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Everything posted by MindWanderer

  1. If you're getting started as a remixer, try the following: http://sirnuts.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-budget-music-producer-kit.html http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13478 (AMT's version is dated but does have some helpful advice on procedure.)
  2. Interesting. I was a huge fan of the WGRC original (burned it to a CD, even), and the differences between the two versions are fascinating. I can definitely hear the improvements in production: sample quality, EQ, and more premeditated percussion. But there are actually some things I like less: The new flute and bell samples are a bit piercing, and I'm not a big fan of the frantic toms (which were present in the old version, but so much quieter that I never noticed them). Funny how some aspects which are almost objectively better actually make it less pleasing to my ears. I have mixed feelings about the exaggerated swing timing in places, too. I'm not sure which I prefer overall. It's heartwarming that Rexy got so much support in perfecting this. I only hope I can get that level of encouragement and advice when my skill level reaches that point.
  3. There's always Reaper, with its unlimited and uncrippled free trial. It's a great DAW to learn on when you're unwilling to plunk down lots (or any) money just yet. I finally paid for my copy yesterday; although I told myself I wouldn't pay for it until I got something posted or placed higly in a significant compo, I've spent enough time on it that the folks at Cockos have earned my money.
  4. Submitted. There's certainly a lot more improvement I could make in the time available, but I have no emotional attachment to this source and I need to save my energy for the BBBBCC and WCRG.
  5. You're saying this to Rexy? All-time PRC champion and all-around badass remixer? If she signed up right now, on the Sonic side 'cause I know she would, I don't see anyone currently on the Mega Man side I'd favor to beat her.But another great reason to join is just to get your choice of source in there. Right now it looks like I get to force Theory of N, Tuberz McGee, and KingTiger to make Mega Water S mixes. That's a no-lose scenario. It's possible to change your picks yourself, which I did, but I don't know how to get back to that page. I considered Ring Man as my fourth pick... MM4 has way too many overlooked themes. I'm bubbling over with Toad Man ideas that I'm saving for this summer.
  6. @Cosmic Sounds: DarkeSword forgot to actually come out and say it this time, but I'm pretty sure this is just O.G. Mega Man, not X/Zero/ZX.
  7. Yeah, same here. But half an hour on Youtube later and I'm good to go!
  8. But I did! Waaa.Signed up. Damn you, Darkesword, you own my very sooooul! Edit: Oh, man, I just listened to Green Grove Zone and Prison Lane. They both go with Mega Water S like chocolate and peanut butter. This gon' be epic.
  9. I have an idea, althought it took me a long time to wrap my brain around discarding the Disney-esque feel of this one. I'm kind of feeling my way through it, though, so we'll see how it goes.
  10. Oh, if Mega Man V is OK, what about The Wily Wars? If I can do MegaWater S or BusterRod G I will damn well find a way to make this happen.Edit: also, what about Sonic Chronicles? It's the only Sonic game I've actually played extensively.
  11. Aargh, you had to get this going already? Now I need a new theme for next month's RMWtS. It was going to be an elegant progression: Mega Man X vs. Mega Man, Mega Man vs. Sonic, Sonic vs. .... Now I need to skip around. And to make things worse, I'm nohow fast enough to make 6 mixes in 6 weeks. Just holding my breath until the WCRG.
  12. Theme The weather is really heating up for summer! It'll be one of the hottest on record, and some scientists are saying that we're experiencing the biggest planetary warm-up in over 10,000 years. Since we can't remix our way to a solution to global warming, we'll do the next best thing: take a nice, warm, tropical vacation! All mixes should either: Be based on a source played for a tropical beach or island location (not other tropical climates, such as deserts, nor other themes that just happen to play in tropical areas, like boss themes). Or: Be done in a style of music that typifies tropical islands or vacation spots. Polynesian, reggae, Don Ho-esque serenades, etc. Pairings nOkbient with Kuolema. Cosmic Sounds with pu_freak. Cash and Change with KingTiger. Pl511 with Argle. Have fun, y'all.
  13. Hm, nice lure to shoot for, and albums seem to have slightly lower standards than full OCR submissions. I have some time this weekend, I'll see what I can do with this.
  14. Don't you have to be a star?Yeah, that "OC ReMix Artist Profile" by your name means you should probably be helping other people earn the same. Also, if you participate as a Star, we'll be at 4 Stars, 4 Novices right now, with a little less than a day left to sign up.
  15. SuperiorX did a fine job running the SZRC last time--Darke clearly has no objection to other people picking these things up. Besides, I think he gets fatigued running these all the time. The format I'd put forward would be a double elimination tournament, in which, as orlouge suggested, each week alternates (first your robot master in your opponent's zone, then your zone with your opponent's robot master). Or you could do a "Draw and Pull" style double elimination format, either alternating as above or with one whole bracket being one direction and the other whole bracket being the other. If there's few enough participants, you could also do a whole "Vs" style compo, with 8 robot master and 8 Sonic zones, and do it round-robin. I've also considered a sort of "Grand Melee" format, but that would be a lot more complicated, probably unnecessarily so.
