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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Lol I'm going to try this route and see how it goes. I shall report back later. Thanks for all the suggestions, people!
  2. Well, it's been a s'well time, but now this remix is in the hands of fate. See how it goes.
  3. Okay, I'm not entirely sure if this would go in this forum, but... I'm trying to sell my Wii U locally. I've had it about a year, but the number of times I've used it probably isn't even in the double-digits. Here's what I'm including with it: An extra Wii-mote and nunchuck 2 Amiibos. Zelda un-opened and an opened Samus. Twilight Princess Ninja Gaiden 3 New Super Mario Bros. U Smash Bros 4 & Brawl Pandora's Tower The Last Story - the version that came with the fancy storybook case and artbook. I also have the Wii U's original box. Anyway, I was originally just going to sell it all for $250 bucks, but I was told by some that's "insanely high" and by others that it's not enough. Looking online, I see people selling Wii U's with less games or nothing at all in my area for a lot less than $250 and I notice online that Pandora's Tower and the standard version of The Last Story sell for an average of 30 CAD used, so I'm thinking maybe $250 is indeed too low? Can someone who is more experienced with buying and selling video game stuff please tell me what the highest reasonable asking price is for all this stuff?
  4. Not many have "absolute pitch", where you can just know what it is without any reference. One of my teacher's was like that, I could show him any tune at all on YouTube and he'd be able to whistle it, play it on guitar, etc. perfectly after just hearing it once. You can train yourself to be pretty accurate though. Like, I can often tell what key a rock or metal song is in without having to play along because I'm so used to hearing the different types of guitar tuning that I can usually tell what it is based on how low the open notes on the low strings are. Over time, you recognize scales, intervals etc.
  5. I like your style, but it's a shame in this case since you generally provide sound music advice.
  6. "I'm not going to actually contribute anything of value to the thread, but allow me to make a snide remark regarding your arbitrary username."
  7. So, you people heard the new Powerwolf stuff? Army of the undead! Vampires, specifically. Really catchy - It's basically like gothic Sabaton.
  8. I have updated the soundcloud with a render that has the string noise cut out and a rolloff on some of the Timpani's low end and same for pizzicato. I wasn't bothered by it, but I can see why some might be so I decided to side with you and cut some of the lower frequencies. Maybe, but it came out sounding exactly as I imagined. I disagree completely. I don't really see what's awkward or jarring about the transition, honestly. Especially for a tune that's supposed to be wacky and weird, but even if it wasn't supposed to be I don't hear it sounding awkward.
  9. I'm glad you like it! I kicked around a couple ideas for an original intro, but they didn't seem to work as well as they did in my head. I knew I wanted to start it with the theremin, though. I originally tried adding in the sound of me fumbling to plug my guitar in before the track really starts to add to the punk influence. Also, I'll probably swap out this .wav on soundcloud for a different render, which would be the one I'd submit. In the one currently posted, I left in some of the noise of Furilas' fingers on the bass as he prepared to play the next passage. I thought it added to the "live" and "raw" kind of feel a bit, but now it's just making me OCD.
  10. Do they even really exist? I'm writing this flamenco tune that I want to add some Aztec or Mayan flair to, but finding vsts that have such instruments is difficult it seems. I've only been able to find Forest Kingdom II The Aztec clay flute in particular is really great. The problem with this is the fact that although it has what I'm looking for, 90% of the stuff in it is something I either don't need or already have in another sample library and sadly, Eduardo Tarilonte doesn't sell any of those instruments separately. Is anyone aware of some super-secret vsts and sample libraries that are eluding my search or is Forest Kingdom basically my only hope?
  11. Alright, gonna call this a mod-review and see if they say anything before I send this via carrier-pigeon off to the judges.
  12. I find it "this video is not available" for that is what it tells me.
  13. I was not expecting this. I'm not at all a fan of this genre, but you totally nailed it with this! Very appropriate and fun arrangement for the tune! Make more!
  14. Hey, you don't need to be a chef to say "this tastes like shit". I'm glad you like the track! I'll give yours a listen.
