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Everything posted by JJT

  1. JJT


    you guys are crazy
  2. man, its almost like people can be violent without any influence from the media. weird.
  3. The pretzel has informed me that we are... *ahem* OVER HALFWAY TOWARD REACHING OUR GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heck yes. I said heck yes, son. ***Keep the donations coming folks, we're doing great!***
  4. moar like lamecast right guys afk.
  5. 1) excitebike 2) excitebike ii: electric boogaloo 3) excitebike iii, legends of bike 4) excitebike iv, snake's revenge
  6. I just donated 10, cuz I can't think for myself. Also, OCR is pretty cool.
  7. uh..........naw, i'll leave this alone.
  8. this is gonna be awesome. if you thought 'enter the frog' was good, you're gonna be blown away by track for this album.
  9. zircon may have remastered it (trying to remember), but it's the same recording.
  10. QFFE. You can guess what the second F is for. Jack Thompson has hurt the video game industry as much as Dan Quayle hurt the TV industry in the early 90s. Get over it.
  11. Again you missed my point, which is that I don't care how you think judges should manage their time. Anyway, I've made two posts in this forum today. Whew! I'll be back for more in a month or two.
  12. If you find this idea distressing, it might be time to take a deep breath, maybe unplug for a couple days.
  13. Are you really worried about having your pipe organ skills misrepresented? Is this a serious concern?
  14. this is one musical idea stretched out to several minutes. ocremixes tend to have a little more variety. obviously that doesn't lend itself to the trance genre, but thems the breaks. please bring a little more to the table on the arrange end and you'll be closer to a pass. NO
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