments, you'll at least have Episode 1 to play until 2 comes out etc. instead of waiting eons for one, giant game to be released. You know, like XV.
  2. There should be a guard. It's bullshit if you are only able to block with your face.
  3. Man, this is for you. At first glance, it doesn't look like the shark in your picture is smashing a keyboard around...
  4. I just saw footage from FAST Racing NEO that came out the other day. I prayed for 14 years that there would be a new F-Zero and it seems that day has come. I deeply, deeply regret selling my Wii U a few months back now. Fuck. Fuuuuuuck.
  5. I really doubt it. Why would FFVII need to be M-rated anyway? Cloud doesn't need to drop any F-bombs anymore than Aeris(th?) needs to get cut in half.
  6. Yeah, I doubt that fans will be swayed by critical reception of the game. If die-hard fans don't buy it, it's a safe bet it will probably be due to changes they're unhappy with. They'll be the in the minority as usual, though. I had no intention of buying and didn't even care about the game until seeing the new gameplay trailer as I'm not a fan of FFVII. However, the new footage has me intrigued and winning over new customers is probably a greater priority for them than pleasing long-time fans, since like you say, fans will buy it regardless.
  7. I can't watch that video because I live in Canada. As for the ship of Theseus paradox, I'd repeat Neblix's sentiments of how this meant to be its own thing born of the source material. Nostalgia has always been a best-seller and always will be. Almost all of Disney's most famous films are adaptations of popular Germanic fairytales or old novels that have been eternally retold. It's safe to assume that anyone who had grown up with those stories probably saw those Disney movies through nostalgia goggles. There is plenty of great new stuff being made all the time.
  8. Every long-awaited/anticipated game will be faced with unrealistic expectations though. Also, all of your points here apply to movies just as well. What do you mean by "the nature of art and when it should or should not be revisited"? I don't think there is any sort of objective criteria you can use to say whether or not something should be re-done aside from "because they want to". While I suppose it's irrelevant, I'd also say games still aren't considered "art" by most. Roger Ebert had a lot of butthurt people trying to disprove his claims back in 2010 that video games aren't art because they're about a challenge that determines a winner or loser and logical rules exist not out of creativity, but to keep the challenge fair. Everything else that is "art" has no winners or losers and no rules, but a game by definition, does. It didn't help that most of his detractors' methods of attempting to disprove him on this point only strengthened his argument. but really, all the entertainment industries are about is money. It's easy for fans to complain and demand for "fresh ideas" and "creativity" when they're not the ones footing the bill - you've gotta do what you have every reason to believe will make money. I don't believe that Square ever cared about FFVII for any sort of artistic reasons any more than Disney cares about Star Wars for artistic reasons. So I'd say a 1 : 1 comparison is easy to make - It's always about money.
  9. I don't, actually. They were Squeenix by the time I played any of their games and by my understanding, FF X & X-2 is where everyone started hating on them.
  10. A bit of Bond inspired music with some EDM, acid, orchestra and rock elements. I think it could work as a theme. Check it out https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/super-villain Love it? Hate it? Let me know.
  11. I'd probably agree if the $60 game in question wasn't Final Fantasy VII. I seriously think that this is the one title that could possibly dethrone Grand Theft Auto V's sales. Like, I would not be surprised if just one "episode" of this makes back way more than the entire project's budget in less than a month. I would bet money on this.
  12. What would really be a kick in the balls, is if they release the entire "trilogy" (or however many episodes there will be) in one bundle about a year later.
  13. This idea that what motivates people to do something bad is irrelevant is without a doubt the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
  14. Sounds like Bloodstain Child. Nice! Vocals are a little quiet in my opinion, but that's really all I can bitch about. Well, that and how it just kinda ends.