  15. or as I call it, "House on Haunted Bill" causing Furilas to scowl so hard his face hurts. Anyway, here's a remix I composed/arranged etc. and got Furilas to play bass on. It's a take on the Transylvania theme inspired by The Misfits, 50s and 60s rock and classic spooky cartoons! Maximum cheesiness and nostalgia! Also, %#$@ the moon! It's over-rated! https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/ducktales-transyvlania-remix-feat-furilas Here's the source.
  16. I hate to help de-rail the thread somewhat, but I'm actually going to disagree with you a bit here. While I do think the judges are fair most of the time, the community itself screams "FAAAAKE" in the workshop harder than the average YouTube comment on a ghost hunters video. In my experience, a lot of people on here tend to run through this checklist of sorts, even when critiquing original music. "Not hyper-realistic sequencing" is among the top complaints. The problem I see with this, is as you suggest, it's about context, but the thing about that is one can make up just about anything they want to justify a criticized production choice. For example, I could post an orchestral remix that was super fake sounding in the forums, like a retro game and everyone would say "oh, those samples are terrible! This needs better sequencing or it would never pass!" Now, imagine I shared that mix but said "Hey guys, here's my oldschool sounding JRPG orchestral mix!" and those same people would probably say it was good because of the context. Context is malleable in many cases. Recently and I'll share the link when I find it, one of Roetaka's (I think it was him anyway) remixes got No'd by a couple judges in the evaluation because they felt the strings weren't realistic enough and another judge countered with something that said "The strings here sound better than some actual game scores, c'mon". What's interesting about that, is that if you read the submission standards, nowhere does it say that unrealistic sequencing is grounds for rejection. It just says this - What is "reasonably" sophisticated exactly? Is that realistic or just good and modern sounding? It's not actually in the standards, likely because of the whole "context" thing, but as I said - that's not necessarily a static thing. That's why "fake" sounding doesn't really bother me, honestly. I find criticisms in the workshop like "Oh, well your strings didn't swell enough here" or "your flute trills aren't realistic enough!" laughable when many of us have all enjoyed retro scores that were a lot less realistic and if the remixer had just lied and said it was for some artistic/contextual reason, no one would care and probably say it was good. Most listeners who aren't in the know, aren't really going to notice or care much anyway. If you make a track that sounds fake and use nostalgia to excuse it and people say it sounds good, they'll still say it's good if you make it really realistic. At that point, it becomes little more than stylistic preference. To me, if someone makes an arrangement that's going for "real" and there's a few slip-ups, it doesn't really hurt it. If someone makes something that's more rigid and retro sounding, but it's still a good song and mix, that's fine too. Besides, to quote Snappleman from a couple years ago
  17. My secret that's not really a secret since I've said it numerous times before is that I hate DAWs and doing MIDI sequencing, but it's a necessary evil. My listening secret though is that I listen to Girls Generation, cheesy J-Pop and 90s Max Martin pop hits when I think no one is within earsho-SHUT UP IT'S CATCHY AND NOSTALGIC OKAY!?!?
  18. By themselves, power chords are just dyads and have no major or minor tonality. When your F# comes, you can play basically any F# mode over it. However, I'd recommend modes that are of a minor key since the entire progression is in F# minor as that appears to be your tonal center. So, F# Aeolian, Phrygian and Dorian for example will all work perfectly.
  19. The term "color" being used to describe anything musical causes my eye to twitch uncontrollably and I always picture the person saying it wearing a knitted beret/beanie, cardigan, scarf and hipster glasses. That being said, Moseph's suggestion is also valid.
  20. Yes, you are missing something quite obvious. F#/Gb Minor pentatonic or natural minor scale work over all of those because that is the key that your three power chords belong to.
  21. I'll be honest, I never did like this band but that new track up there is pretty good. Sounds like the oldschool thrash metal bands and that is totally Hangar 18 at one part.
  22. So...any of you heard the new Symphony X stuff? Their new album comes out later this month. Personally, I like the new tracks they've shown.
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