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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Oh snap another Canadian! Isn't Little V from Calgary? He's like an hour south of where I'm at. Love your work on Cinder's theme for the new KI! Also, this remix is killer!
  2. My for realz best gaming accomplishment was that I beat F-Zero GX on every possible difficulty setting and unlocked everything. Notable because people claimed it was "too difficult" back when it came out. Never understood that, honestly. It wasn't too difficult once you memorized the track layout, set your vehicle correctly and knew how to steer. Every once in a while I fire up the Gamecube and play it again. I'm still the shit at that game.
  3. I personally could live without the FL style piano roll, especially since it now has step-record, but it's the whole no cross-compatibility with 32/64 bit plugins. I have trust issues with third-party software that claims to bridge that gap.
  4. Mother of god...this thread is nearly 4 years old now. Where did the time go!?
  5. Thanks man! Yeah, every once and a while, even if for just an instant, one must channel their inner Zakk Wylde.
  6. That trailer = "I can't believe it's not Deus Ex" Looks pretty sweet though. I like the "scratch pad" idea.
  7. Who's up for symphonic sounding metal? I was, so I composed a trailer-style tune that could maybe work as a theme for a fantasy hero or preparing for battle or something. Anyway, let me know if the guitar lead at the end melts your face. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/battlefields \m/
  8. I've kinda gotten the same way, but not so much out of laziness from not wanting to play. Usually what I'll do now on songs that use a lower tuning than standard E or Eb is I'll sequence the rhythm guitars, but play all the leads and clean parts. Spares me having to re-tune and set the intonation again. I also discovered that my rhythm guitar parts run through the same amp sims as Shreddage II sound nigh indistinguishable in 90% of cases.
  9. OCReJects is already a thing - it's called my YouTube channel.
  10. Not if they have obtained a license for all of the songs on the album they release. The same goes for cover tunes of pop songs.
  11. Callin' it now. It'll be popular with 12/13 year olds and they'll turn it into a trilogy at minimum. The concern that we'll be bombarded with sequels is real.
  12. Then you'll love the grown up version of them
  13. I still think "Love you to death" is their best ballad and song in general. I don't care how unmanly it sounds. We need some Battle Beast up in this bitch. I know a lot of people hate them, but come on...Noora's voice is amazing and diverse. Also, as far as more extreme metal goes, I recently discovered this band, who posted their entire album to YouTube. Good stuff
  14. While Jem was before my time, I did see the odd episode on Teletoon Retro way back when. I must say I was really not expecting a good movie to come out of the source material. I was sure the soundtrack would just be updated to be whatever generic pop the kids are into at the time. I was certain it would be stylistically similar to some lame teen drama. but....but...the trailer has shown me that it will not be so bad after all. It will be much, much worse.
  15. Honestly, I don't get the hate for Tommy Karevik since he sounds just like Roy. Also, the blast beats caught me by surprise given the cover of that "quiet world" album. It's not bad, but it's a little too "prog" for my tastes.
  16. Honestly, my only problem with the older Castlevanias is the leveling system. Because in SOTN, once you have Alucard powered up, the game is at your mercy. In the other games, especially Order of Ecclesia (my favorite Castlevania), the leveling basically does nothing. Like, leveling up in that game was basically pointless, especially since armor made more of a stat difference but you actually had to find the ores to build it... Then, the douche of a blacksmith charged you for it. "Look, I know you're our only hope and have to save us from the prince of darkness. I'll build you some killer armor if you bring me some ore! Oh...did I mention I will charge you out the balls for it after I finish building it?"
  17. Indeed. Sadly, I'd say Veil of Elysium along with Insomnia and Beautiful Apocalypse are the best songs on it - the rest is kind of underwhelming. The special edition I got came with a bonus disc of orchestral and other instrumental arrangements of the album and as crazy as it sounds, I actually preferred that CD over the regular version lol. I saw Kamelot live with Dragonforce on Monday night - it was awesome!
  18. I have found the greatest metal song of all time
  19. I dunno man, David Hayter as the voice of the villain, co-op...those were some sweet stretch goals imo. I do agree about the anime designs, but perhaps the SOTN artist was unavailable or something.
  20. So I found the first kickstarter I'll ever support. OMFGadjadsljfsaldjcmlsmadrfer is all I can say. I, and many others have been waiting for this for so long. Michiru Yamane is also doing the music! This is as legit as it gets and without the "Konami" label attached to it, they managed to get 1.5 million, surpassing the $500,000 goal in like a day. Way to stick it to the man and I will buy the crap out of this game. What do you all think?
  21. I want an F-Zero roller-coaster like space mountain on crack and a Fire Emblem themed Medieval Times restaurant.
  22. Disney is basically the Ottoman Empire of media. Everyone loves and remembers the good things they made and did internally, but history forgets its brutal conquest and slaughter.
  23. I've never seen the point in tuning much lower than C on a six string or tuning down a seven string. B is plenty sludge. Anyway, I think the track may actually sound slightly better now. Slightly
  24. Not all metal bands tunes to drop Z I can see your point about the bass, though honestly, I don't think a lot of metal actually has a ton of low end as even compared to that Zircon Shreddage demo. I'd say this tune and band might be closer to the style of my track and I don't think the bass is as pronounced even there as Zircon's demonstration is. That being said, I'll try giving the bass more low end or something and see what happens. EDIT: Okay, I've updated it. Bass is bassier and I turned down the mids a bit on the guitars. Let me know if your ears bleed.
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