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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I'd say that Space Police is their best album in years. I bought it the day it came out. Dat "Rock Me Amadeus" cover...
  2. Don't forget "life and times of a bonus track"! To be honest though, edguys "typical" style hasn't been the same since hellfire club.
  3. Loving the crap outta this game! I loved Melee, but I honestly prefer this game. I haven't had this much fun with the fighting genre in forever... If anyone wants to play sometime add me up. My Nintendo ID thing is the same as my username here
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the argument been that if you make it loud as hell via squashing everything with limiting and compression, you get less details and dynamics?
  5. Updated the first post with the finished version! Clickity clack that link and rock out!
  6. PC master-race ftw I would actually go with Option A AND B. If you don't foresee yourself running out of space in the near future, to me it makes more sense to spend the extra 100 to get the 1TB console because at least you will get a game with it that you might actually play and down the road, when you need it, you can get a cheap external drive of 2 TB or greater. If you just go with option B, you'll get the external space for around 100 bucks, but when you add the games and shit you'll probably be around the same price as if you had just bought the 1TB console and the games.
  7. I passed on picking up the 3DS version (for now), but sweet baby Gsus, the Wii U version just sounds better and better all the time!
  8. FFS, it died again. It's not the power supply, as it will run great with both the old and the new power supply, but installing the video card causes the problem. Which seems difficult to reverse. Which is strange because I've gone over and over the specs and everything and it's all hooked up correctly and compatible. Something's screwy with the card and it's messing up the BIOS. If I plug back into the integrated card, I get the same problem. I just said to hell with it and took it to a local computer store. First time I've ever had too lol.
  9. I managed to get everything back up and running like nothing ever happened. W00t!
  10. Muahahahaha. Got it to boot to windows by some miracle. Victory.
  11. Congrats on the DarkWing Duck mix! Your best yet, I dare say.

  12. Yeah it's all compatible. I got a tech to look at it and the issue has been figured out. Also, you reason that it must be old because of wattage? Computers off the shelf are usually only going to come with as many watts as they actually require. It's not even one year old. That's like reasoning that a guitar amp must be old because it only has X amount of watts. Aren't you an electrician? The problem is a windows issue - basically something went wrong with an update or something. It was a case of timing, not an issue with part installations. Just need to get the recovery discs from ASUS and recover the hard drive.
  13. So, I know this isn't directly about music and production, rather it's about the device to create such music with. Today, I installed a new power supply and graphics card. Installing these components went smoothly enough, but upon booting the computer up, I'm met with a screen that says "Reboot and choose proper boot device or insert boot media". I wondered if maybe the power supply, upgrading from 350 watts to 520 might have been an issue. I checked all the connections and stuff and it is all hooked up correctly. I decided to take out the new graphics card and re-install the old power supply to troubleshoot. Same problem. I also am unable to get into the BIOS screen - it just gives me a black screen and no text, so I would assume this means the BIOS are gone...and I can't seem to find the boot disc. I read on ONE other forum (Microsoft Forums) that the issue could possibly be that the motherboard's battery has died and that re-installing the BIOS from a boot disc and getting a new battery for the motherboard would fix the problem, but it is the only site to suggest this. I unfortunately cannot get a new battery atm, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem after replacing a power supply and in the event that a new battery and boot disc don't fix the problem, if you have any other suggestions.
  14. What are some mods for games that haven't happened yet, but you think absolutely should on the grounds that they'd make the game better or just hilarious? Better yet, what are some such mods that should happen and are actually in the realm of possibility? I'm saying it now, Alien Isolation really needs a mod where instead of the Alien pursuing you, it's Jim Carrey as the Cable Guy - complete with proper voice clips. That would be so much more terrifying.
  15. I'll send a new update for Machinedramon to you guys around Saturday night my time. I've been working on the intro build up and sound effects and improving the drums and overall mixing!
  16. I still can't get enough of Identity Sequence. Also, the first time I heard Zircon's music was when I first fired up FL Studio several years ago now. T'was an epic moment I won't soon forget. I am also surprised as hell that it wasn't Timaeus who made this thread, but I suppose roughly 50% of Tim's posts praise or reference Zircon anyway.
  17. Hey all. I always cook up some special music for Halloween, and this year I've been playing the PC classic "Bloodlines" and got tired of that song in the Voerman Sisters' nightclub. So, I made my own gothic sounding Big Beat track to replace it! https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/the-asylum-vampire-the-masquerade
  18. Anyone else out there been playing the beta on Steam? I know the Legacy of Kain fanboys and girls hate this game solely because it doesn't follow legacy of kain perfectly and is a co-op pvp game. Basically, if you don't know, this is a humans vs vampire game. Currently the only mode is a 4 vs 4 team death match. The humans play like an over-the-shoulder, Resident Evil 4 style shooter where as the Vampires are strictly 3rd person melee fighters who are extremely deadly when faced one-on-one. This where I think a lot of n00bz go wrong and falsely claim that the game is unbalance in the vampires' favor. You see, the strategy is different depending on which team you are. Humans are incredibly efficient when close together, indoors and concentrating their fire on a single vampire at a time. The vampires don't require as much teamwork, but instead their character classes all have different skills intended to break the humans up. I was playing with this one guy earlier who wouldn't quit bitching about how the humans "are just camper n00bz". I lold'. This isn't Call of Duty - the humans are SUPPOSED to stick together and hide out. It's an interesting game and I'm having a ton of fun with it. Anyone else have any thoughts on it? Love it? Hate it?