  15. For me, as I said in the action-rpg thread, it's that it degrades 90% of these games to nothing more than a battle of numbers - even the games that try to do something different still inevitably fall victim to this. Sephiroth isn't any more "difficult" than FFVII's weakest enemy. He just has higher stats. You at least have the ability to dodge and just...do stuff at a frantic pace in an action-rpg. It's really just a relic of the past. Video game RPGs being born of pen-and-paper RPGs tried to emulate the "What do you do?" question by giving you a list of choices. It's just that in a video game, your choices aren't limitless. Like, in a pen-and-paper game, the dice exist to add an element of chance to progress the story and the stats really just decide your health and how good your odds are of what you want to happen actually happening. It's totally possible for the DM to throw a powerful monster at you and the party can plan and go about the battle using whatever they can think of within the context of the story and rules. In any turn-based RPG I've ever played, you are absolutely screwed if you face a boss with stats your party can't at least match. Your only hope is to spam healing items, mana items, buffs and debuffs etc and even that might not work. Every JRPG I've played eventually puts me in a situation where in order to progress, I'd have to go back and grind stats for hours and that's just not fun. The exception is tactical RPGs, because they are all about planning and usually give you a lot of ways to tip the scales: Weapon triangles, terrain, class differences, different victory conditions, unit placement on the map etc. The Fire Emblem series is exceptional at this, but it was among the first games to use such concepts. For me, until technology allows us to literally tell the characters in the game what to do, turn-based gameplay will always be inferior to just about every other system
  16. Are we talking IRL or over the interwebz? In the case of the former, it's just usually just "Hey, you should come over and work on this song with me" If it's over the internet, set up a dropbox or mediafire and talk via skype. Then, just trade ideas back and forth as either MIDI or audio files and one person mixes it. If you're using the same DAW, you can trade project files. Usually, I find it's easiest if one person essentially comes up with the foundation of the music (chords and/or melody) and the other person adds to what they are given to work with. As for communicating ideas respectfully, you have to remember it's not all going to go your way - it is a collab. If someone challenges your idea, compromise. If they don't like a melody you wrote, agree to keep some parts of it and change others. It also really helps and most potential issues can be avoided by simply studying each others work and workflow to make sure you're already on roughly the same page, musically.
  17. I try to avoid posting in this shitstorm that I'm not even sure what it's about anymore, but I've gotta say... Just what do you believe? Like, I am genuinely curious. Just a page or two back, you said that "society is what it does" and that "people are the sum of their actions". So by simple math, if a person does sexist things, then they are sexist. You've shown that your stance is "sexism is bad" in far more threads than just this one, and I believe it was early on in this thread a couple years back that you were quite notorious for including "yeah see, you're sexist" in your posts. So you believe that society (people) are the sum of what they do and that sexism is bad, which would lead to the logical/only conclusion that sexist people exist and therefore are bad...yet you also say nobody is bad or good - just what they do is bad or good? This makes absolutely no sense. Have you ever heard the saying 'the pen is mightier than the sword'? You seem to be forgetting just how powerful belief is. There are people out there who genuinely believe that: women are inferior to men, X race is inferior to Y, all non-believers should be killed as described by the Koran, Jews are bad etc. They actually believe these things and this is the very fuel their actions. Yet, as far as I can tell, you seem to be arguing in two directions at once. That people aren't inherently good or bad, just their actions are - but people are what they do (sexist actions means sexist people) and sexism is bad. So if you put it all together, sexist people aren't bad and you shouldn't try to change their beliefs (imaginary cores as you call it) and instead should just focus on making them stop doing sexist things. Spoilers: That involves changing what they believe in...what they are.
  18. Thank the various gods that it's not turn-based anymore.
  19. Well, the thing with Simpson is that He's the Marvel villain Nuke! In the comics, he was a black-ops agent who was part of the same kind of weapons program that made Wolverine and Cap. The red, white and blue pills are what he used to enhance his combat skills just like in the series and he had an American flag tattooed on his face. Some speculate he'll be season 2's villain, but I personally doubt it. I'd bet he'll be a recurring pain in the ass as usual.
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