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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. January is Start Another Project Month. That said...good luck everyone. Some nice choons on this one.
  2. If you met Kizyr, you met Jenner. Edit: Man, I missed ALL the group meals.
  3. It's nice for your parents who just want to watch Netflix and TV and stuff, but it's also awesome for 20-something anime nerds because you can stream 1080p from your computer.
  4. Sadly that's actually more accurate than you might think. Once someone gives it to you, you can never get rid of it...
  5. Haters gonna hate, Brad. This thing looks heck of awesome. I've spent hours just trying to get subtitles to show up on MKVs streamed to the 360 (still aren't working actually, haven't bothered to try again), or 5.1 audio on the PS3. If I watched streamed stuff on a more regular basis, it'd easily be worth the $200 not to have to deal with that sort of sh...enanigans.
  6. Yeah, the isometric view makes it seems more Diablo-ish. Anyway, here's an article that kinda describes what I'm sure most of us are feeling after this sale: http://www.gamerswithjobs.com/node/48545 I spent $93.08 total BTW. I actually heckled people in the LAN room at MAGFest to let me check the day's deals, that's how sad it was. So how much money did everyone else blow on the sale?
  7. Didn't The OneUp( Mushroom)s do Star-Stealing Girl on T&S? So not completely unrelated.
  8. I am so in. C'mooon, daddy needs a new vidja game.
  9. I trounced both of you in 4-player VS.
  10. Usually it means FPS or shmup. Alien and Zombie Shooter are 3rd person Robotron-style shooters though.
  11. Stopping by Tulsa adds 4 hours to the trip, but you're completely welcome to stay if you decide to do it.
  12. Dhsu


    Man... F!$@#^ing furries.
  13. P.S. Today's games are all great. I only bought two of them because I already own the rest.
  14. Picked up HL:Source and Shattered Horizon (now that I have Windows 7 :DDD). I just hope someone lets me use their iPhone at MAGFest or something, because it would suck to miss the last few days of deals.
  15. Finally someone appreciates my genius.
  16. What, all that judging getting in the way of Heroes of Newerth? To make up for this, you have to buy me TWO pieces of pizza at MAGfest!
  17. I usually end up doing it because it's worth it to me to have a digital copy and hi-def graphics.
  18. Unless they're twice as big as the gifts they would've gotten on separate occasions otherwise. Sometimes consolidation is a good thing. Congrats, CotMM!
  19. I don't see anything about SLI on the card I was referring to but the AGP/PCI thing makes sense. Unfortunately, kittykar's laptop is actually more expensive now even without the operating system, since there doesn't seem to be an option for a CPU under 2.5GHz. Also the graphics card in question is actually a 9600M.
  20. Dhsu


    Oh yeah, I remember that guy.
  21. Why would I lie about something like this? http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m38.l1313&_nkw=9800m+GT&_sacat=See-All-Categories
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