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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I have made money but less than 10,000 dollars. Am I disqualified from commenting? Also, the question is vague. Specifically what do you mean by "the process of making money"? Like, negotiating deals, finding said deals in the first place, playing gigs, selling albums etc.
  2. I got this game on PS4. I think I'm level six or something. I don't know I just like stabbing aliens in the face and that's it.
  3. I always make some sort of mock-up of guitars before I practice/record them for real so that I'll know how it sounds beforehand. I was using just shitty basic microsoft wavetable synth or whatever for that purpose but I just bought Shreddage II and it works much better obviously. I don't own a Seven-String and can't tune my six string that low at the moment so I'll probably have to borrow someone's 7-string when I finish the arrangement =/
  4. I don't know, how do you sexualize a male character in a way that people aren't going to shrug off as "male power fantasy"? Take the Chippendales for example. Those dudes have literally the same look as "generic, bald-head space marine" and more women attend those shows than even the Count from fucking Sesame Street could keep track of. At least, it appears they do judging from the line-up of women I always see in Vegas who just can't wait for those doors to open. Yet when guys with this same image (just with superhero costumes or medieval armor) are put in video games, movies or tv, everyone is like "Oh, false equivalence - it's a male power fantasy". Yeah, I'm sure the dude who designed this character was probably designing this character to be some super jacked badass, but the problem here is that this is hardly any different from what is considered to be a female sexual fantasy if it's given less clothes and a stage. I think a mistake people might be making with the whole sexualizing fictional characters thing is that what we consider sexually suggestive behaviors and appearances aren't the same for both men and women. It's just that for women it's much more obvious. Possibly because people complain about it more, possibly because it is more intentional or possibly both.
  5. Taking a stab at a remix of the most over-done song of all time. I think it's comin' along. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/mortal-kombat-test Check it out! See if it's something worth finishing.
  6. I added a link to the machinedramon update on the other forums. Yay, progress.
  7. All of the rhythm guitars for Machinedramon are complete! Tomorrow is leads. If I could get you to send me the drums, that would be super! =D

  8. Of course you can throw my VV2 track back on the re-release if you want, but honestly my new stuff for this album will be around 3000x better.
  9. Yeah, holy shit this game is awesome. Also, dat soundtrack.
  10. A guitar solo is no different from composing any other melody. It's just that you often throw in some more bends, harmonizations, faster runs, maybe tapping, whammy bar dives and other flashy tricks.
  11. I also added an extended version of the Winter stage's loop that plays for the last three rounds of a match to the first post. It's my personal favorite.
  12. I'm surprised there hasn't been the requisite "Pfft, it's all subjective anyway" hand-wave post yet.
  13. Currently downloading on my PS4. It better be good.
  14. I think you always have to consider exactly what purpose your music serves. I've been writing film/game style tunes for some time now and the good thing about it is that I don't get writer's block much because the tracks are only a couple minutes long at most. Or, there are just several variations of the tune which are triggered depending what happens in the game. With a film, it's just playing stuff that works with what's on screen at that second in time - so you have constant inspiration. Now that I'm starting to just get back into writing songs, I'd been struggling with writing arrangements that were too repetitious. The thing with well composed arrangements that sound really dynamic is that often, it's actually much simpler than it sounds. When I first heard a lot of these "progressive" kinds of bands, it all seemed so complicated that I couldn't understand how they could remember what they were doing. Then, I realized it's structured mostly the same as any other rock song, it's just that the verse, chorus and bridge repeat several times more. However, there is always some obvious variation that makes it seem drastically different. Aside from new lyrics, the rhythm part might be diminished or augmented, slightly different instrumentation, different phrasing of the melody etc. TL;DR Your music doesn't have to be any specific length. If it's just 1 - 2 minutes and it sounds great that's fine. If you're done with it you're done. If you need to have it the standard 3 - 4 minutes and you're stumped for a new section. Repeat an old section with some variation.
  15. I recently composed some music for an indie game that will be out in a couple weeks for mobile devices. I was supposed to write stuff that had a sort of retro game feel - which I've never really done before. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tiny-world-ost-preview The soundtrack is dynamic as there are three versions of every stage-track. An ambient, low-key and full-fledged version of each tune so that the music picks up in intensity as the match progresses. Frozen Paradise https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/frozen-paradise-extended
  16. I feel like too many "what if" scenarios are being brought up and makes a pretty simple point seem complex. While it's fair to say that we can't expect someone to know the dangers of something they've never really had any experience with or at least been informed of prior, I really doubt that this applies in Anita's case. She has a cause that she strongly believes in. She recently tweeted that the cops asked her why she doesn't just "give up" or something if she receives these threats. It's because she believes that her work is important. Again, she is also someone who is clearly well versed in the use of the internet. There is no good reason to believe that the whole "I didn't know" concept you're talking about applies to Anita Sarkeesian. She just might not have expected backlash as severe as she's received. What you're describing here is an "accident". Accidents are disqualified from the point of "You should have known better" if the accident was pretty much caused by something beyond your control. A phone slipping out of your pocket onto your seat that happened to be spotted by a thief in a neighborhood not known for thievery is an accident. Walking by yourself, late at night with a necklace worthy of a Pharaoh and a 4,000 Rolex is not. Tim, this is exactly what we're NOT saying. Yes, this example is a good example of the stupid kinds of mistakes being made despite knowing the risks, but it's still a case of "You should have known better." Even with stupidity, you don't deserve to be the victim of theft or other invasions of privacy. It's that you should know better (and likely do), but instead made a choice that resulted in you suffering bad consequences and therefore are to blame for making a dumb choice that made you a target.
  17. How many times you gonna edit this post? and no, someone who's tired of your shit does. You've made it pretty clear that not even the best surgeons could dislodge your head from your ass. It's obvious to all but you that nobody in this thread is saying what you're claiming they are saying. You just want so badly to believe that everyone like me, Meteo, Native Jovian etc. who are sharing the same viewpoint that "You should know better" doesn't equal "you deserved it" are nothing more than victim-blaming bigots.
  18. Welcome to the "apologists" club. I'll give you your t-shirt later.
  19. That would be your stance regardless of any possible argument one could make. That's because you have this typical left-wing "If you don't completely agree with my views, you're an enemy who is part of the problem." That's the exact same mentality that the right-wingers have. Great job being "progressive". I did say almost every time that I didn't support or think that the criminals and other bullies were justified or shouldn't be punished because of that though. A point which Meteo Xavier essentially re-iterated with better wording and additional points.
  20. This is more or less my point in the sage like words of Meteo Xavier. Can Dusk proceed to accuse him of being a rape apologist too now?
  21. So because bad behavior from people is to be expected...In your world, that means I said it should be considered acceptable behavior? Pretty sure I said the opposite.
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