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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I think he meant to post in this thread.
  2. From where? I'm seeing $500 listings on eBay for just the card alone.
  3. Wow, I just saw a League of Legends ad. Talk about targeted advertising...
  4. According to this chart, the GMA X4500 (desktop version of the MHD) is in fact significantly worse than the HD4200. Judging by the other cards in the same tier, the 4200 actually seems like a decent card, but 2006 games might be a slight stretch for it. You should be able to play stuff like Source games just fine though.
  5. So do you guys think Silent Hill: Homecoming is worth $10? I've never played any of the other games, but apparently it's a quasi-reboot or something. Definitely getting Jade Empire though.
  6. Yeah, once you put "laptop" and "video accelerator" into the same sentence, the $550 figure goes out the window. That's a pretty reasonable price point for a respectable gaming desktop, but I honestly don't think any laptops exist with the specs you're asking for at the price you're asking for.
  7. Got Burnout Paradise because atmuh is gay for that game so now we can be gay together yaaaay.
  8. My latest receipt: Lucasarts Adventure Bundle - $2.50 Complete Shooter Pack - $3.74 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky (ROW) - $4.99 Rome: Total War Gold - $2.49 Indigo Prophecy - $3.39 Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Double Pack - $2.49 Machinarium - $9.99 Grand Theft Auto IV (US/AU) - $7.49 Funny that the most expensive game on the list is an indie one.
  9. I'd say it's pretty core on Voodoo Jester, considering it adds a potential 2400 extra damage to his ult.
  10. You don't need two heroes to chain the Shield of the Five/Plated Greaves effect. The cooldown is 25 seconds and the effect lasts 30, and it's 25 mana, so it's designed to be a quasi-permanent buff since you can hit it every time it wears off. Still, combined with shields and Keeper's armor, it can be pretty aggravating to lane against the two trees.
  11. I'm only posting to tell people to stop replying to Thin Crust. Seriously, it's only encouraging him. Also District 9 is better than a Halo movie would have ever been.
  12. comes to mind, but it doesn't have any kind of digitized photos.
  13. Ooo, I like this. Much more compelling premise than the original RMRB. Looking forward to the entries.
  14. Maybe Succubus? Mezz him and take care of the rest of the team first.
  15. Took me a while, but I'm guessing you're implying it sounds like Memories of Green?
  16. Were you pushing the creeps past their own towers? If so, how is that more sportsmanlike than backdooring?
  17. I do have to admit turning the demoman into a melee class is pretty weird. But hey, if you don't like the new items, don't equip 'em.
  18. Thanks for expecting everyone to automatically know wtf you're talking about. http://www.facebook.com/pages/RAGE-AGAINST-THE-MACHINE-FOR-CHRISTMAS-NO1/197877130755
  19. Mustin showed this to me, and I was very impressed by the out-of-head effect. You don't really get that listening to regular music or movies on headphones. It would be cool if video games used this algorithm (since actually doing separate binaural recordings would probably be expensive and impractical).
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