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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. This helped me a bit, but I think your print-out idea is probably better.
  2. I checked out Eternal Silence today since it just got officially released on Steam and it's pretty decent even if it doesn't feel as polished as TF2. Space combat is always fun times. Also I like the ion cannon dude.
  3. If you think anybody ever said remixing was anywhere close to mainstream, you are sorely sorely mistaken. And whether remakes hold up to the original is very subjective, and either way does not make the example invalid.
  4. You mean centuries? Or even millennia if you count oral stories and legends?
  5. Haha, you sure like that synth bass don't you. Good stuff, Doug, keep it up. OR DON'T, SEE IF I CARE.
  6. Oh dear...have you never heard of Tristan and Isolde?
  7. Though thought-provoking, I think the analogy is flawed. There do exist millions of independent readings of poetry, enactments of plays, and performances of ballets, each of which will be slightly different from the creator's vision and be either better or worse (or even neither) for it. To connect this to the current thread, the difference here of course (that you yourself pointed out in fact) is that music is a performance art, i.e. in your words it can be "manifested," while the same does not hold for painting or sculpture. Great ballet dancers and actors are regarded with celebrity just as classical performers are. sup
  8. Yeah, one thing the article clarifies is that the knife never rolls for crits, so facestabs actually are glitches as opposed to regular crits (which makes sense since regular crits don't kill overhealed Heavies ). The system also explains why the machete and wrench have such a ridiculous crit rates, namely because if you've killed the equivalent of two overhealed Heavies within the last 20 seconds (i.e. all the time), pretty much 1 in 4 swings will be a crit.
  9. If I like a character I'll use them until I'm good (or at least not terrible) with them. Faust 4 LIFE.
  10. I was racking up a pretty good score but it was completely offset by getting killed by new people. Losing 75 points per death is not fun times. :[
  11. Yeah I've got a C2D and it still struggles with 1080p. Good thing I usually can't tell a significant difference from 720p!
  12. You didn't delete this already did you? My download keeps cutting off and leaving me with an 84kb ZIP. :'[
  13. So was this game any good? Because it's on sale for $10 (including soundtrack and art/reference book).
  14. You forgot this one: Edit: I was gonna call it "Super Medic" but I thought this was funnier.
  15. Heh, part-time model...guess they're Flight of the Conchords fans.
  16. Hm, according to TF2wiki, the Scout emblem is actually a Talaria, which seems vaguely familiar even though I don't remember ever seeing it. You should definitely be able to find one of those pretty easily though, and in any case it'd be a lot better than our current stick-bat logo.
  17. I honestly haven't seen anything that couldn't be done (within reason of course). You should see some of the stuff the UMS community has come up with, it's pretty impressive. You might have run into a shortcoming of the language (or perhaps your own programming), but the interface was always really intuitive to me. And besides, you're going to spend hours debugging no matter what language you use. Well what else would it do, vector calculus? Actually if they added mathematical operators that might actually be possible...
  18. That's why I said programming as opposed to coding, and deep as opposed to complicated. The goal of programming languages and IDEs in my mind should be to free the programmer from syntax and formatting, to allow him to just build...and in this regard plain English would actually be the *ideal* programming language (or at least a modified version where the grammar and vocabulary are non-ambiguous). And that's where the Campaign Editor succeeds IMO. It's high-level enough so anyone can get into it, but still powerful enough to do what you want it to. It has many of the features you'd expect in a "real" programming language like conditional loops, functions with parameters, and even objects with attributes. Hopefully modern IDEs will eventually get to the point (if they haven't already) where they can auto-complete keywords and code blocks to such an extent that it'll be just like making StarCraft triggers...point and click.
  19. The StarCraft Campaign Editor actually has a fairly deep scripting language. I was terrible at terrain but man did I have fun with the "programming."
  20. I really liked the first season, but I completely forgot about it on Sunday. :[ Will have to check this out later though.
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