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Everything posted by Black_Doom

  1. Holy shit, this is just gorgeuous mix bursting with energy! Very clever blend of guitars, chips and piano licks! Especially love the uplifting and inspiring part from 2:32. Great collab, guys!
  2. These remixes were removed a long time ago (more info here) by request of their creators and in 2014 in celebration of both 15 year anniversary and 3000 of remixes, they were added back.
  3. I... I'm simply speachless. We all know for sure how talented this Sweden guy is, but this is just way too awesome. I couldn't even imagine that such simple source as "Fanfare" can be given such complicated treatment with all the fuzzy synths, acoustic drums and other stuff. I also like how he managed to throw in some good old theme of J-E-N-O-V-A for good measure. I'm also sure I've heard a cameo of "Prelude" somewhere. It's an absolutely great piece of music! Don't miss it
  4. I think it's obvious that if you pair JM and TJ&E, you will get an absolutely brilliant track like this. Joshua clearly knows how how to funk out some tunes, but if the sources are already funky as hell, then you definitely get funk squared! The phat bassline, the excellnt wah-wah guitar licks, strong beats, some nice flute, synths and smooth EP make this mix a beast of funk. Love it!
  5. It's an awesome mix. Seriously, I like the downbeat atmosphere here a lot. The glitchded guitar is probably what this makes this song so unique. It's a great idea, actually, and I've never heard something like this before. The crunchy percussion is very cool as well. Love the fast-paced section near the end. Sick stuff.
  6. Amphibious knows how to create mixes that both are pretty aggressive and mellow. The smart blend of hard-hitting beats, EP, and some cool shreddage create a very balanced mix that is very pleasant to listen to. Awesome work!
  7. I've been always facinated by this game, just because it was totally made by one person! So, that means that all the OST is his creation as well. And this is eciting fact too, isn't it? I remember my initial reaction when I first got to this so-called "Hell" - I just did nothing, except for listening to the music that was playing. It just struck me. And RH's orchestration makes it literally shine! It's atmosphere is a great combination of somewhat adventureous, epic, dramatic, and even evil! Like Kefka's theme or something alike Great track!
  8. It's simply one of the best exaples how to expand the 10-seconds source intro a solid song that doesn't bother you with repetition and that sounds totally like it was made with enormouse dose of care. The blend of soft piano, airy philosophical quotes and nice drums actually make this track an amazing piece of music. It actually reminds me of Ben Briggs' "Lucidic", though the approaches for tracks are really different Sick work.
  9. The original source is a true VGM legend and Mr. Briggs' did a great job with it. It's so lush and chilling and awesome and blah-blah-blah... I can go on forever - I adore it a lot. The album is set mostly in bleak tones, but this track sticks out a bit due to it cheerfully dreamy nature. And this is quite cool! Nice work, Ben!
  10. Love this tune just because 1) of its simplicity and 2) it's Vampire Killer
  11. NESteryears is a killer album, that's true, but this track (and "All Systems Go") are the highlights of this album. The killer four-on the flor beat, the excellent synths and bass, the vocal samples - everything clicks here so well! This is an ideal showcase of what Jordan can do. Nice!
  12. I'm huge EDM fan, and this remix is surely great. It's not bursting with energy, yes, but it's still pretty head-bopping and toe-tapping. The dubstep breakdown is pretty okay for me, but it could have been better. Love the guitar-centric build-up. Overall, a nice clubby track.
  13. Absolutely love this piece from start to finish. This is probably of Maze's strongest songs, both in terms of writing and emotions. The glassy piano licks and killer drum parts make this a standout cinematic track, which I'm not used to hear from Chris. But such change of pace is always fine, right? Marvelous stuff!
  14. So, when one of the best electronica musician and one of the best rock musician join their forces to rock the hell out of everyone with the collab, be careful. The final product may be too awesome to listen to! Blending hard rocking parts and mellow ethinc parts is just a perfect way to vary the strcture of the track and add some dynamics. Surely one of my VotL highlights.
  15. Gotta agree, this tune has that dark Castlevania vibe for sure. Usually, I don't expect Will's to be as gloomy and downbeat as here, so this track surprised me a lot when I listened to it for the first time. The gritty organ solos, the incredible shreddage, the pounding drums - everything here just makes you think about some old creepy castle. Very sweet!
  16. Let's just praise worldsbestgrandpa for using such amazing yet rare (in VGM covers and mixes) as accoridion. It just makes me and my soul incredibly happy. With this instrument and a bit of creativity even the most popular source becomes fresh and just awesome. This track is a great example of how to turn the overpopular "Windmill Hut" into a nice folk piece of music AND not to make it dull. Bravo!
  17. While the intro is pretty minimal, which I don't like, the rest is quite cool. Typical DDRK mix with chippy leads, dance-y beats and just sweet groove overall. Nice track!
  18. I'm big fan of the source material and I like what Neko did here - the simple, yet clean and very enjoyable (you expected anything else?) metal reinterpitation is clearly what the source needs. It's just so rocking \m/
  19. OMG, this bass! It's so... So... SO... Ugh. I don't know. It's just extremely good. And I also think the vocals are pretty tasty and they fit here very nicely. Exceptionally groovy tune.
  20. Simply badass. Reminds me pretty much of his collab with SGX on Intense Color - same high-energy action, but this is a solo track, yeah. I've always love combiantions of orchestra and electronica - such cinematic tracks almost never disappoint. Good job, Dan!
  21. Definitely feeling the tropical laid-back atmosphere the guys tried to create here. And I love it! It takes me mentally somere to Brazil or Bahamas. I also want to dance a lot when I hear this tune. I even shake my body a bit. Whenever and wherever I hear it. Even in a bus Very sweet!
  22. Whoa, man, I didn't expect your track to be that dirty! The drop @ 1:00 is so in-your-face. But I love how it picks up after that drop and becomes a bit more sugary. It's definitely your best song now. Keep it up!
  23. Yeah, this song rocks pretty much, that's true. Dearly beloved "Gerudo Valley" mixed with flavours of jazz, hip-hop and even Spanish Flamenco - this just has to become one of OCR classics. Especially love the moment @ 2:13. Stellar work from DD as usual!
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