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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Of course, when they make levels that actually require rudimentary platforming you immediately get people going "SONIC IS ABOUT SPEED DURRR." Also Poochie the Dog would be the best Sonic sidekick ever.
  2. I usually like the creepy dudes with weird play styles. Zappa and Faust are my bros. I'm terrible with them, of course, but I'm terrible with everyone else too, so it doesn't matter.
  3. Pudge Wars TONIGHT. Edit: Also I could see Harkon's being pretty freakin' sweet on Forsaken Archer.
  4. I love you guys, but my IRL friends take precedence over people I met on the intertubes, so any sort of overlap with NYE is a no-go for me. I only barely made it this time because my friends were willing to miss Friday so I could ride/drive with them.
  5. Oh my. http://www.laweekly.com/slideshow/view/10831960 for more pics. Be warned, it's about equal parts and D:
  6. I only saved Ari so I could beat him in chess! No seriously though, it was great hanging out with you all. Sorry about On The Border sucking. And thanks for the cookies!
  7. Didn't you say a Pesti/Pred-style item build was better?
  8. I think the press release format of your post is a little overboard, but the track itself is great. An extended version would be awesome!
  9. And MAGFest continues at the Dhsu ranch. I could kill Prot in his sleep...NO JURY IN THE WORLD WOULD CONVICT ME!
  10. It doesn't take luck to know the general weight and dimensions of a DSi box.
  11. And hax. Don't forget hax.
  12. Oh man. Just played an AREM, all AGI, duplicates allowed, instant respawn. No stats, of course. I got Chronos. I highly recommend it.
  13. I've pretty much forgotten what I look like. I'm always surprised by how ridiculously ug...erm, ahem...unphotogenic I am.
  14. Just takes training and practice. Lots of videos on YouTube to help you out. But in the meantime you can just cosplay as Dr. Girlfriend.
  15. no u Man, and I was trying to imagine atmuh's voice coming out of her. It was the best.
  16. Never seen it, but I just thought I'd take this opportunity to gloat that that I saw Gogol Bordello.
  17. Nice pick. The new(-ish) Zatoichi is pretty cool. Not to mention she learns how to beat people up by watching Tony Jaa movies. I think Blockbuster probably carries Dark City, Twelve Monkeys, and City of God. I second Oldboy, along with any of Chan-Wook Park's other movies (except maaaybe Thirst). Definitely not for people with weak stomachs though.
  18. Haha, yeah, I never entirely got the point of that map, especially with only a few players and normal gravity. You can explore the place in like 2 minutes. Maybe someone can enlighten us?
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