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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. I'm a little disappointed you can't play as a Witch. Start out just like the other Infected, but once you spawn at a point, you can't move. The instant you are startled or attacked, then you can move and attack as you want.

    She may be unable to move most of the time but her stats give her enough speed and health to inflict serious damage (and immobilize) on at least one of the survivors, something that only the Tank and Hunter can really do. The Smoker needs distance, opportunity and a few seconds to do this, and the Boomer can't do this at all without getting a very lucky hit in an already severely weakened Survivor. Being a Witch could be very strategic if you could put yourself right where the Survivors have to go.

    Imagine being a Witch in a hallway, almost right by where the Survivors have to go, like the hallway out of the saferoom on the last level of No Mercy. The Survivors must either try to sneak by her, which carries not only the risk of setting her off, but also slowing their progress, giving time for the other Infected to catch up to them and set their traps. The other option is to attack her, and risk serious damage.

    Obviously some restrictions would have to be in place to prevent completely blocking the Survivors path, but that's what play-testing is for. Maybe alter some stats like health to mke it easier to one-shot her.

    It seems to me that Witches have a pretty deterministic AI though, i.e. attack the person who startled her, then run away. Letting the Witch choose whom she attacks would partly defeat the purpose IMO.

  2. oh, this is intended to be a faq, not really a guide. if someone has a computer question, they come here, find it on the list, and read it...and hopefully don't post another topic of 'why do i only have 2.35 gigs of ram' or 'is this e2180 better than my qx9770' or something. i'm planning on doing an overclocking tutorial at some point as well, just not with this. it's way more advanced than a lot of people think - at least if you do it right.

    I don't really see much of a point in a cooling section without discussing overclocking though. Maybe a section on quiet fans and passive cooling for people wanting silent setups, but all that other stuff is not gonna make much sense outside of the context of overclocking.

    I can vouch for the value of OCing though - I have an E6300 (1.86GHz at stock), but with the addition of a $40 cooler it can easily run 3.15GHz without even touching the voltage (at least until I added 2 extra sticks of RAM for some reason). That's faster than processors that cost hundreds more at the time.

  3. Already mentioned to Paul that it's outside of the submission standards. He'd have to make the music arrange the source (which it generally doesn't). Right now the only connection to the source tune is the vocals directly sampled from the original, which is also a no-go. Great remix, just not a ReMix.

    I thought that was to avoid legal problems? If the a capella is made publicly available that shouldn't be an issue. As for a connection, I'd say that the chord progression, structure, and rhythms are pretty tailored to this particular song...it wouldn't fit just any random techno melody with the same chords. It's got the same components as any other liberal arrangement, i.e. practically original background with altered but recognizable lead melody. Also there have been cases on the opposite end of the spectrum - relatively conservative arrangements with mostly unconnected vocals (e.g. some of StarBlast's tracks) - so if using original vocals qualifies as arrangement I don't see why the same can't be applied to original backgrounds.

  4. i've found that the worst place to be against a tank on no mercy 1 is that little alley before the street. there are two cars there and in a versus match i diligently juggled both of them between my massive arms, dazzling and incapacitating the entire survivor team in a matter of seconds.

    i'd done this once before, but the survivors holed up in that little room right as you come out of the complex--i punched the nearby car, propping it up longways against the door, then let them kill me though the tiny gap between the top frame of the door and the passenger side door of the car (so i wouldn't lose my rage and have the computer tank knock it away trying to get to them) and played the waiting game. they couldn't leave, and my teammates couldn't move the car.

    i was kicked immediately after.

    - Fixed Infected Players melee pushing large objects to block the survivors path


  5. The source tunes are two of the most beautiful melodies in Final Fantasy V (and the FF series in general) and I'm glad to hear them getting the orchestral treatment. A shame to see this with so few reviews, but understandable as the game never had a prominent North American release.

    I'm actually a little surprised I didn't review this arrangement myself before now. The "Home Sweet Home" section is epic and sweeping, and probably wouldn't sound out of place if you heard it while watching Braveheart. The transition provides drama and variety while preparing listeners for the march-like rhythms of the "Dear Friends" section, which in my opinion would be perfect for a Final-Fantasy-themed wedding.

    Dan never skimps in terms of arrangement or sample quality, and "My Home, My Friends" is an excellent example of his skill. Definitely recommended.

  6. Ah, I was hoping for a thread like this.

    This semester I've been recruited to DJ two dance parties. I have DJed smaller events in the past, and there I was able to play a blend of styles: Reggae, rock, electro, and of course hip hop. But little did I realize just how serious the monotony of music desired was. The first time I was nearly kicked out of the DJ booth because I didn't have the twenty hip hop songs by the five artists people wanted to hear. The second time around I asked for music in advance, and it was more of the same.

    Meh, did you really expect otherwise? And there's no sense complaining that you don't like the music since the point of being a DJ is to play stuff other people like.

    The worst of it? My roommates and I participated in Apollo Night (a talent show based on diversity and minority performance) with Dylan's All Along the Watchtower and we were booed off. I don't think any song or genre is destructive in itself, but when people only want to hear loud, aggressive, lewd lyrics with repetitive four bar backgrounds we have a problem.

    Do you have a recording of this? It's easy to just say people have no taste, which is true, but it's also possible they were more unsatisfied with the quality of the performance itself than the song you picked.

  7. Example #1:

    Kevin Rudolf feat. Lil Wayne - Let It Rock


    Just heard this on the radio for the first time yesterday, and it took me by surprise for two reasons: it doesn't preach at length about "bitches," and it successfully combines numerous different genres into one. The end result is pretty kickass, not gonna lie. It's very anthemic, very powerful, and very fresh.

    That Alfonso Ribeiro shirt is the freakin' BEST.

  8. Thanks anyway, dhsu.

    Ah darn, I guess they expire after a while.

    Anyway, it was just an advanced search for posts in the Judges Decisions forum with "OCR0*" in the subject line in the past month. According to the results, the only *YES* decision in the past month was "Malevolent Mansion."

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