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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. How many voices live in your head, Dusk? I invite you to find a point where I said it shouldn't be fixed. Actually, don't answer that question. You'll probably just accuse me of hating people with mental illness.
  2. I was waiting for this inevitable, asinine response. You see how you don't have to be Nostradamus to kind of anticipate what might happen? The common example of saying something like "Oh, well you might not have got raped if you didn't wear those clothes" is entirely different from saying "You might not have got robbed if you didn't leave a stack of 20s on your drivers seat, in plain view with the windows down." or "Hey, you saying that thing you said is going to probably make some people mad at you." If you can't see that difference, you're retarded. I'll explain the difference anyway. In the case of rape victims, there is like...zero logical reason to believe that attire is more or less likely to result in you being preyed on by a rapist. A friend of mine, true story, was wearing just her pajamas, driving home from picking up some snacks at a gas station one night when a man posing as a police officer forced her into his car and then held her prisoner in his own home for a week. He snatched her from outside of her parent's home for christ sake. It's pretty sound reasoning to saying something like "Wearing a lot of Jewelry in a part of town notorious for muggings is a bad idea." I think if you can't agree on that...you probably don't live in the real world. You can take steps to defend yourself from thieves. It's not sound reasoning to say something like "Don't wear those kinds of clothes, you might get raped!" when rapists really don't seem to have clothing preferences and it's not like we can say "Don't frequent this part of town - rapists kinda hangout there." What can you really do to defend yourself from potential rapists?
  3. Riiiight. I 'defended' the bullies by telling people not to make stupid mistakes that make them targets if they're not willing to accept the risks when they become realities.
  4. While I still doubt that Anita, growing up in the information age, wouldn't expect people to be insensitive, downright mean douchebags, I suppose you may have a bit of a point. While we grow up being told that not locking your doors might let a thief in, we're generally not told that stating your opinion on the internet might result in serious threats from crazy people.
  5. Nope, that's not what I suggested. Not at all. I suggested that you're an idiot if you believe that such a choice would not result in backlash. If you want to link your bank account to Paypal, as I once did, that's fine. That's your choice. However, the reality is that it could be hacked and that you could lose a lot of money. I almost did. That's why you get smarter and find a safer, alternative route I admit I may not have been clear that I was talking about the mass celeb nude leak that Reddit dubs the "Fappening". Also, if you post an opinion that "hey, women are mistreated, under-represented, etc. in video games" it is safe to assume that everyone who is a misogynist, prefers things to stay the way they are (even if said way is unfair), or otherwise disagrees with you is probably going to respond with a hostile attitude. It doesn't make them right, but did you really expect a different reaction? What I'm saying here is that you have to understand the inherent risks and possible negative outcomes of what you do and what/whom you trust. Not put your pride above all else and then when the "I told you so" moment comes, be mad at the people saying it. In Anita's case of the social media backlash, I'm saying "I told you so" to the fact that people are going to be pissed. But I didn't say that her haters were right or that she shouldn't be allowed to say what she wants.
  6. You know what? I'm tired of this "victim blaming" bullshit excuse that I see everyone talking about - especially in light of the celebrity nude leak. Enough is enough of the whole "You're not allowed to remind someone of their idiotic, naive mistakes that make them susceptible to crime." or otherwise attracting a bad crowd. Criminals are opportunistic and newsflash, they don't care about your rights. It's your responsibility to make choices that don't potentially put you as an obvious target to them. Your mother told you not to take candy from strangers, to lock your doors, and apparently didn't tell enough people not to take n00dz with a networked device that also makes back-ups to the "cloud" which IT professionals have been reminding you for years is never. really. safe. Yet when when a bunch of dumb celebrities do it, they're expected to take no credit for their own foolishness. If Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe really did "exploit angry tweets" like Brandon suggests, which I don't know/care if they really did, more anger can reasonably be expected to follow. Just because the bad people aren't justified in stealing from or otherwise abusing other people, doesn't mean the victims are justified in being naive idiots. So next time I give out my credit card info over the phone, leave my car doors unlocked downtown, make a tweet that will probably piss people off, or give my facebook password to my friends, I will eagerly await all of you super-liberals to come rushing to my defense and insist that I did nothing wrong when shit goes bad simply because the apathetic people who wronged me had no right to do so. It's just like how I'm willing to accept that this semi-off-topic rant is going to inevitably piss off anyone who doesn't see it my way. Regardless, it's a sad day when telling people to use common sense, know the risks and take the best steps you can to protect yourself is immediately passed off as "victim blaming". Like there was nothing the victim could have done to protect themselves. Anita Sarkeesian likely knew that her opinion, no matter how right/wrong anyone believes she is, and videos would make her a lot of enemies. While that absolutely does not justify the threats and other atrocious behavior people have shown towards her, she'd have to be a fool to deny that she helped set the wheels in motion - for better or for worse.
