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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. To anyone following this album, I hope you will be excited to hear that we're at the final odds and ends. Odds -- a few songs I need to do and final touches from XPRTNovice. Ends -- Hat's finale, which hopefully is made... not looking too good, but we'll see.
  2. "Of 100 nobles listening, 100 were impressed."
  3. Very good idea! It can be good to keep somewhat natural panning for stuff, just in general... it makes it seem a lot more normal to the person listening rather than if you had a solo panned middle left or something. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with doing that, it's just one of those things where it "feels" odd when it is done. On that note, it wouldn't be bad if your low choir was somewhat to the left and your cello to the right. I'm sure there's a way they could have both stayed in the same general panning area, and been EQd so that they sit together, but I think panning them like this would be a good idea.
  4. It seems like that project has gone on hiatus, and I haven't even talked to Emunator for like 3 months. It seems like he has left the community as far as I can tell. It kinda sucks because Emu, halc, and Willrock were OCR's answer to inactive judges and now they're all more or less inactive, haha.

  5. Dang, that's EWQL Silk? I really like that. Always wanted it, wallet always was like "nope." Anyway, this is sounding a lot better. I think you need to pan the low strings (cello? double bass?) away from the low choir, just so they don't clash together. If this is already done, maybe do it a bit more, just to separate them. EQ areas of each differently so they aren't both hitting in the same frequency range. (edit: and be gentle with reverb on bass instruments. This quickly turns to mud.) The 2 leads, the left violin, and the right ewql silk instrument, At 2:55 the levels seem pretty great, but earlier on perhaps around 0:39 the violin sounds really sharp and exposed. Try EQing the high end down on the violin to make it a lot less sharp, maybe around 2khz or so but listen with your ears when you're doing it to make sure you're pulling back on the problem frequency, don't just take my word for it, I guessed. Then at 1:30 with the right silk instrument, it sounds a bit exposed. I think it'd be nicer panned right a bit more, maybe a touch more reverb, and maybe lower it by like 1.5db or so. I'm still feeling that the violin early on is mechanical. Starting from 0:03. I can tell that you are putting some variance into the notes but the timing that the notes are played seems unnatural. It's good at 0:35, but before that, maybe try changing up the phrasing a bit so it sounds less fake. It's going to sound fake because it's EWQL strings, but there are things you can do to make it play more naturally. Mainly changing up the start and end times for each note, don't make it sound sloppy but make it sound much more natural. Maybe put a short break between some of the phrases where it's like the violinist playing it lifts his arm or something. Little things like that to make it seem more human. In the end, if you feel there's not too much you can do there, it couldn't hurt to just lower the volume slightly -- 1 or 2db. Not sure how helpful this will be, but let's see what a mod thinks with their mod review.
  6. This man here is posting remixes for people to hear and nobody's posting... ya bunch of dingbats... I know you ain't asking for any critiques so I ain't going to go there, but! I love the idea that you will be posting a new remix once in a while on this site. I need to gain some regularity myself and start posting mixes. Have you considered posting them on Youtube? I liked the song a good deal, it was pretty mechanical in a lot of spots oops I wasn't gonna critique but nice job, cool arrangement, lots of potential for future remixes.. keep it goin'...
  7. Do you think adding other pledge rewards might get more people to pledge? Maybe you could put a remix request in from me on there.
  8. My birthday gift to you was ALBATROSS!!!! You had a good one I'm sure
  9. Maybe you were watching it wrong. Scantily clad viewings of Halle Berry in a cat suit with your wife. Happy mother's day btw
  10. Shit son. You just told it before the gauntlet even hit the ground.
  11. I dunno yet hehehe ^_^ Been a bit busy, just worked a double I get off at 2:30pm x_x I have SO MUCH stuff to catch up on

  12. Sorry I haven't followed up on this yet, I will do it ASAP with your latest version. Been super busy and on the road and I kinda forgot. It's good that you axed the pitch bends. Violins don't actually pitch bend at all. They have portamento and glissando which you will find in higher-end libraries but a pitch bend just won't ever work. Again my apologies, I will try to critique this later today!
  13. Unfortunately I haven't opted out of anything :cry:

  14. Yes ! ! ! ! ! ! Thank you :-D

    Something pleasant, very un-metal! Very folky, very earthy and organic! :-D

  15. Probably Final Fantasy XIII and Scott Pilgrim on the movie side. I don't actually own a lot of movies so it's stiff competition.
  16. Nobody even said anything like that, are you just stating your opinion though? That's cool. I wouldn't go as far as to say X-2 was upbeat, it still had Yuna suffering after the events of X. But I get your point I guess, maybe?
  17. FF1 through 3 are awesome, fantastic games. FF4 is possibly the weakest FF of all, FF5 was incredibly boring, FF6 I got up to the phantom train, never finished. Ridiculously convoluted. FF7 was great but ugly as hell. FF8 is top 6, FF9 is top 6, FFX is top 6, the rest aren't Final Fantasy.
  18. The only thing that really bothered me about X-2 was that Yuna became a popstar, and that Tidus wasn't in the game as a main character. :3 There are other ways to express that Yuna gained confidence after the events of X without making her a fuggin' popstar. Lazy-ass writing.
  19. Let me rephrase that If you think of all of the characters as polygon wireframes (bonus points if you hack it to be so) and replace the soundtrack with Cannibal Corpse on your mp3 player of choice, this is actually a pretty great game *shamefully hides after admitting to enjoying a large portion of X-2 as a kid*
  20. Throooough the darkesssst niiiiight~~~ Well, I thought the Randy Blythe situation (where he was illegally held in a Czech jail for 3 months) was a bit shocking, I actually wasn't too surprised by this news, but definitely thought the guy was a real idiot for doing something like this.
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