I'm sorry you feel that way BGC, but you are also making some assumptions that are not accurate. I am happy for you, and I'm not jealous of your success. I think that was the worst possible conclusion you could have jumped to, but it's understandable. My criticisms have always ever come down to you not being an active part of OCR. Zircon said you're on secret projects, which is good, but there are many projects run by others that are just as deserving of your consideration. I'm not talking about FF3, it is not personal. If you feel that it is personal then you are wrong, and if I led you to believe as much, I apologize. There are a lot of other projects that are public that you could help with.
Is it so hard to be a part of OC ReMix? Saying you left because of people like me is a cop out. You were gone before I ever criticized one of your album threads, that's the whole point. I check OCR a ridiculous amount of times per day, and I post far more often than I should. I do it because I love the site and the community, and I consider myself a part of it. It's not a contest to see who can post or be here more. That's not the point. If you don't want to be around more often then that's your choice, and I will refrain from criticizing you for popping in to post album threads and then leave in the future.
It's not wrong to post album threads, or if you need help with a Kickstarter to post a thread for that. Yours sold out in 20 minutes and was 300% overfunded by the end of the day, then you still posted a thread seeking money at OCR. That's what rubbed me the wrong way. I was being obtuse and forgot the whole pledge aspect where you send out gifts to people, shortsighted on my part. But it came from what you said to me before, which I can't even quote, as it was way too long. You sent me a message called "." during the Assassin's Creed Revelations contest, where the topic of discussion was whoever won recording the AC theme with Hans Zimmer for a mere $2,000. (Madeline Bell won, several of us entered). The argument was that you thought $2,000 was far too cheap, that the contest wasn't worthwhile at that price point, Hans Zimmer could afford to pay the singer more. While I can understand your views there, it always colored you as a money guy to me not just because of your opinion, which is fine -- people have them -- but the length at which you scolded me over my wrong opinion.
Maybe it's wrong of me to think of you as a money guy. You're obviously a very good fund raiser and that comes from somewhere. Honestly, it's not my place to question your motivations. Like everyone else here, I can often make inaccurate assumptions based on stuff I should have let go in the past.
Wasn't my intention to make you mad or drive you away. Get back here.
Also Virt is a great guy and a valuable source of advice. I'm also not jealous of him and I'm glad he is as successful as he is.