  7. So for the past few weeks, I've been working on and off on a Chillout sort of tune I call "Club Osiris". Uses middle eastern instruments and scales. Goal here was to create a hypnotic track that could work in an Egyptian themed nightclub or something. Here is the tune. Get ready to make some serpents dance. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/club-osiris Thanks for checkin' it out!
  8. "New 3DS"...man, they just aren't trying anymore. Fire whoever keeps titling the hardware. Damn it, I just got the 3DS XL and tricked it out with awesome, non-transferable Fire Emblem skins. Oh well, the upgrades seem worth it though. The whole "no double vision when you tilt the screen" thing is a huge win. Trying to aim with the 3D on in Ocarina of Time makes my brain hurt, so I just play with 3D off.
  9. Machinedramon is going to kill my picking hand I swear lol.
  10. Lindsey Stirling is just one example. Violins have been used in EDM before as has performing with any kind of musical instrument while dancing. Being "unique" isn't as much of an advantage as you think it is because the second anyone does something unique that is cool, everyone else starts following suit and now you're among countless doing it. A few years ago, Amaranthe "stood out" because they mixed EDM with melodic death metal and had a mix of growls and sung vocals. Now I hear more and more bands doing that...oh, and bloodstain child was doing this whole EDM death metal thing years before Amaranthe. So much for being "unique". Also, where did I say it was "impossible"? I said it's not a reliable means of making money - which I didn't say was a reason not to try.
  11. Good quote, but also I wouldn't say that's the only reason. It just might be the most common reason. It depends on how you are defining "musician". A person who just plays violin is probably going to have a hard time finding any paid work at all. The type of gigs they can get are limited to playing in an orchestra for films and games, playing on cruise ships, session work or teaching. For a violinist, all of those jobs are extremely scarce and even if you do land a major gig nothing says that you'll ever get another major gig again. In orchestra land, "major gig" is usually limited to playing in orchestras that record for media or are prestigious ensembles that host critically-acclaimed concerts. You have to be the best of the best to play with those ensembles. You can increase your chances by being a multi-instrumentalist, but that is often impractical as it takes many many years to get really good at just one and a lifetime to master. That's just one example, but the fact remains that the majority of musical disciplines are simply not practical means of making money because their value is mostly found in nothing more than entertainment. The most practical musical discipline with which to make money I'd say is "composer" or other musical disciplines that can be considered a "service" rather than "entertainment". A bar or other musical venue can continue to function without live bands and music production houses and composers do not require live musicians in most instances thanks to technology. Media requires music and it needs someone to create that music. Films, games, TV, radio ads, etc. that use orchestra require orchestrators, conductors and sound engineers who often work freelance. These are the most viable musical career paths because they provide a service to a company and product that require music. As we all know, competition here is fierce. You have to be very good at what you do and very well connected. Even if you are both of these things though, making consistent money is a perpetual challenge. A challenge which hard work alone may not be enough to overcome.
  12. I know countless rock bands who don't learn anything about music, don't practice, etc. but insist that the reason they fail is because of "piracy" and shit like that. Few musicians of any variety actually have the skill, dedication and networking sense to actually go anywhere and I think you need all three - especially that last one.
  13. Out of those two, I'd vote for Jedah's Jam-Nation. I always thought the perfect title for a darkstalkers album would be "The Shadows Compendium" but unfortunately Stephan Forte decided to call his solo album that... Something along those lines would be perfect though. A title relating to an anthology of darkness.
  14. The third game was the most popular and in my opinion it was the strongest musically. Just doing the third game might actually be a wiser idea. Reason being you'd have less tracks and therefore need less remixes and would finish the project sooner.
  15. Removed on account of copyright claim by Nintendo. If I was a gamblin' man, I bet on "real".
  16. Something in the video game business. Of course, music and sound stuff would be great but all anyone can really do there is network and try - which I continue to do. I do have experience doing other kinds of jobs which can translate into the video game industry though. Also with music I hope to get back into the live performance aspect soon as I miss just being able to jam. One day...one day I shall tour with a band.
  17. If you really wanna charm some snakes, the phrygian dominant of the harmonic minor is the way to go.
  18. That sort of "Wub" sound has been around a long time. It's just that Dubstep abuses the crap out of it. In that link the drums have a rhythm like you'd hear in dubstep, but honestly heavy metal songs have had wah, synths and this kinda of half-time rhythm drums since the genre's beginnings. It definitely is similar, but I highly doubt they were drawing influence from dance music when they composed this song.
  19. This needs to happen, since Capcom doesn't show this game any love...someone else has to. I'd be down for remixing Tower of Arrogance in the future, but I wouldn't be able to get anything to you for at least a couple months due to a bunch of other musical obligations.
  20. Get off my lawn. EDIT: Wait, Gamecube was 2002? Ah shit, I was actually a few years younger than this kid I talked to. Whatever, point is it really hit me that the Gamecube is nearly 15 years old now. It doesn't help that EBGames calls the Gamecube controllers "vintage controllers" now.
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