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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Just watch, it'll have that Frozen/Brave/Tangled CGI eyesore style.
  2. Who is the oldest living OCR user anyway? He/she can't be much over 40 years old at most I suspect. Anyway, I prefer remixes where the arrangement is considerably different from the source. Otherwise, there isn't much point in remixing it.
  3. Saw this article this morning and figured it was cool enough to justify sharing here. Basically, this guy took all the information from "Tom's Diner" that is left over when the track is converted to mp3 and put it on display. Instant horror movie soundtrack!
  4. We need moaaar people! Also, in related news, Nintendo is doing some Fire Emblem concerts in Japan this year.
  5. Hmmm =/ I had come up with several different ideas for Felicia's theme over the past few weeks, but honestly I just wasn't able to come up with anything that I really liked and now I'm kinda stumped. I think I'm just going to play it safe and tap out of this project for now at least.
  6. Play one fret lower if you're playing with the song or just play the song with the normal fret-positions in standard tuning and boom - you've automatically "transposed" it up a half step. Or just tune the guitar down - it's not that hard. Unless you have a Floyd Rose.
  7. So I know I said I didn't like it before (granted I only watched a few episodes) and I know whether or not it counts as anime is debated, but after watching all of Legend of Korra I decided to watch The Last Airbender which is currently on Netflix. I'm nearly at the end of the series and holy damn it's pretty much the greatest thing ever.
  8. For me, that was the Strider remake. ¯\(°_o)/¯
  9. Great post, I like this part especially. Thanks! I have my moments.
  10. Yeah, he recorded the bitchin' sax on my failed FFX remix that you contributed orchestra too about a year ago as you may recall. Hopefully he won't be too busy and I can summon him once more.
  11. Whoa, blast from the past. That's where I first learned about emulators way back in the day. Totally forgot about it and didn't know it was still going
  12. Gonna have a new version of Vampire Killer to you before the end of the weekend, Alex! I've re-done it as an 80s style tune. Complete with big sounding, gated reverb drums. I'm aiming to make it sound like the lethal weapon soundtrack or something - which means I gotta get a sax player and don't worry there will be orchestral instruments as per the requirement. The structure for the whole tune is laid out. Just a matter of recording all the instruments. I'm excited about it. It's sounding like if Castlevania was an 80s action film with Stallone or Mel Gibson.
  13. There is a difference between "doing it for free" and "doing it for less". Also, in the context of media composition, mid to high level developers, film companies etc. generally do not accept free work for various legal reasons and as professionals themselves, they're aware that other professionals don't work for free. I would also say that saying "I'll do it for free" won't necessarily get you the job or make you a more likely candidate. Actually, in a lot of cases it just makes you look desperate. I just recently landed another gig writing music for a short film that the director is going to be showing off at film festivals this year. Some other composer offered to do this film for free, where as (just like on his last film) I was charging the director. The kid that wanted to do it for free didn't get the job - I did. Because I've worked with the director before, known him on a more personal level and he also believes that people shouldn't work for free. In short, he has a sense of professionalism. Saying that "working for free harms the industry" is more of a valid complaint when you're talking about companies or individuals who clearly make a lot of money with their media and have or had some kind of production budget trying to screw composers by asking them to work for free rather than composers offering to do work for free on small hobbyist projects that probably won't go anywhere anyway. Even people who make temp music for films and games are generally paid to do so. Bottom line: If you're working with a small startup studio or newbie film maker who aren't really going to make any money themselves anyway, there is little "harm to the industry" in working for free and banking on the possibility that the company may grow into a larger, more professional and financially sufficient outfit in the future. You really can't expect that a bunch of hobbyists with day jobs and professional aspirations will allow you to achieve your professional aspirations and quit your day job can you? If you want to make any sort of real money composing music, regardless of whether or not that's how you plan to pay your rent, you have to get out there, network and make connections and friends with real professionals and companies that make money and have money to spend. Not prowling internet forums and then bitching when someone offers to take some indie gig for free. If the person advertising the gig is willing to pay money, but goes back on what they said and hires the person who will work free simply because they don't have to pay them...that says something about the professional integrity of the content creator in my opinion. Now if you're talking about working for free in the context of bands well now THAT is an entirely different discussion and I could rant about how venues love to screw bands, but that's different post altogether... In the fantastic book "Writing interactive music for games" the author (who is also a composer), makes the great point that composers often make the mistake of viewing other composers as the enemy rather than another connection in the business. I know I've helped other guitarists at least once on OCR get some gigs playin' guitar for other peoples mixes when I was too busy too by recommending them to the mixer. I've had similar things happen to me. Help the community out and they help you.
