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Everything posted by Chimpazilla

  1. It's just that a lot of people do that... they come on here and try to hit the community over the head and it always fails. You can't really sell your mixes here, it's like selling ice cubes to eskimos. Also, don't come in here expecting only praise (I'm not saying you did that). We are a community trying to improve our individual music skills, and we're here to help each other out too. Jump in, share your wips, put on your thick-skin suit and prepare for helpful critiques! Welcome aboard.
  2. Deep, groovy basslines. Sweet sine-ish portamento leads. I could live on that, alone.
  3. They're totally proprietary and their songs come in mp4 format, playable only on iTunes and not shareable. (but, you can convert to mp3 with FreeStudio or other programs) (oh wait, my husband just said you can now convert to mp3 right within iTunes)
  4. Oh my graves, Timaeus, watery even talking about? You're just a total loonboon. *coughcoughPlantscough* Oh wait, I remember now, yeah let's make MOARmist tracks like that one! *coughchokesputterZombiescough*
  5. I absolutely live for deep thumping, groovy, grungy, evolving/modulated and/or dubwub basslines... paired with lots of gated stuff and gobs of intricate percussion and dreamy pads and maybe some glitching and the icing on the cake is a sweet sine/saw portamento lead with tons of delay and reverb and some automated vibrato. Whoa. I just had an out of body experience...
  6. I'll bet the majority of us regulars here are saying that, today. I know I am.
  7. Yes, that explains it perfectly. Great job guys. *note to self: Join. The. Compos.*
  8. The bass sounds really good. Do NOT remove the twang, it is great, and without any upper end, basslines can be hard to hear. I think what you've got here is quite good. The new kick sounds much better! Drums are better balanced overall. The claps are a touch dry but ok. Hats at the end are better. It wouldn't hurt to throw in some extra percussion here and there. Lead at 1:28 is still a bit loud. Starting at 0:31 to 0:59, there is some overly-reverby backing stuff going on that doesn't seem to fit with the rest, melodically. Same thing from 1:48 to 1:58. Either it is written wrong, or whatever instrument you're using has too long a release, or both. Getting there!
  9. Yup, THAT'S what Timaeus meant to say, it just took ME to write it out.
  10. Jordan, do you have a new Soundcloud user name? *confused* Whoa, this sounds like a different track altogether! It does sound much more cohesive this way, I prefer it. I dig this arrangement! The instrumentation sounds much different. Some leads are a bit too loud. Yeah, that snare is still too loud and unfitting, and sounds overcompressed now too. The crash is too loud. I disagree with Timaeus here about the kick, it sounds very powerful and compressed which can work well in other types of tracks (and genres like DnB), but I'm not convinced that it is working here, at least not in all sections. I'd like a softer, less compressed kick all the way up to about 1:19, at that point the heavy kick can work... then back to softer at 1:28 and all the way to the end. (also at 1:28 that lead is too loud) Hats at the end are still way too loud. Turn them down, and HP them quite a bit... start around 9k Hz and see how it sounds but you only need a little bit of "tst" to sound good here. The bass sounds... really good. Overall Jordan, this is a humongous improvement. Balance the leads a bit better, and get the drum timbres under control, and you're on the right track I think! After all that we can start to discuss the finer points of clarifying all the sounds in the mix, eq-notching so things have their own space.
  11. Jordan, you sure can pick the BEST sources, I love this one. The remix is a very interesting arrangement indeed, sort of medley-ish though. I have to say the styles don't really blend well together, and the transitions are jarring and uncomfortable. The speedup is... odd. The lead at 2:35 is just... not so good. *ouch* Most of your instrumentation has waaaaaay too much reverb, which is especially apparent in the first section, as all the instruments just bleed together into mush. I'd dial that back by a huge percentage, and high pass the reverb, too. Low end reverb usually means mud. The kick sounds very boxy. You'll need to experiment with layering some kick sounds and then doing careful eqing and compressing to get a good, tight sound. The snare is too loud, too hissy, and just generally doesn't fit. At the end, the hats are also too loud and upfront. My offer still stands to help you with this process.
  12. ^This^ OMG that's too stinkin' hilarious. 1:17 is the BEST part. The autotuning is a perfect fit. Thanks for that!
  13. To be honest, the tempo change at 2:21 didn't bother me that much, I thought it was ok, and even kinda cool, although it could have been signaled or transitioned into a bit better, it *is* in fact rather abrupt. The part I thought was the most awkward was at 3:06, where honestly, it seems like a whole different song begins. It is a totally different source and style, and could be seen as medley-ish by the panel.
  14. ^this^ Also, the string lead is too weak and unexpressive, and almost sounds like a pad when the guitars are playing over it, for example at 2:07. Backing strings like at 0:30 sound really good though. Guitar work sounds amazing. Drums sound great. Lead work at 2:20 is really nice, but totally buried. Oh gosh at 3:06, a new song begins. Joe's sax is lovely as heck of course. Piano sounds a tad mechanical starting at 3:31. For mixing, all the timbres seems to be mostly centered, except the guitars and the string lead/pad somewhat, and the piano which maybe doesn't need to be so wide. It seems like the entire second half could use a pad, with the piano narrowed and quieter. That's quite a power team for a collab!
  15. If it's got "Zelda" in the title, I will buy a Wii U for it, no questions asked.
  16. Joe, at least swallow that peanut butter sandwich before speaking. I assume you meant to say "happy birthday." And I shall join you in wishing OA a "happy peanut butter sandwich day."
  17. Ironically, I just got notification that the mix I was referring to here will Direct Post! Haha, thanks Larry! *gets ready for a bit more waiting*
  18. Would those be "technomandingos?" Take it easy, Big B. You've got 38 mixposts. Yeah I know you're trying to beat the all-time record, but some of us are trying to patiently await our "OCReMix Artist Profiles." It's just that it takes... a lot of... patience...
  19. I share your curiosity about this issue. *been waiting seven months to see a mix enter the judging list*
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