  16. Aw, dangit! I've been planning for months to do this for this season's RMWtS Vs. Special episode. Now you went and spoiled it. I'll probably do it anyway, though--mine is just one episode, so only 4-6 mixes will come out of it. If you were to do this, you should wait a while. Back-to-back compos with the same source aren't a great idea, and Darkesword has dibs on Mega Man this summer.
  17. KingTiger sent me a PM asking to enroll as a Star. Not sure why he didn't just wait until the thread came up and post here, but whatever. The astute may have noticed that we're getting a little ahead of the one-per-month schedule this is supposed to follow, but I'll probably have to mess with the schedule to work around the Wily Gauntlet compo coming up in a couple of months.
  18. Season 2, Episode 2: Tropical Vacation! Current News Results are in! Results! First Place (tie): "Pink 'n' Floaty Beach Party" by nOkbient feat. Kuolema, with 11 points. First Place (tie): "Sephiroth's Sunny Vacation" by Cash and Change feat. KingTiger, with 11 points. Third Place: "Planetary Nebula" by Cosmic Sounds feat. pu_freak, with 6 points. Download Season 2 Now! Theme The weather is really heating up for summer! It'll be one of the hottest on record, and some scientists are saying that we're experiencing the biggest planetary warm-up in over 10,000 years. Since we can't remix our way to a solution to global warming, we'll do the next best thing: take a nice, warm, tropical vacation! All mixes should either: Be based on a source played for a tropical beach or island location (not other tropical climates, such as deserts, nor other themes that just happen to play in tropical areas, like boss themes). Or: Be done in a style of music that typifies tropical islands or vacation spots. Polynesian, reggae, Don Ho-esque serenades, etc. Pairings nOkbient with Kuolema. Source: Cosmic Sounds with pu_freak. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGIM7ADri1o Cash and Change with KingTiger. Source: Pl511 with Argle. About ReMixing With the Stars ReMixing With the Stars is intended to give beginning remixers some support, encouragement, and mentoring in their quest to become great, and as a sidenote, to become posted remixers. Beginners are mentored by experienced remixers to push their abilities to new heights and submit collaborative works according to the theme of the month. Who's a "Star" and who's a "Novice?" Any posted or accepted-to-be-posted remixer, as the only artist or as the lead arranger on a piece, is automatically considered a "Star." This isn't meant to be a statement on who's a "good" or "expert" artist, but it's a somewhat meaningful threshhold which doesn't require any subjective judgment on my part (however subjective the OCR judging process may be). Additionally, anyone who wants to sign up as a Star can also be put into that category. This is because a lot more "Novices" (who is everyone else) sign up than stars, and it's better to receive some mentoring from someone who's good but not posted than from no one at all. If you've done any of the following things, as examples, I strongly recommend you sign up as a Star: Contributed to an OCR album Had a submitted remix rejected but with one or more "Yes" votes Beat a posted remixer in direct competition (not counting forfeit) Sold your compositions (remixes or not) for money If you want to sign up conditionally (e.g. "I'd prefer to be a Novice, but if you need me to be a Star so more people can participate, that's fine too"), then go ahead, and bless you. Rules Enrollment/Pairings: Since this is a new season, pairing priority (should it be an issue) is flipped: newcomers get the first slots, while returning Novices will be dropped, by order of signup, if there aren't enough Stars to go around. As before, once the list of Novices is reduced to the same size as the list of Stars, novices will be randomly paired with Stars. Since this is a new season, Novices may be paired with a Star they worked with last season. Mixes: The Novice must be the primary remixer. Stars can contribute by giving advice, playing a live instrument or vocals, and with production, including minor adjustments to fix timing or dissonance issues. They may also contribute a short solo segment. No one other than the Novice and Star may help in any way. Submissions: All entries must be sent to me by the 10PM PDT deadline via PM on the forums, with a link to a reliable host for me to download your mix from. Please don't use Tindeck, as it doesn't give you control over what the filename will be when downloaded. I also recommend you post in this thread that you've submitted your mix, since I know there have been issues in other compos with PM's not being received. Please submit your file as an mp3, preferably encoded at a high-quality VBR or 320kbps. Filenames must be in the following format: Novice feat. Star - Title (Game).mp3 Example: MindWanderer feat. djpretzel - The World's Worst ReMix (Pong).mp3 Proper file names and formats mean I can do my job of getting the compliation done and posted faster, which means you get to hear the great music produced by this sooner. Incorrect file names annoy me, and an annoyed host is an unhelpful host. Schedule All deadlines are 10 PM Pacific time (PDT). Signups