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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I agree that the rhythm guitars might be a bit loud compared to the kick and the snare, but on the other end of the spectrum, the cymbals feel a bit loud overall to me. One thing you could also try with that intro synth after lowering the volume a bit, is side-chain compressing it with the guitars so that when the synth hits, the guitars drop in volume slightly. other than that and previous mentions, I think it's pretty killer \m/
  2. I don't know what DAW you use, but make sure you have a frequency spectrum analyzer as that is super handy since it shows you where all the frequencies are. The idea is that when two sounds are in the same range at similar amplitudes, they mask each other. So say you have two instruments that are both pretty strong in the 700 - 1000hz range. If you cut a little bit of frequency X in one sound, but leave Y alone and then cut some from frequency Y while leaving X alone in the other sound, it should increase the clarity. This guy demonstrates it.
  3. So a few things. Guitar tones are solid I'd say. You definitely have a better lead tone going than most metal remixes around these parts do and the performance is good, but I did hear a few timing slip ups. However, the first thing I notice is how machine-gun like the drums sound at least in the intro. It's most noticeable in the kick and hats. It sounds like that synth hit in the intro is a lot louder than everything else. Also, it sounds like you have a lot of over-lapping frequencies which is muddying up the mix quite a bit - try to get everything occupying its own space as much as possible.
  4. I don't think I've shared anything by this band here, but are there any other Pagan's Mind fans out there? If you haven't heard of them, I recommend starting with this album and ending with this one Seriously good stuff.
  5. Any ETA on the trailer? I'm stoked to see it.
  6. A track I made the other day for the sake of seeing what synths sound like run through a boss metal zone pedal sim. Kinda gives it that Crystal Method vibe! https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/in-the-zone
  7. While I do appreciate Neblix's well-written response, this still sums up my thoughts. Though it's less of a blank canvas and more, I've chopped it up into pieces and hid them about the house - go find them. I like the best of both worlds. I prefer when I can watch the film, play the game, read the book or whatever and still get important details of the story, but it still provides enough ambiguity, symbolism etc. that you can interpret it deeper. I guess it could be said that with Dark Souls, you don't really play through the story as much as you play in it...if that makes any sense. Regardless, I doubt this Dark Souls will approach its story any differently than previous entries.
  8. While I do see your point, I don't think this is a good comparison because in your examples, we already know the story of Icarus and those paintings don't actually tell the story. Rather, they show one second in time from it. Also, telling a story and visual art are not necessarily the same thing. Not all paintings actually tell a story. In my opinion, "minimalist" isn't a word that comes to mind with dark souls' story as much as "vague" does.
  9. I know that posting in a thread of Dark Souls fans, I'm going to get shit for this, but I don't care I'll say it anyway. I'm always kinda mind blown when people say or suggest dark souls had a good story. I think easily the best non-gameplay improvement Bloodborne offered was that it actually had a story. I mean, I didn't finish, but I did at least play to a reasonable extent the first two Dark Souls enough that I should be able to understand something of the story. I honestly couldn't tell you what Dark Souls is even about - I'm not not even sure where I was ultimately headed or just what was going on and the few cutscenes and NPC banter didn't offer much insight into wtf was happening. I just tried to make it to the next bonfire and survive the trip. If a game or film requires you pay attention to all sorts of easily missed clues and piece together the story for yourself, that's a great example of bad story-telling. Having to read all these texts scattered about, listen to cryptic NPC dialogue, etc. and having to stop just short of sending Scooby and the gang to find all the other clues is lazy. Dark Souls may as well come with a link to the wikipedia article saying "I O U 1 Plot"
  10. What's frightening is that we're living in a time where Capcom is actually starting to listen to what their fans want and then there's Konami all like "Here guys, have this 'erotically violent' Castlevania pinball machine!"
  11. Wut? Rom was like, the halfway point in the main story. Also, he's one of the only bosses who summons minions that do tons of damage if they hit you - same goes for his laser attack thing. Vicar Amelia, Father Gascoigne, Shadows of Yharnam were all way easier even solo imo.
  12. I agree. Touche. Honestly, for me, calling in back up is not as much about reducing the challenge. I just find co-op, especially in a monster-hunting kind of game to be a lot more fun than going it alone. In Bloodborne anyway, I just wish the bosses would've changed up their tactics to deal with more players. Not necessarily to make it harder, but just to make it seem like a different fight instead of the same attack patterns, but now the boss is out-numbered. Adds even more replay value imo
  13. The only thing that I found to be flawed with Bloodborne, as I said in the thread I made for it, is that I really did find the game to be one extreme or the other. By yourself and with certain equipment, some of the bosses felt nigh invincible. With even just one other person of a decent level helping you out, it could become very easy. I actually think the only boss where you can summon help, but I still found it difficult was that damn spider. As I recall, in Dark Souls, summoning another player doesn't give you much of an advantage.
  14. I've never played this entry, but I understand that a popular opinion is it's the best in the series. The other Resident Evil Remakes were really good so maybe when it comes out I shall finally see if the legends of RE2's greatness are true.
  15. "Bloodborne was good - it set the bar high." "No it didn't" "Yes it did" "Nope, it didn't" "It totally did" "NOPE" The thread.
  16. I'm fairly certain the point of Dark Souls is to die. A lot. and I want to die to an awesome soundtrack, damn it. Just like IRL
  17. I dunno, most of the Dark Souls games have used tunes from the game in the trailer. Like that awful track that sounded like a train was approaching that they used in all the DS2 trailers. Either way, Bloodborne raised the bar for the series' music IMO, so we can probably expect more epicness this time - it would be fitting since the game seems much faster and all.
  18. I never did like these games, but Bloodborne was good and this Dark Souls does look a lot better than the previous games. Mainly because this one's combat doesn't seem to move at the speed of a paraplegic sloth junked-up on codeine. Here's hoping they also fixed the stupid delayed reaction with the parrying and fixed the hitboxes. Also, the music sounds a lot more epic.
  19. Swear to Dio, I quoted Snappleman's post saying just that from a few years ago in another thread and if I recall correctly, you disagreed and argued it. Now you agree with it and add that despite the less realistic samples of PvZ, you enjoy the music anyway - which I said that less realism wasn't really a strike against the track and context is malleable and if that context is malleable than you should be able to enjoy regardless of realism and you sa- You know what? Fuck it. The battle rages on.
  20. Still working on mine, but I'm changing stuff and working on the arrangement the oldschool way. I.E., pen and paper kinda thing. So I shall send a new WIP later this month, most likely the finished track and just get it right out of the way.
  21. My favorite part of the Music Composition/Production forum is watching Timaeus and Neblix fight.
  22. Last night I was just playing over top of this loop I came up with and chopped up some of my guitar takes and double tracked them to make this funky tune. Kinda sounds like a TV show theme. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/skylight
  23. I do this whenever someone talks about music in general like that.
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