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Everything posted by GallenWolf

  1. mickmoo, have have you gone through the manual yet? There's alot in there about what the acronyms mean and descriptions about the patches (butter legato, qleg, lyrical. expressive etc), as well as the features of the sampler. Or are you looking more for the orchestration side of things?
  2. http://www.bestservice.de/special.asp/en - weekend special, 25% off. Wish I had the budget for Ethno World. Ah well. Cinematic Strings 2.0 is also on this offer.
  3. Agreed with snappleman. That said, me and a friend are producing a song a month from a genre we have never produced before. It has been very enlightening for us in terms of production, history, etc.
  4. Mate, again, thanks for noticing the noise! I checked on my akg-240s and couldn't hear anything, but pulled out my shure iems and yeah there it was! Cheers!
  5. Hi! Thanks for listening I think I really need some proper monitors - the speakers I got are all built-in to my laptops Cheers!
  6. I'm pretty pleased with the production on this piece! It is a straight cover, and I think the mix on this works well on the few speakers I've tested on. Would love to hear opinions on the mix! http://soundcloud.com/gallenw/elfen-lied-lilium-cover
  7. Get a portable recorder, or something to record (phone?) - humm it, save it, make it real!
  8. I'm saving up for a pair of Adam A3x monitors, I think they are in your budget range?
  9. 50% off http://www.store.precisionsound.net/index.php Tempted by some of the winds.....
  10. http://soundcloud.com/gallenw/memories-atop-point-56 My first outing with vsl solo strings I Would love to hear comments about the string programming - specifically the humanization.
  11. Thanks mate! I agree about the percussion, I do think my kick drum does not cut through the mix as much when I compare to other dubstep tracks. I've read about compression sidechaining, would that be the way forward?
  12. Ooo thanks for the feedback! Sorry for the late reply!
  13. I thought iTunes was the worst piece of audio software of all time Audacity is very useful for me on both osx and linux - especially the change tempo function when I am transcribing music.
  14. First first attempt at electronica http://soundcloud.com/gallenw/melodic-dubstep-hikaru-no
  15. I think the biggest help came from learning about harmony, this book helped alot.
  16. Lol ok two LCD monitors. Well I use a laptop and it is hooked up to a 20in lcd. The lcd's my main window where I do stuff, and the laptop's screen I usually just put plugin controls over so they don't cover up the daw. I was thinking: Damn, the people here on OCR are sure hard core, two studio monitors?
  17. Newb question: Dual monitors for cross checking the mix or ?
  18. Thanks for the tips shaggy, sent in my order for the book
  19. I reduce my buffers down to like 32 when "tracking". If the sounds are crackling, perhaps use a vsti that doesn't need much resources to playback? Then swap it back to your desired VI when mixing. Disable other stuff you don't use, wireless, lan, bluetooth, coffee maker, antivirus etc.
  20. A very short piano solo http://soundcloud.com/gallenw/music-log-june-2012 Yamaha CP33 + SampleTekk PMI Old Lady samples on the EXS24.
  21. http://www.embertone.com/ - two free instruments, and the to-buy instruments are low priced, the flute and recorder sounds lovely! Bought a copy of kontakt during the NI sales, FINALLY. I can get access to the libraries I've lusted for.
  22. Erm.... as much as I like FF7, no thanks.
  23. http://www.sampletekk.com 50% off.... so far I like the Rain Piano and Old Lady....
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