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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  2. I just stuck with the straight razor of death
  3. Alien Isolation is worth it if you have the ps4 camera. Then, the alien can hear and see you move for twice the pants-shitting terror!
  4. Okay - I'd like to instead claim from What a bitchin' song! I can probably have a WIP to you next week! Think I'll get my hands on a classical/flamenco guitar and do it !
  5. I'll send my update either tonight or tomorrow sometime. Depends on how much further I get through it today.
  6. Okay, so as I explained to Coaltergeist, I've decided to finish my remix of Conquest from Awakening outside of this project and do a different FE tune for the album instead. So in short, if someone else wants to take conquest for the album, go nuts.
  7. I used to get this all the time and for me the solution is this: Get away from the computer if at all possible. Swear to god half the time when I have a DAW open I spend more time listening to what I've created than actually creating. Every once in a while I find it's best to write music with just a guitar or piano and some sheet music or the recorder on my phone. You don't even have to do the entire song this way if you don't want too, but it gives you some ideas you can put into the DAW later.
  8. or just ring the beckoning bell lol Only boss that gave me trouble with friends so far was Rom the vacant spider or whatever, because his spiders gang up on you and they do loads of damage.
  9. Sounds like her. For blood starved beast, best advice is Molotov cocktails and stun him with the gun at every possible opportunity. Molotovs work well on Amelia too, but beware her healing spell. You have to be hitting pretty hard at this point to prevent her from healing. If you're much below level 30, she's going to be ridiculous by yourself. Other than that, just hit her in the ass.
  10. Which third boss? Blood Starved Beast or Vicar Amelia? Blood Starved Beast is optional if you beat the Cleric Beast I think.
  11. You lit the bonfire. That was just too awesome. One of my favorite remixes on this site in the past couple years I'd say.
  12. He's already given the NO (resub) for Fire Emblem. Still though, believe the hype...
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't you sort of been known as "he who does it all" for a very long time now? I think that doing everything under one label without fan backlash is probably easier when you've been known for a lot of different styles right from or close to the get go. It's like, I wouldn't personally say I know Zircon for "complextro" or "trance" or anything like that - I've literally never said something like that. I've always just said "Zircon's a cool composer, you should check his stuff out." Similar thing for other composers like Mick Gordon. I can't say I know his music for any specific style. In the case of WillRock and many others though, a particular style does come to mind to describe them even if they do multiple genres down the road. What happens, far as I can tell, is people release albums and EPs where most of the tracks on it can reasonably be lumped into one category. Perhaps they do another in very similar style. Then, their music evolves and they have an album of a strikingly different style and the previous fans are disappointed because they are so used to knowing what to expect from that artist. The same behavior can be observed in movie, tv, comic and video game fans. Look at the backlash DmC faced really just because the character redesign was something unexpected and people were quick to shun it at least a full year before the game even came out. People jump to the conclusion that it must be inferior when it's something unexpected and different for some reason. From my observation, I'd say that if you've been making albums with tons of different styles on it and drew fans that way, said fans are more likely to appreciate an equal amount or greater diversity on the next album under the same artist name. Tommy Lee (and many fans) have said numerous times that Motley Crue's 94 album would have been more successful if it wasn't called Motley Crue.
  14. What matters is if the people you are trying to write music for like your music and think it's suitable for the project or not. If they're planning on recording a live orchestra in a world class studio with mixing and mastering engineers of 30 years experience anyway, they're probably going to be a bit more lenient on how realistic that oboe in your mock up sounds.
  15. To paraphrase the mighty Tobias Sammet regarding fan criticism of the "Space Police" album cover. "Not giving a fuck about what people think is what heavy metal is all about." I think there is no way to combat the issue, honestly. You're never going to please everyone no matter what you do. Fans who are obsessive with genre labels are especially bad for hating on any future works that vary even slightly in style from previous efforts that the person considers to be the artist's best work. Take it all with a full bag of salt though, since I don't have fans. I merely observe the behavior of other fans.
  16. On the normal difficulty, even with permadeath enabled, the game becomes way too easy once you re-class and level up everyone. By chapter 16 or so I can pretty much leave Lucina on the field by herself and watch the mooks AND the boss (even Grima) kill themselves on her. Still fun as hell though.
  17. Fire Emblem: Awakening Mandatory purchase if you have a 3DS
  18. Just ring the sinister bell, it'll either pair you up with someone else ringing the sinister bell or a person requesting assistance who hasn't killed the bell-ringing woman yet. It seems to be random as to who invades whom when two people are ringing the bell though. Nightmare Frontier or whatever it's called seems to be the most active PvP area
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