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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Never did like the idea of PSN and Xbox Live Arcade exclusives. In fact, I just hate the whole idea of getting rid of physical storage.
  2. Absolutely killer music in this game if you're a fan of metal and electronic music http://youtu.be/J_0SfMrrr_c What did you all think of the game and its music?
  3. Now comes the part where the xbox fans tell you that PS3 has "shoddy" servers and they get hacked. While ignoring the Microsoft products that are hacked constantly and they don't even own a PS3.
  4. I'm never certain whether or not I should be excited for the future of video games or afraid.....very afraid.
  5. Currently, I see no great improvement over PS3.
  6. Well, it depends on purpose and preference. Guitar Pro 5 (six sucks terribly) is a pretty damn good program for writing and arranging guitar music that you can rehearse and tweak to your liking before recording. Unfortunately, that's pretty much the extent of its use. Writing polyphonic symphonies with it is out of the question and I don't know how you would easily write dance music with it. But like I say, I'm a guy who likes to have the whole piece "composed" before recording any live instrument(s) and the MIDI sequencers found in DAWs aren't always ideal for that purpose. Some people I know just hit record and go nuts with their guitar, clarinet or whatever, but I've never found that to be a good method myself. If you decide you want to change something in the audio, you have to re-record that part again and I also find that method usually doesn't "push" your technique much. I find that whenever I just hit record and just jam on guitar, I tend to dumb-down my playing and stick to something simpler. If I write it out as MIDI, Tab, Notation etc. I tend to write something that I must practice and really think about to get it right.
  7. Thanks for the info, guys! Well, I guess I'll just stick with my current method then.
  8. Meh, I like all the FFs no one else does. I'm still excited for it.
  9. I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but I find that for some types of music that I write, I find it easier to do so in a Notation and/or tab type of sequencer. You know, like Guitar Pro, Sibelius or whatever. I find it's easier to write out and edit guitar compositions so that I'll know exactly what I'm going to play before I record it. For everything else though, just playing it in with a MIDI controller and editing from there in a DAW works fine. I'm looking for a good way to bridge the gap though. I've heard that Notion can be used with DAWs somehow? How could I use a program like Guitar Pro or Notion within a DAW like Reaper or Sonar X2?
  10. Uematsu, Michiru Yamane, All the Street Fighter composers (minus SFIII) and whoever did the Korean OST for Guilty Gear.
  11. I'd be interested in helping out. I'll shoot you an email with more details and see what you think.
  12. Happy Birthday. I'd say enjoy your cake, but sugar causes cavities.
  13. If you're a musician and you freak out on people via Twitter who crit. your music (which is going to happen anyway), that's real bad PR and it can potentially follow you to the grave. Working for six months on a song and getting rejected by OCR isn't a waste of time. Being pissed about it is.
  14. If anyone, for some reason, needs some electric guitar for their tune, I'd be up for playing. I can send clean, re-ampable tracks if you so desire.
  15. Oh, didn't know Nintendo was publishing it themselves.
  16. I'd bet money that most of the Wii U "exclusives" won't remain exclusive for very long. The good version of Ninja Gaiden 3 is coming out on the other systems as well. You can bet Bayonetta 2 will be the same.
  17. I'd suggest only remixing as many tracks as necessary. That's better than one of these 40 track albums that takes years to complete. So like Argle said, stick to one game.
  18. A Fire Emblem album would be epic. It would also be a nice change from Final Fantasy for once.
  19. For dance types of music, a more mechanical piano can be alright. That's the only time I can think of. For something that is strictly a piano arrangement though, definitely go more realistic.
  20. I'm probably alone in this, but I always liked Image Comics. The first 100 issues of The Darkness were great and Witchblade (When Ron Marz started writing for it) was really good too. In elementary school the teacher asked us what our favorite superheros were. Lots of "Batman", "Spiderman", etc. Then there was me. I'm like, "SPAWN!"
  21. When it comes to comics, Darke knows his shit.
  22. I love it. It has a sort of fighting-game vibe to it. There are parts I would expect to hear in Tekken or something. Finish it!
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