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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Trust me, when it looks like I'm flying off the handle, I'm actually calm as shit whilst typing and thinking about it.
  2. I'm not sure which "violent sex scenes" you're referring to. The show actually made a point of not showing rape, but instead showing its impact on victims living with having been raped. This is all just making me question if you even really watched the show. What scene "straight from the pages of 50 shades of Grey" are you talking about? I honestly do not know what you are talking about. You have a problem with the sex scenes. Fine. You could've said "it had too much sex for my liking" or at least provided some explanation. Instead, you seem to be dwelling on this one aspect of the show you didn't like and shutting out the many non-sexual aspects of the show. Instead, you came in here and said "It's a poor man's fifty shades of Grey" and continue to provide nothing to back that up. It makes you look like a troll. ANYWAY Yeah, I really like how they didn't exploit that she has super strength and all that - it was just used out of necessity like you say and I really did find myself wanting to punch the TV whenever Kilgrave showed up. Tennant is really good at playing a sociopath lol
  3. According to vulture, there are half a dozen sex scenes in Jessica Jones. If you round each episode, you get 50 minutes per episode. In nearly 11 hours, there are six sex scenes each which lasts no more than a minute. Quote: "Jessica Jones’s creators and performers told us that those scenes grew out of the show’s takes on gender, power, and superhero-genre tropes — and that they were much more enjoyable to watch than to film." If, out of 11 hours of a story about a super-powered woman dealing with PTSD as a result of being raped, abused, manipulated etc by a man with mind control powers, but she decides to face him and make the voices of his victims heard instead of running away, the opinion you arrive at is "poor man's 50 shades of Grey" from less than 6 minutes of sex scenes, justified scenes unlike 50 Shades' gratuitous ones Then yes, you should expect a negative response to said opinion.
  4. Comparing this show to, or describing it as "poor man's 50 shades of Grey" is a stupid, dishonest, unfounded criticism that you should be embarrassed by. Sounds to me more like you guys have a personal problem with some pretty tame sex scenes that amount to less than 5 minutes of the series run-time.
  5. So it's been available in its entire first season for the past week or so and I binged watched the hell out of it as so many did. What did you all think? I personally loved the hell out of this show and there better be a season two. I will go as far to say that this is, in my opinion, the best thing to come from the MCU. The shiny, epic look of the block buster Marvel films is great and all, but the darker, gritty vibe of Netflix's series like JJ and Daredevil is even better I think. In this show, the themes of post-traumatic stress, rape, emotional abuse, etc. make the show feel a lot more "human" for lack of a better word. The writing is excellent and the cast really sells it. Krysten Ritter totally owns it as Jessica Jones and David Tennant easily took one of Marvel's lamest and obscure villains (outside of DareDevil anyway) and I honestly think turned him into the best villain Marvel has put to picture so far! I'd say if I have one complaint, and they do acknowledge this in the series, is that for a city that has the Avengers and was attacked by aliens and Norse gods, it sure takes a lot to try to convince anyone that a guy with mind control powers exists. I'm sure not everyone has seen it or at least all of it yet, but what do you think so far?
  6. Thanks and it would be awesome if you enter! Big fan of your work, btw. Your remix of Juri's theme from back when is still one of my favorite VGM remixes!
  7. That probably plays into it, but I suspect not wanting to deal with social justice warriors is probably a reason as well. I have no intention of playing a shitty volleyball/beach party game, but I agree with Paul Tassi's article for Forbes on the subject that Tecmo should stand behind the game and release it anyway.
  8. Well, everyone is too busy fighting over in Tropes Vs Women.
  9. The audience favorite definitely depends on how many followers you have on soundcloud above all else, but I wouldn't say the contest in general is skewed. The deadline is the 30th, but Dec. 10th is when they'll announce the winner, which I'd take from that to mean they are probably waiting until the cutoff before going through all the entries individually. Which, when the only way to "submit" a track is via tags, is the only way to make sure that no tracks are missed.
  10. Several of those societies considered the male form to be the epitome of human beauty. Hence, the great number of sculptures and paintings you're talking about. Now, the female form is considered, at least in western societies, to be the "standard" I guess you could say of human beauty. As an obvious result of this, you have so much display of it and that's apparently "sexist" and "objectifying", which I'm not disputing that it sometimes could be, but it's so insane now that people lose their shit over ads like this...though the company only received ONE complaint directly if you read up on it. They did receive bomb threats and feminists on Twitter proudly showing off their vandalism of the tube ads though. I can't help but wonder what the reaction would be if modern society ever switched back to holding the male form up as being most beautiful again. Like, what if everywhere you turned, statue of David style figures and poses were everywhere you looked. I'd bet my last dollar the groups that are outraged by our obsession with the female form would be outraged by women not being included enough.
