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Everything posted by JJT

  2. Every episode mentioned so far is pretty good. Time Chasers is very funny and also very watchable. Gonna second votes for Puma Man and Boggy Creek 2.
  3. I always wondered what those dudes got paid. Like, what's the going rate for a someone who'll wear a head dress and fondle 11 year olds?
  4. Baio's intentions were honorable, but he really shouldn't have used that art unless he had his bases 100% covered. He did not, and he paid for it. It's a hard lesson, one people should take note of.
  5. You can get my record on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/occupation/id439727456
  6. thanks for listening, guys. i'll look into getting it up on bandcamp this week, for all you non-US peeps. if you wanna pay for a vinyl pressing, feel free. subject adjusted.
  7. Hey guys, This isn't VGM, but I figured some of you who've checked out my music over the last couple years might be interested in this. My band The Roof Beam Carpenters released an EP today. This is the first record I've produced front to back. You can get it on iTunes here: http://tinyurl.com/occupationiTunes You can preview the whole thing on our Facebook page: http://tinyurl.com/occupationEP Thanks for all the support you guys have given me. Hard to believe my first mix went up 8 years ago. JJT
  8. The fact that they're called Ark Music Factory makes me so happy. Must be some cynical, cynical dudes running that place.
  9. Make good records. Find management. Hire a booking agent.
  10. i can think of two "jobs" (though a lot of people do both): film scoring and/or music production. if you want to be a producer there's no real set career path for that. it's like being a movie director. you just have to do it. pretty much the same with film scoring. you've gotta put yourself out there and hustle work, something they don't really teach you to do in college. there are some internships you can score which would help tremendously, in terms of gaining experience/connections, but those are often contingent on what college you're at and how connected they are to the industry in question. anyway, hope this is of some help. if you honestly can't think of what you want to do though, that's not a good sign. you've gotta be really, really driven to succeed in the music business. nothing falls into your lap.
  11. According to the BBC, this particular plant has safeguards in place to prevent 'China Syndrome' or whatever that's called where the nuclear fuel just burns a giant hole in the earth.
  12. JJT


    I wonder what Handel would think of his music being used in the stage complete screen.
  13. bumpity bump. oh hey guys, i played piano on track 2.
  14. you get what you pay for. you can use a trash can lid as a dinner plate, for example.
  15. an old roommate of mine was the cinematographer for an indie film (budget was probably $750,000 to $1 mil) that was basically that same idea. 4 strangers in an elevator, demonic stuff happens, they've all got a past, etc. this was back in like 2008. a lot of people have had this idea. (it was terrible, by the way)
  16. "check it out guys i learned the bassline to final fantasy 2" that scene alone was worth the price of admission. i was THAT guy in high school, for better or worse
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