until Wednesday, May 1, 10:00pm PDT. If you're signing up as a Novice, and didn't sign up for a previous episode, you must post links to at least two samples of your previous work! They don't have to be good, they don't even have to be game remixes, you just have to prove you're not brand-spanking-new to this music production thing. Things you've posted to the WIP forum are preferable but not required. If you're signing up as a Star, say a little bit about your strengths, and maybe post a link or three to remixes you feel best represent them. You can mention anything else you think would be helpful in working with you (software preferences, instruments you play, etc). Announcement of the pairings and theme on May 1. The theme will be broad enough to allow many, many options, serving mainly as a unifying factor. It's announced later so that no one gets a head start. ReMixing from May 1 to Wednesday, May 15, 10:00pm PDT (2 weeks). Rules and guidelines above. Voting from whenever I get the compilation posted (should be no more than a few hours after the deadline) until Wednesday, May 22, 10:00pm PDT. Votes should be based on, in roughly descending order, use of source (i.e. interpreted but recognizable), arrangement, production, and enjoyability. How appropriate the submission was for the theme shouldn't be considered (since this is easier for option A than option . You'll pick your three favorites, in order. Your first-place vote will get 3 points, your second-place 2 points, and your third-place 1 point. Participants (both Novices and Stars) may not vote for their own mixes, but participants who vote will get a free first-place vote added to their score. Please send me a PM with your votes, like this: 1. First-place ReMix 2. Second-place ReMix 3. Third-place ReMix Thanks for your interest, and lets get this show on the road! Previous Episodes Season 1 Compilation [thread=40611]Pilot Episode: "Beginnings"[/thread] [thread=41556]Season 1, Episode 1: "Spooky!"[/thread] [thread=41864]Season 1, Episode 2: "Origins of Home Gaming"[/thread] [thread=42143]Season 1, Episode 3: Special "You Can Never Have Too Much Mega Man" edition[/thread] [thread=42485]Season 1, Episode 4: "Yesteryear"[/thread] [thread=42797]Season 1, Episode 5: "Ultra-Modern"[/thread] [thread=43124]Season 1 Finale: "Touched by a Star"[/thread] [thread=43437]Season 2, Episode 1: "Country Road"[/thread]
  19. Results! First Place: "The Boss Must Dance" by Cash and Change feat. pu_freak, with 20 points. Second Place: "There's an Ape in My Coffee" by Trism feat. Argle, with 18 points. Third Place: "Olato's Star" by Esperado feat. Kuolema, with 17 points. Fourth Place (tie): "An Adept's House Party" by Final Kingdom feat. chimpazilla, with 10 points. Fourth Place (tie): "The Mystic Sands of Nightfall Desert" by Cosmic Sounds feat. Flexstyle, with 10 points. Some Donkey Kong favoritism here, maybe? But they were excellent mixes regardless; I think this might have been Cash and Change's best effort to date. Solid work from everyone.
  20. That was just once, when voting required listening to everyone's old mixes, and in same cases comparison mixes of whoever they were trying to emulate, in addition to the entries.
  21. A little less than 48 hours left to get votes in. I have a whopping two votes so far, plus my own. Somebody else had better vote, we have a 3-way tie at present. No--they have downloads for Win32, Win64, OSX32, OSX64, and PowerPC, but for Linux they recommend using the Windows 32-bit version under Wine. At least they do that much!
  22. Amusingly, I learned this fact from the comments on the video you sent me. My main machine is Ubuntu 12.04 with Cinnamon as the window manager (Unity is horrible), but I have a training/test system running Fedora 17. Linux is a lot easier to work with than people think; the main problem is that when you try to troubleshoot, people tend to give you intimidating command-line instructions when it can be done in the GUI much more easily. That and the fact that no one writes games or DAWs for it. I tried remixing in Rosegarden, that was a disaster. But I understand Reaper has been tested with Wine, so I may try that at some point.
  23. Mixes are up. Sadly no mariachi. Let me know if there's anything strange about the files or the tagging, I had to use a new program to do it (no access to my usual Linux box). Edit: Hmm... apparently, technically Cash and Change's entry doesn't match the theme (the same song is reused as the Jade Plateau theme in Blast Corps for N64), but the theme is technically only a guideline anyway.
  24. Twenty-four hours to go, and I don't have any entries yet. Hopefully you're all planning on finishing this at the last minute....
  25. In case someone else has the same question, without spoiling a dramatic moment in the game, a character has learned something that makes them feel alone and hopeless, but thoughts of all the experiences they shared with their friends come to them and gives them new hope and determination. The title sums it up pretty well.Edit: Here's an important question: If the source loops (as this one does), does the submission also have to loop? If it were seriously a replacement for the original, it would have to.
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