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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. That's just putting words in my mouth AND taking my words out of context. I have every right to be annoyed by that. I downright HATE when people do that, no matter who/what the occation. Mono and Roz, that's different than dealing with mere criticism.

    Then why didn't you say so and just leave it that?

    Now, as far as *justifying* a rebuttal, Dhsu, doesn't a response as long as it's valid and sensible (plainly addresses the issues) justify itself regardless of my mood?

    EXACTLY. I was pretty much fine with your post until you threw out those lame reasons.

    It's not like I threw in false implications or resorted to name-calling or anything.

    Besides saying that he didn't even have the capacity to understand analogies? I don't exactly blame you for saying it, but it was technically an ad hominem. :P

    And somehow, things have been blown way out of proportion for this entire thread.

    To be fair, I think that while the OP had an annoying tone, the rest of the thread was fairly in proportion before you decided to, and excuse me for being blunt, PMS all over it.

    What I find funny is how others seem to be trying to find a way to be indignant for him. He doesn't need it. He's a talented guy, and I think he knows that. It's a noble intention for someone to stand up and demand that I distribute sunshine and hugs and candy to every submitting remixer, but that's not going to happen. Instead, I can only promise to give the most valid, and if called for, direct appraisal I can.

    Believe me, far be it for me to white-knight anybody (especially a person white-knighting another person), it's just those three flaccid explanations especially rubbed me the wrong way. I mean, the 3rd reason amounts to "HE STARTED IT" for crying out loud. Maybe I'm being too idealistic here, but I would've liked to think a member of the panel had moved beyond playground debate tactics. (Okay that was harsh, but it sounds cool so I'ma ROLL WIT IT. 8) )

    But let me just remind everyone that this is a volunteer thing, and there's yet to be a written handbook for us. And until that time, when I have read and signed that it is my job to sugar-coat all my feedback, what you see is what you'll get.

    This is pretty specious, IMO. Prot was fired for a reason, and it wasn't his work ethic.

    Fixed. $A char

    Don't you mean 0x0000000A char? :tomatoface:

  2. Last of all, If my post seems un-necessarily rude or condescending, then it's for one or more of a few reasons:

    1) Being human, you caught me in a less than chipper mood this morning.

    2) I really DONT have time for this.

    3) Granted the condescending/accusatory/judgemental/whatever light of your post, I felt it only natural to return the vibe.

    Worst reasons ever. If you're in a bad mood and you have the mental clarity to know you're in a bad mood, then you should also have the sense to not post while you're in a bad mood.

    I like you, Jimmy, you never fail to make me laugh, and I'm not wanting you to apologize or anything, but trying to *justify* a rebuttal you know is rude and unprofessional is just bad form.

  3. This little beta/demo was way more fun than I expected it to be.

    In fact, it just made me realize something: this is the answer to the Sonic problem. This demo captured almost exactly the kind of fun that Sonic hasn't been in ages. Throw some bumpers, springs and Robotnik in there and we have the first good Sonic game in years.

    Besides Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure?

  4. Yes, some of their servers are seriously unplayable.

    Also, I'll just leave this here for you guys to check out. (Possibly) NSFW due to profanity:


    That is excellent.

    So, the best moment I've had in Left 4 Dead so far has actually been after the end of a campaign. I randomly joined an online game with 3 amazingly competent strangers and one of them had the greatest Steam ID: Dat ass. We finish No Mercy and everyone except him makes it to the helicopter, and right as the credits are rolling is when we saw it.

    That simple moment made the entire campaign worth playing. GOD I wish I had captured that.

    That is excellent.

  5. I seriously don't know anyone who's ever had a problem with stock cooling who wasn't overclocking, but even so I didn't say to cut the cooling section entirely. It's just I don't see the point of including exotic solutions like phase change and oil induction or even liquid, considering your target layperson audience is never, ever going to need it. You say an overclocking section wouldn't be useful because only 25 people on this site do it...how many people do you think have their computer in a fishtank filled with oil??

    Edit: I don't really mean to sound like I'm trying to convince you one way or another, I just figured cutting stuff out would save you some effort. It's your time of course, and if you really want to write about specialized cooling that's totally your prerogative.

  6. The game saves to your hard drive so you can pick up where you left off.

    It is too bad it's not color-blind friendly. You should send them an e-mail about it, they seem pretty open to feedback. Maybe they could make each color a different shape or perhaps a set instrument. I could actually see identifying the targets by sound instead of color being a pretty interesting game mechanic, now that I think about it.

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