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Everything posted by Chimpazilla

  1. I share your curiosity about this issue. *been waiting seven months to see a mix enter the judging list*
  2. ^This,^ also the writing is rather stiff and quantized for the most part. I agree that the main lead synth is quite bland. If you modulated the sound, or switched it up sometimes, bring in something that cuts through the mix better, that would add interest. Maybe add some fun percussion loops, wide panned and eq'd for mainly high end. Argle is right, the elements are there, soundscape is full, nice countermelodies and fills... it's just kinda... idunno flat somehow. Some "candy" might remedy that. A few surprising elements, sfx, percussion loops, glitching, automation of cutoffs and/or resonances, just interesting stuff to keep the listener having a good time. You've got wubs going in there, but even they are too tame. At 1:55 you are duplicating the lead writing with the bass, not sure that idea works. At 2:54 I finally hear some leads that cut through the mix enough. This song has a lot of great ideas... just needs that extra oomph.
  3. I actually did my first "composition" on a little Nintendo DS program called Rytmik. I downloaded it for my son, thinking he could make some music. This was in February 2011, and at that time I had absolutely NO thoughts about making music myself. Tom showed no interest in this program, so one day I sat down with it myself and slammed out a fairly complete mix of "Saria's song" within an hour. I showed it to my husband and he said "how did you do that?" I said "I have no idea." So he went to the computer, did a little bit of research, and bought me FL Studio for my birthday (April 2011).
  4. Words fail... this is sooooo strange... and wonderful... emotive cinematic intro, tiny fairy bells, glitching, grungy dubstep, wait what, jazz? You surprised me repeatedly. I LOVE THIS.
  5. I love what you did with that bass, great sound and writing. Background arp is awesome but gets a bit repetitive. Kick is a tad buried as T said, maybe some compression and some more high-end "click" content would bring it out. Drums generally sound very good, great snare, great drum writing. "Guitar" lead (sounds like a layer) sounds a bit boxy, maybe gently cut a few mids out of the lower one. Overall, really fun and well written track!
  6. Sounds like you've come here for praise and not feedback. In this forum, you'll get constructive feedback to make you an even better artist. Take it or leave it. Sometimes the feedback is an opinion, sometimes it is an objective critique, it is up to you to sort out which is which. But we take the time here to give you something. Just... generally not blanket praise. Not here. You'll need a sense of humor here, some humility and a nice, thick skin, and you'll get along just fine. So if you're completely certain your mix is perfect, why post it in a wip forum? You could just stick to the sites where you'll get nothing but praise. The bar is just that much higher around here, we hold ourselves to a very high standard, and all of us are trying to improve even more.
  7. Noooooot quite 77 yet... bwahahaha! But, yeah.
  8. I've only been at this for two years. I have two songs in the "to be posted" queue right now. I won't tell you my age. I'm leaps and bounds older than absolutely everyone here, though. It proves you *can* start late. It's never too late.
  9. Needs more sub bass. Needs wilder drum patterns. Needs to be finished. (gawd I love dubstep like this, want to learn to make it myself)
  10. I like what you did with the fadeup, but YES that sounds great too! Try it! OK I getcha, but I'd really like to just hear it higher, just to compare too. Ok? *please*
  11. T, I think that bass may sound quite different once you try raising the octave on that first lead. Please, for me, give that a go. Also, please change that downward sine gliss to a guitar downbender ok? I'm liking the bell lead a bit better now, with the saw support. Glad you're liking it, Chris!
  12. Boom Tiss! Haha! I like this track, in particular the squelchy 303 arpy thing. I don't know this source at all, but I suspect you may have a problem that the first 1:10 seems to be sourceless intro. (if there is source there, I apologize, but it is a full 1/3 of the track that seems to be just intro) In fact the first 24 seconds (awesome as they are) contain no music. Just sayin', for the judges, that may be a problem. You could carve some mids out of the string pad and also the choir. Strings are a little dry. Choir is a lot loud. I love the bass. Supersaw! Ok... could use some extra delay. Piano sounds great. Good ending. Not easy to end a trance track without a fadeout, well done. I feel like the track could easily be a whole minute longer... because trance... but that may make it too repetitive... ok let's see what a mod says. Overall, sounds good and I like it!
  13. Oh. My. GOD Markus. This is GLORIOUS. It is so lovely, so interpretive. Those chords are amazing. The playing is divine. It goes from soft and expressive and into groovy, then back to soft. Time signature change, whoa cool! The piano tone is delightful. I honestly can find no fault with this. WOW. If this doesn't "direct post" then I don't know what the world has come to. edit: I've listened to this five times. It brings tears to my eyes. Just lovely. Downloaded for my iPod.
  14. I've been listening to a lot of tracks on OCR and some friends' tracks, each of which is totally different. One person writes jazz, another orchestral, someone else deep house or dubstep. I love all of these genres! So recently I made a song where I did several different sections each a different genre, yet tied together through good transitions. This song used tons of different instruments, as the entire soundscape was different for each part. Also, when I'm remixing, I like to use two or three or more source songs from the same game source. The verse can be based on one song, the chorus another, and the breakdown yet another. That's one way for sure to vary your composition. One area where everyone gets lazy is drums. Even if you vary your drum writing, it's a great idea to vary your drum timbres for different sections of your song, too. It's amazing how much impact that has.
  15. Sorry I thought everyone understood "ripping someone a new one" it means well... hhhmm I'll PM you!

  16. It maybe simply be better to check your mix in mono, every now and then, just to make sure you have no phase cancellation (see if you can still hear all your instrumentation when it is in mono). I've never heard of "mixing in mono," is this a thing?
  17. You're welcome BP and thanks for those kind words! I do have one collab mix that has passed the panel and is waiting to be posted (it's a looooong wait). I have another mix getting judged now, and three more mixes submitted that I'm quite hopeful about. So yeah, hopefully soon I'll get that "artist profile!" And yeah I'm always down for a collab idea, let me know what you've got in mind.

  18. I find this impressive. I haven't seen all of your posts but I can imagine how ugly they must have been. But to admit fault, apologize publicly, and (most importantly) achieve the personal growth that I see here, impresses me hugely. I hope many people will see this and realize that it's ok to relax a little bit and just be part of the group without having to shred everyone out of anger or a false sense of pride, and that you will be accepted back into the fold. Also, kudos to djp, Larry and the mods here for reacting firmly, yet calmly and often with a great deal of humor, to attacks of this nature, and for not holding grudges once the person has calmed down and apologized. This helps everyone grow personally, too, whether they are part of the problem or just a spectator. *dives back into current technomanga project in progress*
  19. Yup and different styles of drum sounds at different parts during the song, as well as different writing. (i.e. hardstyle drums for a section, soft rock drums during the breakdown, etc.) T is quite good at that.
  20. This is really nice. I think a little melody variation would be a welcome change, but I really like the atmosphere and instrumentation. The hats and snare/clap are a tad bright for the feel of this song, but not a dealbreaker. The drone bass could be a little louder, I love that. You could even do more with that pad, make it evolve even more and spread the stereo separation out more, add some sparkles here and there for a truly spacey feel. Lovely!
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