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Everything posted by Kanohi

  1. Oh wow! I really loved this whole thing! The name pretty much describes the feeling of the song, it's wonderfully characterized! Great texture and unique arrangement, and the tempo-change was awesome
  2. Personally, I don't think the tempo-changes add to the song. Maybe from one to the other, but the constant changing back and forth is kind of jarring to be honest. Mixing-wise, it sounds like every element is side-chained to the kick, and too me it's too harsh of a duck every time the kick goes off. As said previously, it could use some variation throughout, also I don't feel like you got the most out of the Lavender Town melody. The first notes are there through the whole song but we never really get to hear the iconic main-verse. Hope this didn't come off as harsh, the track has potential, it just needs to be reworked a bit
  3. I loved it! I'm not very familiar with the source material so I can't comment on the arrangement but it was enjoyable nonetheless
  4. https://soundcloud.com/kanohi Most of the stuff that's up is either old or a WIP.
  5. I saw Garrison's recent WR, pretty crazy stuff considering he messed up in Norfair, meaning his record still has plenty of room for improvement (meaning I'm super excited to see him beat it again!)
  6. Super Beard Bros. Is good if you want an LP that's more than just gameplay. These guys try and pack a ton of trivia and research about the game they're playing into each episode so that it stays interesting
  7. Though I'm crazy-busy myself, if you come up with a rough draft and toss some stems my way, I may be willing to bounce mixes back and forth
  8. I don't particularly agree with that, I think the opposite side of the spectrum is something that we should strive for! Keeping the feel of the original is important, but genre shouldn't be a boundary.
  9. Sketchy as all-hell
  10. Not a mixing specialist myself, but the piano break sounds like it's very far away and over-reverb'd. I also agree that some of the instruments are drown out by the lower channels. It's a great song, it just needs to be cleaned up a little that's all
  11. This sounds very cool! I would love to help out with even one or two tracks, more if I can!
  12. I agree with all except for KOAN Sound. They make mostly funk-based music and I don't feel like they sound similar to Skrillex. That's not to say I don't highly recommend them, as KOAN is one of my favorite recent artists. But as for things that sound similar to Skrills, try Knife Party, Dodge & Fuski, and Zomboy for the closest sound, and to deviate away from it slightly I suggest Savoy, Krewella, and Feed Me.
  13. Love this, great relaxed arrangement of a very dramatic song. This gives off the same vibes that I get from the Shire theme in Lord of the Rings. Wonderful work!
  14. Hah, I got a kick out of this, great work!
  15. I agree with Timaeus that you should double that one section up, it sounds very solid and high-energy!
  16. If these claims are true, I won't be picking this system up.
  17. This is great! I have very few things to note about it, mainly being that one of the instruments sounds a bit off (I commented on SoundCloud at the time where it comes in). Adding some sort of extra modulation or effects to that would add some energy to it I think. Other than that, this piece is really awesome, great work!
  18. The thing about medleys is that they work well when the songs have almost seamless blending. As it is, the tracks you've arranged together don't feel like they belong with each other. The Dark World theme by itself is a pretty cool arrangement, if you were to get some better sounds to use it could do great by itself Same goes for the Wind Waker tune as well, it feels like a Mario Kart remix of the original theme, which is pretty cool! For reference on blending the songs together, check out the 25-Year Legend album that OCR put out a few months back. There's a track called "Zelda's Graceful Nightmare" and it's a great mix of a few different source pieces and it just flows very well.
  19. There isn't much to be said that hasn't been said, really. The buildup is rather long and in all honesty the crescendo wasn't as big of a payout as I had hoped. That being said, I do like the arrangement and it's a very pleasant listen, very conservative but still quite nice
  20. Learn something new every day :0 this is incredibly valuable information, thank you! There's only one Sub instrument, but I think I just had it too loud and I had a super low-channel boost on it so I'm backing it off in the next take. Argle: That's a good point, it kinda deviates very far from the source throughout that part. I'll see what I can do, somewhere along the lines of having the melody and maybe some soloing without just pasting the loop over the top of those segments
  21. Argle: Thanks man, glad to hear you like it! Timaeus: Ok glad you pointed it out, I honestly thought it was just me, I think I might've overboosted the sub so it might be messing with the rest of the channels. Working on it. As for the 2:12 part, the problem here is that Massive is notoriously disconnected from FLstudio. The in-pattern controls for velocity, panning etc simply don't work for Massive (unless I missed some setting that you need to change) so I'll try my best with an automation clip to see what I can do. Thanks for all the help!
  22. Somewhere close to done. Probably could use a lot more tweaking but it's close
  23. One thing I must say is that it's great to see such an off-the-wall track like Shoal Cave get some love. I feel like the Pokemon games have tons of great music that doesn't get much attention. I'm looking forward to the updated version
  24. This is pretty neat, I like where this is at right now! Need to match the overall volume of the song throughout, as the intro and the second half are radically different in volume from each other at the moment. I suggest some modulation on a few of your instruments to give them some life and make the song progress a little better. I love the 5/4 time sig, it doesn't sound out of place at all, it really works well
  25. Nearing the end of my track, just on the tweaking and mixing portion and then I should be done sometime soon. Anybody else aside from timaeus working on/done with theirs?
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