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Everything posted by Kanohi

  1. No responses to this one yet? I like it a lot! The ambient water noises around 2:00 are really cool, they add a lot of texture. I'd say adding a few more instruments fading in and out of the main melody would help the progression of the song, as it does kind of blend right now, but I quite enjoyed it as-is!
  2. That's fair, if and when I make a WIP I will send it to you but until then the song is free game
  3. Laid back, varied and definitely has some great progression! Loving this, great work
  4. Thank you so much for your continued input guys! Ok so here is a version of the song that's very close to done I still have a lot of tweaking, some EQing, and some automation clips to add, but for the most part this is what I'm looking at for the final piece. I don't think I'll change much from here, aside from some very minor instrument tweaks. The second buildup might get a bit of extra love as well. I think the lead for both drops is where I want it, and just for fun I threw in some glitched-out segments in. I couldn't get my hands on iZotope so I just went with hand-cut bits of the song, I think it has some weird rhythm to it, and I like where it's at. Anyways, suggestions welcome on what to raise/lower/alter. Right now I'm looking to boost up the Kick and Snare a bit and maybe add just a tiny bit of sidechaining to allow them to punch through a bit.
  5. Ok, I'm going to premise this statement with the fact that I'm a huge Dubstep listener and fan and I don't mean to offend in any way. I enjoyed the arrangement, I think it's solid and ranks up as one of the better takes on the Underground theme. I love the blend of the DnB-style beat for a mosh-y feel along with the solid Dubstep beat to bring the headbanging vibe. The sound-effects are clean and fit the song as opposed to just being tossed in for the sake of relating to the game. My complaints are that the actual mid-bass instruments are a little bit bland. By bland I simply mean that the bass doesn't sound very stylized. A lot of what's in this remix sounds like some of the older tunes from artists such as Doctor P, Funtcase, Cookie Monsta from 2009-2010 era (Oldschool Circus tracks, essentially). Now don't get me wrong, they don't sound BAD. They're well-mixed, nothing is muddy or overpowering, I just feel like Massive has a ton of potential and the mid-bass channels you made/used feel very safe and don't take much risk. All that aside, this is a killer remix and I hope you progress into more bass-heavy mixes in the future
  6. Okay awesome, thank you! My submission is Sturms Theme from Advanced Wars, titled "Gravity Bounce". If it's lost in there I can pm you my Email address so you can find it. Thanks again! :)

  7. I know this is a little impromptu, but is it possible to repeal my own submission before it is judged? It's not on the list of 'currently being judged' songs so I'm looking to stop it from entering the process. I submitted it half-finished so I'd rather it not waste time being judged than have it rejected

