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Everything posted by Kanohi

  1. If I remember correctly, the game had two modes: Standard and Enhanced. The music would only play in Enhanced and it stopped looping after like 10 minutes, so not many people remembered it that being said, it's totally worth a mix or two!
  2. I recently got started on learning the routes for Amnesia: The Dark Descent Any% SS runs. It's tough, but so much fun! The WR for this is sitting somewhere around 27-28 minutes if I'm correct, I haven't learned the whole route yet but if anybody wants a good game to run, Amnesia is quick and relatively easy to learn
  3. Hey guys! I would really love to do these myself, and hopefully will some day, but I hardly have any time for music and I'd love to hear the wonderful people of OCRemix take on the music from Lego Rock Raiders! There's only a handful of songs in the game, but luckily I found the three in-game tracks (not menus or title screens etc.) in one YouTube video together, which can be found HERE They're all really cool, old-school electronic/techno songs that would translate well into modern electronic (Dubstep, DnB, Electro, etc.) or a variety of different genres past that. I'd settle for the songs note-for-note with updated instruments (but I'd rather hear some creativity lol) Anyways, thought I'd leave this here, thanks to anybody willing to give it a shot!
  4. I'll go into detail tomorrow, but I want to post while I'm on: I still feel like there's some volume-balancing issues throughout the song. The interludes and bridges are very quiet. The instruments used in them seem to be reserved enough to be played loud while still giving off the vibe that it's the less energetic portion of the song, so you may want to consider leveling those out a bit. Something I wasn't a fan of was how the DnB-style beat comes into the song. The Kicks and Snares just kind of start, and without some high-hats to provide a good speedy rhythm to them, it sounds kind of weird. I would keep the kick/snare beat out until you get to the section where the high-hats start and replace it with some sort of drum buildup (could be simple or complex, I think it would sound better either way) Positive note, though, the whole track is very cool, and it's definitely progressing well
  5. Listened to a couple of tracks, cool stuff! Nice to have you in the community and I look forward to what you come up with for OCR
  6. Is there any sort of limitations or expectations of genre/style for this? I'm definitely interested, especially with the prospect of stems to work with
  7. Hm well right off the bat I have a few big notes. Firstly, the arrangement is extremely straightforward, it's almost 100% the track from Zero Mission MIDI'd into slightly different instruments and then dropped onto a beat. I feel like a remix should be adding some original elements and changing it up a little bit, at least a bit. Second, I don't think your tempos or time-signatures are matched up properly. I'm not entirely sure if this is intentional or not, but the way you have it arranged it's like a 3/4 Moombahton beat, which....doesn't really work in my opinion. Kraid's theme (here's where I might be wrong, but just from what I know) is 4/4 but the majority of the song is triplets. You have the beat aligned to the triplets but as quarter notes and it's giving this really weird polyrhythm vibe that I don't think is intentional. That being said, if that's what you're doing deliberately, then it's a very interesting way to arrange a remix. I think personally you'd be better off changing the tempo of the original piece to match the moombahton beat, but that's just what would sound better to me.
  8. The soundtrack isn't just Combichrist, they did most of the battle sequences but Noisia composed a good majority of the OST (which is also extremely awesome/badass)
  9. I feel like getting a higher tier of SoundCloud helps more for sharing tunes if you're already established as an artist. I don't really see any other benefits unless you REALLY want to have a ton of music up in one place
  10. I wrote this as an initial idea for a song that was going to be the theme to being on the bridge of a massive privateer space-vessel in a game that was in planning but never got started. The idea is a sort of military-esque band of mercenaries/vigilantes. I wrote the song hoping to capture that theme in a SNES-sounding arrangement. This is an early WIP and pretty old but I'm interested on some feedback of what I have! Charon Theme
  11. Haha this is pretty damn cool! There are some synths that can be cleaned up and tightened a bit, and maybe more in the high-channels aside from just the 8-bit noises. I feel like the snare could use some high-end love as well, some crackle or hiss just to add a bit more to it. Also I think the kick could use a slight boost in the low to give it a little more punch. The one sample I don't like is that crash cymbal you use for the silence breaks (for example, at 0:48). It sounds a little cheap, finding a better one would help a lot! Looking forward to later versions of this
  12. Well when I hear somebody talking about owning/using Massive and then saying they need to find something for free, I usually assume that they pirated Massive (no offense, of course ^^)
  13. While not free, my go-to for any and all pads is SonicCharge Synplant VST. I don't know many people that know of many people that use Synplant, I find that it adds a hell of a lot of depth and texture to any type of music. It's definitely on the weird side, but it's great for pads, synths, leads, etc. and I use it in pretty much every project that I work on!
  14. My thoughts exactly. This was my favorite of the whole album!
  15. It's not pointless when it's a more efficient way to listen. I may not have all 2500 OCReMixes currently out, but suddenly may get the urge to listen to every track related to Final Fantasy IV, with a playlist I could just click play all and not have to worry about downloads and the like.
  16. Sounding much better! As for more specific on the kick, listen to Timaeus for this one. The deep section of the kick is right where it needs to be, it just needs a high-end click or tap for a bit more accent! Also, the half-tempo section sounds much cleaner! Well done!
  17. Castle Crashers and Dark Souls ported to PC. If you can't even bother to change the game to show the proper key inputs, don't port the game. So annoying
  18. The track is actually "Temple" from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. There's a few mixes of it in the OCReMix library already
  19. My initial reaction is that the kick is very loud starting at around 0:30. It drowns out the rest of the song for a while until the louder synth comes in, but it still feels like it's a bit too much throughout the song. The little dubstep area in the middle is pretty cool, but the synth used there could be cleaned up a bit. It sounds like a lot of effects being bitcrushed too much. The arrangement is pretty cool, I like the personal touch you added to it
  20. This is a true statement. The 'backstory' that they added to Samus was thrown-together at best. The mental breakdown when she fought Ridley was nonsensical in all meanings of the word, as she had already killed him in previous games around 5 separate times. Not to mention that they wiped the Prime series OUT of the canon in place of Other M so that it 'made sense' (spoiler alert it doesn't). The Federation repeatedly tries to kill her in Other M, and then she's just cool with helping them in Fusion (next on the timeline after they screwed everything up). Ugh, one of the few instances in Nintendo's history that truly makes me rage
  21. I'll be the first to instantly jump into a Majora's project, being that it's one of my favorite games of all time! Not only that, I love Glitch/Dubstep so I'd be willing to help out with a track of that style. My only concern is that since this is a Majora's project, I feel like the tracks should be Majora's exclusives. For example, the Fairy Fountain is used in a lot of Zelda games and the Song of Storms originated in OoT, they're both great songs but they aren't something that you hear and instantly think "Oh yeah, that song from Majora's Mask!" like the Song of Healing is. I feel like you have the flow of the album written, so I'm not saying to change them. However, songs such as Stone Tower Temple, Deku Palace, etc. are great examples of MM-exclusive music that may be nice to have on the tracklist
  22. Stripe Rhythm by Two Fingers
  23. Alright! Sorry if I'm sounding pushy, just want to keep informed!
  24. Has all feedback been sent out or are you still in the process of messaging everybody? I only say this because I haven't received anything yet and I want to make sure I didn't miss something
  25. I've always wanted to do a PvZ mix or two, I'll be hard-pressed to top this one though! Great incorporation of every source, and though it's not too liberal, the blending of a lot of different songs is very well-done and gives the track a great originality
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