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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Well I updated it, I lowered the high-pass by 30hz with a slope of 2 as you suggested and brought the mids up slightly. I'm not sure if it made a ton of difference, honestly.
  2. This is giving a specific example for people to lend their advice to and offering multiple perspectives As for the high pass, I actually did high pass them around 130 hz I think, I can try lowering it still and see what you think.
  3. Like the title says, I'm trying to not suck at metal production or just production in general. So this morning, I created this short loop - composition and performance wise, I wouldn't say it's the best I've ever done, but that's not the point. https://app.box.com/s/uyx1qzxaxh34r35dsl0uvpfldcmam7q6 Basically, how can I make it not sound like crap?
  4. The Wii was the best selling of the last console gen, the 3DS is dominating, people go nuts for amiibos, smartphone games are in-bound, Pokemon is played by a huge age range, and you're suggesting people below the age of probably 20 or so won't know these characters based on a "teens react" video lol
  5. I basically gave up on mixing. It's obvious at this point I'm just always going to suck at it. Even tried taking lessons.
  6. It is kinda stupid, but not nearly as stupid as no legit time signature changing.
  7. I make it quiet because I wouldn't want to blast bad music very loud and I assume most who'd play mine would feel the same. But seriously, I just make it loud enough so that I don't find myself reaching to turn it up too when compared to the stuff I usually listen to
  8. I'm Albertan, I'm tired of all the voting but I'll do it anyway
  9. Wow, haven't heard Concerto Moon in years! Though only thing that gets me about that band is Norifumi Shima. Just because you sound like Yngwie doesn't mean you need to dress like him too lol
  10. Also, new Eclipse is killer. Not a lot of people know about them, but they're a great band. Production on the new album sounds better than their old stuff! They're kind of a fusion between modern speed metal and 80s style.
  11. I love their sense of humor, it's the best thing about the band. Case in point. Play at twice normal speed or faster! Pitch-shift for bonus points!
  12. I'm mainly a power metal fan as well. Dragons ftw. Edguy is one of my favorite bands! Though I wasn't a huge fan of Age of The Joker and whatever one was before that. Speaking of power metal bands, I guess this would be considered a "classic" album of the genre by some at this point. \m/
  13. Alissa White-Gluz is just pure talent & sexy taking on human form in the most metal way possible. I hope she's on the Kamelot tour, since I'm going to their concert in Calgary next week and it would be a shame if she wasn't there.
  14. I'd love to hear it, but contrary to popular belief, most Canadians do not speak French. The ones that do only speak it so they can speak to the separatists who refuse to learn English. As a result, if I venture too far east, I run into a language barrier in my own damn country.
  15. Hot AND Cold Though she's mostly just hot.
  16. Officially, I believe they're still a band and did a live album a couple years back or maybe it was a reissue. The members are kind just doin' their own things at the moment. Also, it's not extreme metal, but damn the Kiske/Somerville album owns.
  17. Let me know how it fairs out lol, because I just sent the WIP.
  18. So today is officially check-in day. It's 2 AM where I'm at, but I'll send my WIP for Crossing The Desert this evening. It's sounding pretty legit I dare say. For the finished version, I'll need live bass guitar and female, arabian-sounding vocals, but that can wait.
  19. I'd also recommend this entire album, Archangels In Black Adagio & Stephan Forte are super underrated. Though Stephan himself has been doing pretty well in the instrumental guitar scene lately. Last I recall he was touring with Marty Friedman.
  20. Awesome! Also, on the topic of album art. I'd realllllly recommend getting someone who is as skilled as possible when the time comes. There is nothing worse than an album with quality music, but crap cover art or vice versa.
  21. My kinda thread. Anyway, here is the title track from my favorite melodic death metal album in recent years.
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