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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Do you see the thread in the guides and tutorials section, How To Set Up Kontakt In FL Studio?
  2. Happy birthday, Mr. Pretzel!
  3. Would something like a character selection screen be acceptable?
  4. So much speculation, you guys need to learn patience. It doesn't help.
  5. There's not a hard and fast rule when it comes to fair use, it varies from case to case, if my understanding is correct. On the off chance that OCR faces legal challenge, fair use would probably be used as a defense. I personally think it would work, since the whole point of this site is to show, or educate if you will, that video game music is a legitimate and artistic form of music. Correct me if I'm wrong. Not to mention that remixes contain variations on the original source, which may or may not make a difference. Again, that's assuming a legal issue would even pop up. OCR has a good relationship, as I understand it, with composers in industry. I really can't imagine a game company taking issue with what goes on around here, what would they gain? EDIT: It would certainly be easier to argue fair use for OCR, then for a movie uploaded to YouTube containing no commentary.
  6. I have the regular version of Session Strings. I haven't done much with it, but the strings sounded authentic, with options for reverb and other effects. I'm interested in knowing the quality of SS Pro.
  7. My favorite idea, that would great to have, though maybe not feasible.
  8. Well, actually, part of the mission of OCR is to educate the public about VGM, according to the OCR content policy. Read the last sentence on the page. It seems very likely that this site is covered, or could be covered, by fair use. Plus, this site is supported by many composers within the gaming industry, and some people who have made remixes on OCR have worked on or made entire game soundtracks. The chances are slim that OCR will ever face legal challenges, especially since the very companies that would issue any challenges get free publicity every time their soundtracks are represented on the site.
  9. What is the process for obtaining the proper license? Does anyone here have first hand experience?
  10. $2000 and $500 on virtual items!? And can't you get the items in the crate at random, for free? Each to his or her own I guess, not my thing. Wait, why I am posting here again? Oh, yeah, do people still play on the server? I've never seen anyone on. Probably a time difference issue. EDIT: Not that there's anything wrong with spending money on that, I was just surprised.
  11. Yeah, I suppose once the proper licences are obtained, selling remixes isn't a bad thing. A lot of people have made that point, and it's a good one. I personally wouldn't sell remixes (not that I'm good enough anyway, even if I wanted to), but I shouldn't expect other people to share my philosophy. I didn't think that through, think before you post, good technique. And I probably actually would buy a remix to support the artist, assuming it was good enough. Quality art is still quality art, whether or not money is involved. EDIT: More thinking, less posting. And I do understand that people make a living from music, and if they get licensing, yes, they should be able to make profit from remixes if they so choose, video game music or otherwise.
  12. Entirely was the wrong word, but yeah, drawing lines isn't a good idea, I didn't really intend to do that. I define original work as mostly, at least 75% to put a number to it, your own arrangement or melody, not from an already existing song. Not a great definition, but it's subjective by nature. Yeah, remixing is laborious and an art, but the fact remains that the remix contains a recognizable portion of another song created by someone else. I don't feel it's really ethical to profit off of something that contains a noticeable piece of some one else's work. EDIT: Unless properly licensed, that's fine.
  13. I don't care if it's legal or not, I don't think people should sell music unless it's their own work. Why do I think that? I feel that the spirit or thought behind a remix should be to pay tribute to a piece of music that has some sort of meaning to the individual or individuals. A remix should be a labor of passion, not something requiring compensation. A musician who is good enough to make money from remixes, can certainly make money from original compositions. EDIT: Though I guess getting the proper licenses is fine.
  14. I'll be signing up as a novice, PM to be sent in 2 days.
  15. FoxxDragon, it's a matter of interpretation of the facts, not the facts themselves. The intention of the Kickstarter was obviously to fund the album, with physical albums as rewards. Obviously, you have a different interpretation. You interpret the reward for the $50 level as the asking price for the physical album. It is true that in order to actually have the physical album in your hands, you have to pay $50. If you chose to interpret the reward as an asking price, well probably nothing said here will change your stance. In the end, it comes down to a philosophical difference. You and some others feel the price is too high because the actual cost of the physical album is lower, others were willing to pay $50 because they view the album as a reward to a donation, as intended. Trying to get the OCR staff to admit Kickstarter was advertised all wrong is just ridiculous. Think about this from their standpoint. Why would they say this was advertised all wrong? This project has received such overwhelming support, it was and still is a huge success. You say this was set up poorly, yet the facts say otherwise. The original goal was 15k, now they are at over 65k with 24 days left, that doesn't look like a case of poor advertising.
  16. Semantics, isn't that this entire discussion?
  17. EDIT: My statement is a bit confusing, I admit. Enjoy, I hope you cherish the quote. Actually, I'm not sure if I would even call it profit. No product is being sold, and no one is getting paid. On that basis, this project is not for profit, it didn't make profit. Look up the word if have doubts.
  18. Yes, this project made a profit, but it wasn't set up for the express purpose to make a profit. Therefore it was not "for profit." I checked the Kickstarter faq, I couldn't find anything that mentions that the site keeps track of where the money goes, Amazon might though, I'm not sure. In the accountability section, the word is that accountability lies solely in the hands of the project creators.
  19. Apparently the drama continues (unless I'm misreading your post). How exactly have the fans been hurt? Judging by how much money the Kickstarter project has made so far, I'd say the fans are pretty damn happy (myself included), most of them anyway.
  20. Oooh, nice, an orchestral version of Gogo. Well done. In terms of production, I think it gets too loud at a few points, mainly the spots mentioned by evktalo. I also think this mix could some more interpretation. Other than that, I got nothing. I have no experience working with orchestral music.
  21. Donated! I'm always happy to help out a site which has given so much love to VGM, and the community. And when rewards are added to that, even better! Keep doing what you do guys, you have my support and respect.
  22. To me, the kickstarter is a non-issue. If you have doubts about where the extra money goes, don't donate. Seems pretty simple. The fact that the original goal has been surpassed by over 30k, this project has far more support than negative feedback. There will always be people who come out of the woodwork looking for trouble every time something new is tried. That's not to say people shouldn't ask legitimate questions. The problem is when people start making accusations that someone is getting a profit, with no basis whatsoever for those accusations. And to anyone who feels slighted by not being invited to the album, well boo hoo, get over it. There were tons of other remixers who could have been invited, but weren't for whatever reason. Thinking you weren't invited because you're being slighted is childish and egotistical. To think you are entitled to an invite is absurd.
  23. Do you want novices to only send you a PM? Or should they also express their interest in this thread?
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