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Everything posted by swansdown

  1. I overlooked this one before, but it's actually fitting for a 16-bit celebration. Yeah... definitely appreciate it more now. To funk and happiness! ^__^
  2. Getting some Chrono Trigger vibes in the intro and outro where it's not orchestral. ^__^ Proper classical and, yeah, vengeful, too. Wallow, you Mallow.
  3. I like it. A metal mix akin to the remake's version, except shaken up more. The change-up at 2:40 from the original melody until the end is welcome.
  4. Yay, I didn't cry. Sweet piece in the gentle way.
  5. Rarh. XD I am playing catch up now! And check out the album review threads as well: there are 4 without comments! I may review the Doom albums before the end of the month, if I can. They're great! ^w^
  6. Smiling and strutting is what I feel with this tune. ^__^ I never thought a Street Fighter piece could feel so happy.
  7. ;-; Makes me want to cry. A welcome tribute to Iwata. Also feels surprisingly uplifting after the first minute. A good journey track. c:
  8. You think you've heard all ghost castle mixes... XD So many cool sounds. I love the sounds used at 2:00-2:05, 2:20-2:40... XD Can't list them all. Really good. Really fun, especially the last minute.
  9. It's a nice listen but also strange, because there's so much going on. XD In parts it has an old school vibe, particularly 2:15-2:30. Lovely listen.
  10. Brilliant build-up, too. Great funk style and reminds me of some Star Fox Fortuna themes and mixes. I especially like the break at 3:20-3:25.
  11. Very cool! ^__^ Clean cut and mixed up nicely. c: The last third is my favourite.
  12. Interesting. Well, I'm sure people would love to hear Ultima pieces. The series was more than just "Stones" after all. And less than 2 years of practise and you're making enjoyable sounds.
  13. eee I'm glad you're posting here or else I never would have found you. Lovely, lovely music. c: In parts, this reminds me of Ultima pieces for some odd reason. EDIT - Oh my gosh, you've been here an entire decade longer than I have! Well, then, I'm glad I finally saw your music posts. XD
  14. Definitely something that I would put in my Ecco playlist for a listen. You give the piece higher highs, with your woodwind, than the game does, I think. A nice touch. It's rather pleasant.
  15. Pleasant acoustic-like start and finish. Also, refreshing instrumentation for an often mixed ocr melody. With the way it started, I almost didn't expect the familiar refrain at 1:23. Not complaining... just thought it was going in a different direction. The merge into Flash Man was so smooth I almost didn't notice how it switched without a hitch.
  16. A fun piece for one of the best albums on ocr. ^__^ The turn from cowboy to celtic to eastern is just odd. XD But cool. ^__^ At a few spots at the start it can seem a bit slow, but I chalk that up to me not being used to a violin used this way. (My same problem with Arcanum's ost.) With that said, I wish the piece went on longer. c:
  17. Nice take on an original track I wouldn't normally listen to. (EDIT - The original, not your version. Yours is great. ) The groove beginning at 0:48 is fantastic! And it only gets better at 1:05. Groovy melody.
  18. My favourite RM2 track and a great take at that! I enjoy the quieter break like at 1:40-1:50. It's in good contrast to the rest of the (rocking!) piece.
  19. 1: Why, if applicable, don't you comment on new mixposts on OCR? I used to leave feedback as much as Crulex some days... Then I ended up working nearly every day for almost a year and disappeared from here. I'd put my reason in the 'over time you will lose people for no fault of your own' pile. As for the workshop forum, I tried posting for a while in there. I had a back and forth with one mixer over a piece, giving feedback as best I could, but eventually I said I couldn't give them the technical feedback they needed -- they'd need a musician's reply instead because I didn't know how to help more. After that, I felt too embarrassed to post anything else there. I may do again, though, after reading MindWanderer's comment here. (I could point out which parts don't work or merge together well.) 2: How do you suggest the number of reviews is brought back up again? A lot of good suggestions so far. As a non-musician, I give mostly 'I liked it! -- especially this bit and that sound!' feedback on pieces I like. But that's not what some musicians want, which is review from peers. That said, I wouldn't use a stick to encourage people who don't review to review. I actually like the review count and badges idea. Of my 350 posts, probably 80% are feedback comments, and I'm proud of that. (To some artists, nothing is more maddening than utter silence, and even if only half my comments perk up someone's day, that's a lot more than if I never posted at all.) It's also encouraging as a reviewer to see a remixer post thank you the week after a mix has been posted. What else can be suggested? Giving people forum titles can be encouraging in that they feel more connected to this place. Like, if someone is in the workshop giving feedback a lot, brainstorm names to give those people even if they're not moderators. (Workshop Helper, Assistant, Tinkerer,... or something less lame. ) On the Shadowrun forums, I remember some of the active people, who often greeted new members, were given the title of "Face" (in game terms, they'd be the social or business face of the party). You need some active people to attract others to post more often, even if the most active people take breaks every so often. Also, I keep a VG music thread on another forum, but so far I've been pointing to the youtube page and not ocr's page. I'll start posting the ocr page link with DJP's write-up alongside the youtube video link.
  20. An old favourite. It has a nice lift throughout and a brave tension. The chippy backdrop helps? It's pretty cool. c:
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