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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Sorry to all the Black Friday workers...

    As for the actual deals, it does seem like pretty slim pickings this year. I did find one that looked promising (nuvi 205 for $130 at OfficeMax), but it ended up being cheaper on eBay after 30% cashback, and with no sales tax. But I guess it's hard to compete against a 30% discount in general, especially from a 3rd party. Oh well, I guess them's the breaks.

  2. As for Versus, I'm finding the Survivors to be seriously unbalanced compared to the Infected. Every game I've been in was a outright sweep for the Survivors, even with a decent team of Infected working as a team. Long range weapons really hinder the ability of Smokers and Tanks to get a good jump on the other side.

    Really? I've yet to see a Survivor team make more than 10% progress in a level. Maybe it just depends which campaign you're playing.

  3. I think Moguta would be more qualified to answer, but I'm guessing a lot of it has to do with transcoding as well. Having only lossy encodes available just makes it a headache if you ever want it in a different format. Basically the same reason people distribute 10GB Blu-Ray rips...it doesn't have the highest demand, since most people are satisfied with their 480i DivXes, but at least it's an option if you need it.

  4. The problem with compressing your files, Dhsu & soc, is that if people want to only download SOME of the files they can't choose which they want and which they don't. That was a big plus of the VotL torrent.

    I thought the whole point was so they could burn the whole thing to CD?

    And even if they decide to download only half the WAVs, it would take them as long as it would to download a RAR of the entire album.

  5. I've been having issues where the game will actually reboot my computer right in the middle of a mission. I thought it might be buggy multi-core code, but it did the same thing even after I turned it off. It's pretty frustrating when you're kicked out in the last 5 minutes of a campaign. :(

  6. So I purchased the 4 pack...and for some reason it gave me 4 extra copies, even though I installed and played it for a short time. What a sweet deal.

    I'd ask for a rebate, but I've probably been 3 months late in server dues before anyway. :P

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