  14. It's great n' all but when are you gonna make a sonic remix better than your chemical zone mix!?!?!
  15. If that were the case, I can already send you a WIP for a remix I have of "Conquest" from Awakening that I was planning to finish and submit anyway.
  16. Oh wow I totally forgot this was a thing. I've been working on some speed metal remixes of Fire Emblem tunes recently so I'd still be down for it if possible.
  17. The lead guitar (as far as I can tell) sounds kinda dry and narrow. Perhaps add some delay and general stereo widening to it? Definitely nailed the oldschool death metal vibe - reminds me of Cannibal Corpse and Obituary albums of yore. Though I'm more of a Mercenary and Arch Enemy style of death metal fan myself.
  18. I disagree. I actually think yours sounds better in a lot of ways. I'm not dissing the artists you mentioned, but a lot of trailer style music just sounds impressive (in terms of sound design, mixing and powerful percussion libraries) but the composition is often fairly minimalist and rely on fancy audio and orchestration tricks rather than good writing. This piece is well composed I'd say. Definitely has that "last stand" kind of vibe. Great melody, chord choice, lovin' the choirs. Honestly the piece kinda reminds me of the opening to Fire Emblem: Awakening (possibly my favorite game ever) in terms of style. Great stuff! I'm sure you'll get more feedback on how "real" your sample usage is, but I can't really give advice there because I quite honestly don't care how realistic it sounds unless it makes it painful to listen to.
  19. She is pretty popular as demonstrated by at least some statistics via Capcom. Not nearly the level of Chun Li or Ryu, but among the most popular SF characters that didn't make the cut for SFIV in any of its iterations.
  20. Whether or not it's "cheeky", "trolling" or any other label you want to stick on it, I still don't see how anyone could put together a trailer like that and not reasonably expect and understand why the fanbase would be a little pissed about it. It's never good when your presentation gives off this vibe of "We listened, but we don't care" regardless of what your intention is. I'm sure you'd agree. I agree that fans complain waaaaay too much and developers shouldn't have to kneel to every ridiculous fan request. However, there is a difference between that and questionable reasoning. An example of such reasoning would be, to use my earlier Darkstalkers example, Capcom has said that sales of Darkstalkers Resurrection were unsatisfactory and based on that, Darkstalkers 4 isn't happening. Now, it's one thing that companies don't just want to go ahead and pour money and resources into making a new title if they don't believe it will sell. It's a different story when you use another freakin' re-release of product that people have purchased many many times over the last two decades and use that as a benchmark to make a new installment in the series. It's the logical equivalent of Ford producing a new car or not based on sales of a Model-T re-release. Darkstalkers 3 had its time - there are just as many anthologies and re-releases of Darkstalkers 3 as there are actual entries in the damned series. Fans aren't petitioning for another stupid re-release, they want a new game! So thinking that a new title (the thing that fans want) won't sell because the thing fans didn't want didn't sell is a stupid decision and worthy of criticism.
  21. Megaman fans are really just experiencing the frustration and purgatory Darkstalkers fans have been going through for about 20 years now. Capcom do blatantly troll their fans, though. I recall sometime shortly after USFIV was announced, the trailer that revealed Decapre (or one of the trailers anyway) featured sprites from SFAlpha and showcased a bunch of potential candidates for who this new character could be and M.Bison ruled them out and threw them off the screen. One of said candidates was R.Mika - I think that out of most fan requests I saw around the internet, R.Mika was the most popular choice. Instead of just politely not including her in the game, . They basically acknowledged a popular fan request and said "lol nah. Have a Cammy clone instead."Marketing tactics like that say a lot about a company in my opinion.
  22. I've seen Rosalina in my local EBGames I'm fairly certain the retail exclusives are timed, just as the Disney Infinity characters were. Anyway, I've only bought some of the amiibos that sold out and were discontinued and then flipped them. Heh, if only those people had known Marth is going to be re-released - bet they're kicking their own asses now. My friend Mike made a fortune flipping Marth Amiibos...Some would call us heartless thieves, I prefer to think of us as entrepreneurs. I will however buy Lucina and maybe other Fire Emblem characters for myself. Definitely Lucina though, as she's become my favorite Nintendo character.
  23. Well, now that I think about it more, I wouldn't recommend GP5 for MIDI import on account of its MIDI import feature sucking miserably.
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