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Everything posted by DrumJ8

  1. I have so many wooden spoons I'm going to use them to form my own bucket and spoon band Pretty close though. Congratz Trism and nice work evktalo! I haven't listened to the new source yet. lookin forward to it
  2. TRISM I can't seem to play your track .. I can play mine though. maybe double check on that?
  3. This has too many words; as a compromise, I am suggesting: Supra-Force Metal I am not too familiar with the Megaman universe but the internet tells me this is indeed a Megaman-related thing. I personally don't really like the hyphen but that's just how the internet spells it.
  4. Thanks for the feedback, humans, it is highly appreciated Actually, in a weird way this kind of very much answered my question. Or, I asked the wrong question. I'll check these out and will most likely buy them impulsively and it will be awesome. Thanks
  5. I am currently using the ATH-M30 headphones and don't really have anything else to compare it to. I'm new to mixing/production. I know that by getting better headphones it would help me (like the ATH-M50s for example) but I was wondering if anyone had any direct experience with these? In your opinion, are they good enough to make decent mixes? ATH-M30
  6. aw deng how have I only heard about this now
  7. how about the megalomaniacs
  8. ahh hakstock and I still need a third. I actually PM'd Obtuse a few days ago but haven't heard back yet. July the 4th be with you all
  9. Haha I couldn't help think the same thing .. it's inspiring work.
  10. Alright I at least started a wip for this which is good. Hopefully I'll have time to make it better before I submit
  11. This is part of my daily ritual. I must check it off at the end of every day or else my day is incomplete. Might as well say hi to my former teacher. Hi Dan.
  12. I didn't think it was possible to get chills while it was this hot out and they're multiplying (the chills, that is)
  13. Cool project! I'll up my pledge later if I can .. Congratz, the project is doing great
  14. blargh I didn't give feedback this time because I didn't feel confident enough to articulate, but I realize it's not fair to receive feedback without trying to give some. I'll try to improve for next time :/. nice work everyone
  15. hakstock and I have joined forces
  16. I finally broke down and bought a 3DS because when this game came out, everyone was atwitter on my twitter. EVERYONE was talking about it, and I was like "what is this game?!" I barely got it but every time I open it up, it's late and everything is closed
  17. House Hunters man. House Hunters.
  18. 1. Needle Man 2. Drill Man 3. Sword Man 4. Gyro Man 5. Star Man I need teammates
  19. Hey thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. I use ATH-M30 headphones to mix, I don't have anything else to compare it to though. I'll work on it some more. Thanks again.
  20. I am interested. I try to be my best.
  21. I'd be interested in hearing how a track of mine could or should be mixed--like, how my music would sound if someone with skills mixed it. Would it be possible to have sort of a short summary of what you did? It's more for personal development.
  22. I am a backer and would like to spread the word about: RGB, a wordless graphic novel about life, loss, and love by Manny Trembley His previous project was successful to fund the printing of his other book called Martin Monsterman, which I also backed and received and can attest to its awesomeness. This new book is deeply personal and is inspired by real life events, in that his wife had two miscarriages about 8 months apart. They now have two boys and the book is about life, loss, and how they eventually learned how to love again. I know he can deliver a great product, so check it out if you like
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