  19. I know this doesn't directly answer the question, but I feel it's worth mentioning since everyone else is kind of talking about composers getting ripped off, charging too little or too much. In my experience, something most indie game developers genuinely don't realize is that the composer and sound people's expenses and requirements are often much much higher than that of just about anyone else on the team. Where as artists and programmers, who make up the majority of the team just need to buy a computer and their software of choice, that is often their only expense. If you're an artist, all you need is photoshop/maya/3ds max and maybe one of those tablet things you can use to paint/draw with and you're basically set for life. However, indies demand the composer deliver something of Hans Zimmer quality but fail to realize that unlike their programmers and artists, music is a multi-tier process that encompasses a variety of different and specialized skill-sets to produce the kind of quality they're demanding. A lot of people actually expect the composer to not only compose, but record and/or use high-end, expensive sample libraries, mix, master etc. First off, you need a good computer, MIDI controller and good virtual instruments don't come cheap. If the producers want you to do a wide variety of genres, you will need even more of this software and hardware. Next, mixing and mastering are completely separate skills from composing and performing and require good, treated rooms and a monitoring system that offers the full-range of sound if you want to truly get professional results. This also costs more money if you want to take the do-it-yourself route. If the composer doesn't have just one of these resources, they will have to outsource to get it and deliver the quality. If you fail to deliver this kind of quality on these projects, even if the producers deem it acceptable, it will almost certainly come back to bite you in the ass down the road. I've learned this the hard way. So keep that in mind before you get mad at some indie dev or something expecting you to work for cheap. They probably don't have a very good understanding of what actually goes into making music and probably think it's just as easy to setup and do as their artists working on lower specification computers and tablets with software that might not be out-dated for ten years and doesn't require tuned environments or specialized monitoring equipment to truly get the job done.
  20. There is luck involved in every career path. You can never do anything that will guarantee you success - you can only do things that might increase your odds. You can't just kick in the door to the boss's office, hand them your resume, list your qualifications, ace the interview and give yourself the job. You can only do your best and hope they pick you out of a sea of other hopefuls. Every musical success story I've ever heard, like literally every one had this one aspect to it that was more or less beyond the person's control. If that one incident would not have happened, things would have played out very differently. Take Tommy Tallarico for example, he was one of the first super successful video game composers financially. His story is well known. When he was in his early 20s, he packed up his stuff and moved to California hoping to make it in music. He got a job as a keyboard salesman and it just so happened that the first customer he spoke with worked for Virgin and offered him a job testing games. He offered to do the music and soon became their full-time music guy. As I recall, Uematsu actually got a pretty similar start. But what if that customer didn't talk to him that day? What if he went to a different music store? There are an infinite number of "what if" scenarios here that were more likely to happen. Regardless, if that customer hadn't have met Tommy that day, Tommy would probably just be a cynical middle-aged dude today who'd tell you that making it in music is hard even when your cousin is Steven-freakin'-Tyler instead of driving a Lotus and having an arcade in his house. I've heard people say time and time again that it's "not luck", but you hear rockstars, composers or whatever who've "made it" tell their stories and I promise you that you will find this one moment in their history that, if it hadn't happened, their career would likely be in a very different spot. I'm not saying they would have necessarily "failed", but they wouldn't be as successful. If, in your experience, there is no such thing as luck, then you have to realize that your experience is dramatically different from an overwhelming majority of people who've both succeeded and failed alike. You can network, be professional, be good at what you do and whatever else you want, but where it all ultimately leads to is in the hands of fate - not yours. The same is true of many career paths. Ask most retired people if they really wound up exactly where they hoped and I guarantee that most will probably tell you events didn't play out exactly as they hoped. Sometimes it turned out for the better, sometimes for worse or more often it's a mix of the two. Making money here isn't really the issue - work hard enough and you'll probably make some money. It's about making enough money or making a career out of it, which is what most people intend to do. That requires hard-work and a little bit of luck. It's possible for careers to be made solely on the latter, but unfortunately, the former ingredient requires the latter to truly go somewhere. I'm not trying to sound like the discouraging, ultra-realist types I was parodying earlier in the thread. I don't even disagree with your post minus the luck bit. It's just that, if these people we tell "oh, it's all you" when the statistics of how many musicians are able to actually forge a paying career of out this thing say otherwise, we're just blaming people for failures when for all we know, they did what they could with the cards they were dealt.
  21. Machinedramon update inbound tomorrow. I've re-record all of the guitars save for one harmony that I'll do in the morning. I also have to send Furilas the MIDI and stuff for the bass guitar. The other guy never did send me his guitar parts, so I just recorded them myself...that bastard.
  22. I use what I know about music theory (though I don't really consciously think about it when I compose) and just jam ideas and then write them down and create MIDI of the tune whether it's orchestra, metal, electronica etc. Used to do it with my guitar and Guitar Pro 5 (still do sometimes for metal music) now I mostly use FL Studio and a MIDI controller. Done. For the most part, almost everyone's "method" is a variation of the same thing. Play around with musical instrument and/or computer to produce a score that can be played back to you without recording audio (basically - MIDI) so that you hear how it would sound before recording any audio. Recording audio is often optional due to high quality sample libraries. "But I'm a dinosaur and just use a piano and sheet music!" I hear some say. That's still a variation of the same thing. Piano is a polyphonic instrument and therefore allows you to hear both melody and harmony before it is played back by other instruments.
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