  8. This reminds me to the good old days of blasting Streetlight Manifesto on the way home from work. Love the exotic instruments, it's an interesting contrast and combination. I love this!
  9. Ok guys I didn't start the thread to have a debate on what counts as music and noise. I appreciate the conversation on both sides, but I feel like it's starting to diverge into a bad place. For the sake of it, Bleck it's obvious you're not a huge fan, and I can respect that and understand why. I feel like even if you hear the rest of the soundtrack you probably won't be impressed due to bad first-impressions. I'd rather not waste anybody's arguing into a flame war, so can we agree to disagree? Back on topic, my current favorite is the Hunter Theme, but Remember Us is probably the best melodic piece on the album in my opinion.
  10. Well guys after a lot of tweaking here's a much further-along version I added some dual-panning modulation to the lead bass, kept it simple but I think it sounds alright. Changed up the deeper noise, eq'd it to a better place. Per jnWake's suggestion I put some of the exotic-sounding drums into the rest of the song, quietly behind the more laid-back bits. Added the second section in, drums are still working at the moment but I have my format. Still looking to put a lot of custom modulation on the final piece, but how is it looking so far?
  11. Hm, this is a good way to put what I'm trying to say into words in about 4 minutes and explain in better detail. Thanks Flex!
  12. I'm not sure what I feel about your statement, but I do see what you're getting at. Bleck: Kat's Theme (http://youtu.be/2faN2zh0M00), if you're still looking for music in the classical sense as to what Noisia made for DmC. Past that, what I can say is that the members of Noisia are talented musicians with a ton of knowledge and background. They can make melodies and write 'traditional' music but their style revolves around something entirely different. You may call it 'passing off noise as having the same artistic value as actual music', but who's to say what defines "actual" music? This is texture-based music. They literally design and create new instruments whenever they make music, it's a different musical art altogether. Just because wine isn't thirst-quenching like water doesn't mean wine isn't also a liquid and a beverage, it's just one for a different purpose. What I'm saying is that this noise is very much purposed. The sounds are visceral at heart, but organised. As I've said, it's not for everybody, but it is for some people (such as me).
  13. Saying Noisia is a Dubstep artist is like saying Muse is a Dubstep artist. Yes they made a song or two that can be considered in the genre, but the majority of their works don't fall anywhere near the category. Out of 36 tracks on the album, only 4 could be regarded as Dubstep and personally I think only 2 of those 4 truly do qualify. I don't mind if people don't like it, but being outright disrespectful to an incredible branch of music makes me sad. The sound-design in this album is far beyond what most people are capable of and it really evokes feelings that melodies can't accomplish by themselves. I know it's not for everybody, but there are 32 other tracks that aren't Dubstep, I think that's worth giving it a chance instead of dismissing the whole thing right? lol
  14. Considering Noisia is not a Dubstep artist and 90% of the soundtrack isn't Dubstep, I don't see how this is relevant. Also what Flex said. if you don't like it, there are constructive ways to go about stating it. Flex: I'm about halfway through listening at the moment, their sound-design just seems to get more and more incredible with each passing release.
  15. I would just like to say that getting Noisia for the DmC OST was a ballsy move and I think it totally payed off. Possibly some of my favorite work by Noisia ever, and it hits all ranges from heavy and hard-hitting all the way to ambient. Anybody else a fan?
  16. I apologize, I'm just getting a bit excited that's all X)
  17. I don't think repetition is always bad, another common mistake is to try too hard to make something varied and in doing that the flow can be ruined. Take an artist like Amon Tobin, a lot of his drums are repeated, but the way they're EQ'd, sampled, and mixed along with the subtle variations makes for a solid and enjoyable sound. Essentially what I'm saying is keep it simple, embellish when you see a good opportunity.
  18. !? Link! I want to hear it!
  19. I'm currently working on a WIP but I could use a change of pace to clear my head, would I be able to put a claim on Waluigi Pinball? I can have an early version within the next week or 2
  20. That is one bass-y drop you got there! My main critique is that bit at 2:00 sounds just a bit too empty. I know the style you're going for, as I try my best to keep up with trap-music these days, but I think it needs one or two more elements in there because it sounds pretty bare right now. The rest is pretty awesome, though I'd suggest some modulation on the lead synths to give them a bit of variation. Maybe some vibrato and dynamics would do it good. Also that high-end kick used at 3:26 would sound a little better with some EQing, I think I recognize the sample from FLStudio's HipHop pack, am I right? All in all, this is pretty cool!
  21. I like it, but it could use some balancing. At the moment, the bass sounds like it's forever in that compressed state going into a buildup, not yet let out to its potential. On the other hand, the high bits are just too loud. But it's definitely a solid platform to build off of. The sidechaining near the end could be toned back a bit, it's a little jarring
  22. Damn, this is shaping up! The whole second half is powerful, I think the only thing that sounds out of place to me is that the Sound-Effect samples from the game in the first half are a bit loud, but that's minor. The track sounds great, I think you're at a nice point between sticking to the original and adding your own bits! Not a fan of Air-horn samples, but I do like the Moombah-feeling section after that, cool way to end the song
  23. In addition to what Virgil said, I believe the instruments you used also remind me heavily of the Zora's Domain music, which is another tie-in to the theme of the track. I'd be interested in hearing this a little more fleshed out personally. Something I wasn't a fan of was the section around 0:49, I know this is IDM and so unusual beat-progression is bound to appear, but I feel like it throws the flow of the track into double-time. It's your call, because that could be a design choice. Otherwise, this sounds great and especially for a track from OoT that doesn't get as much love!
  24. I like this, enjoyable groove, nice work on the drums! I think a bit of variation towards the middle would be cool, add a Ride groove in there and lay off the high-hat for just a bit. The horns are my only real complaint, they're very static and I think some dynamics would benefit them a lot. They sound a bit robotic at the moment. As it is, though, this is a great work in progress and I'm looking forward to hearing a more refined version!
  25. I'm in love with this game, picked it up a couple weeks ago! I don't play super often anymore because I also got like 2-dozen other great games in the sales, but I'm up to play with people sometime!
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