  11. Real guitars! I chopped them up and made them sound robotic, though. It's a Jackson and guitar rig!
  12. I got excited for a sec, because I thought a mod moved my entry from the game remixes forum to this, the right one. Didn't think many people would choose this picture. Anyway, what the hell are they making in your factory? It sounds really dark, like Starcraft or something lol. I like it, but I'd say the lead guitar sounds "meh". I'd personally have maybe harmonized it or used a wah or metallic flanging effect on it as well to add to the metallic theme and more harmonics. Ooh, some anvils and hammer sounds could work with the percussion too. Well, good luck.
  13. Yes, well: The internet, the video game industry, the "critics", Feminist Frequency and the material it "critiques" expand far, far beyond America. So if you're talking about the consequences or lack thereof of criticism and things that are "problematic", narrowing the discussion to America is useless since Sarkeesian's videos reach people who both support and don't support her views across the world. America has better protected "freedom of speech" than somewhere like Australia if we're using game bans as a benchmark, so they're irrelevant to the discussion? No, it was an honest series of questions. I'm quite convinced that if she were in a position where she had a say, she would fully support government censorship. also, to quote Neblix It's been pointed out so many times in this thread over the last 98 pages that criticism against the criticism Anita offers is silenced, viewed as being misogynistic or whatever. Raising awareness for something you perceive to be an issue, a problem, is worthless unless you are also offering a solution. Tell me again, Zircon, what is Anita's solution? Because all I can see is that her solution is to either change whatever it is she doesn't like to what she wants, or get rid of it entirely. Nothing seems to please her or her fans. Oh, my bad. You're okay with hyper-sensitive crybabies going on about how "problematic" the representation of (whatever) is and essentially pressuring companies into changing something they obviously had no intention of changing (freedom of speech), with non-existent evidence of this resulting in greater sales and objectively appealing to a wider demographic as a result, you're just not okay with it when the government does it. EDIT: Oh and if you want a prime example of whiny people who could just simply not buy something successfully getting it banned, feminists got GTA V banned from Target a year after it came out. but it doesn't matter because it's not America and the government didn't do it.
  14. It is the logical conclusion of what would happen if your hero got her way. Do I really have to point out that the demand to remove "elements" one disagrees with from something aren't exclusive to "critics"? But since you're asking, how about all of the games banned in Australia or other countries? They aren't banned by people making YouTube videos, they're banned by people with, and encourage others to have, the same mentality though. Nude women and crude humor in a stupid BMX game? Well, that's offensive so the population just won't be allowed to play it. Do you think that Anita, or any of her legions of followers convinced that her idea of what is or isn't "problematic" disagree with the idea of banning such games? Do you think that Anita wouldn't take a job on a classification board if it meant that her opinion on what should or shouldn't pass would actually matter? My talk of proxy bans is exactly the case here, since the Australian board can't directly ban or censor something, they can simply refuse it classification - preventing it from being imported etc. Street Fighter V has been censored, no doubt to please all the SJWs complaining about stupid camera angles. You seem to be right on board with critics "encouraging removal" of content they disagree with, but somehow seem to doubt the reality that developers and governments have caved to "politically correct" demands to remove or ban "offensive" material.
  15. No, but it does essentially, by proxy, result in the ban or death of certain games. If you recall, Anita is about 20 years late to the party of "video game violence" and yet still was appalled at the violence in DOOM. They'd obviously have no problem with this being removed entirely. Is it really DOOM if the demons were to bleed rainbows and explode in a hail of lollipop shrapnel? Like, would people still buy that? Would they still make DOOM if they got bullied into removing whatever Anita and her sidekick's idea of "acceptable" violence is?
  16. Nice work as always, Kristina! Lovin' the bass. I remember "The Faceless" did a really intense death metal track with this vocal track lol The truth is out there
  17. So this company has a contest going on where you have to from one of five or so pictures and write a 30 second piece of music to it. I chose the nightclub, but did something other than 4 on the floor dance. Check it out! https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/adamaudio-nightclub-30-second-song-challenge-big-beat EDIT: FUCK WRONG FORUM. How did I manage this after being on the site so long?
  18. So I can't recall a thread around here about orchestral music with a cinematic edge. Like trailer music composers and the like. I thought we should have a thread to discuss "epic" kinds of orchestral music and orchestral hybrids, specifically focusing on under-rated composers. We've all heard Two Steps From Hell and Audiomachine in a million commercials and trailers, but there are a lot more people out there making music like this and I'd argue doing it better. I've been addicted to Ivan Torrent's music since I first discovered it about a year ago. I can't say I've heard his music in any trailers, but I do know he's done a number of sample library demos. Well, who and what do you have to share? Any composers who you really think stand out from the rest in this genre?
  19. Because Toad suggested that ever since Ebert made that statement, game journalists have been out to prove him wrong. Which I'd agree with and I added that I've always noticed video games being compared to films and how with games becoming so much like film and eclipsing them in sales, some within the industry would absolutely be pissed about film critics suggesting games aren't as artistically valuable or even art at all. My "disagreement" with your post was that your point about solo game designers, student projects, studio size and being "specific" was irrelevant - because the aspiration to be like movies is obvious in the mainstream. That's all.
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