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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I got pretty far in X-2. If you can look past the girlishness of the entire thing it's actually a pretty decent game. FF13 series or trilogy or whatever you call it actually strikes me as being very similar to X-2. So a lot of people will probably dig that when it comes out. I'll try to beat it, I didn't finish it before. Really excited for X, bummed out that it doesn't look like FF13's graphical quality, but it is a noticeable step up from the original X. I still think it's really lazy but it is what it is.
  2. Emargherd! It's now on iTunes, and Spotify, and other places it gets sent to through CDBaby. If nobody has listened to this yet for reals, check it out on Spotify. That was my real motivation behind this little experiment, I REALLY wanted it to be on Spotify.... and yeah, if I can break even financially that'd be cool too, but I'm not expecting that to happen. I'd just be really happy if people listened. The 20 minute 'United' title track is my magnum opus! And there's an instrumental version!
  3. That stinks. VikingGuitar is amazing. His song for FF2 is fantastic and I can't wait until it's on the front page. Sad that he had to drop but I know he's going through stuff. You just have the difficult task of recruiting someone who can live up to that level of quality now. Good luck with that!
  4. I know they hit up MAGFest, and PAX East. They might hit up Otakon but I'm not sure. And obviously, their presence at any of these conventions is subject to change, but you'll usually hear a lot of news about it on the site if they are confirmed for going. In December, Larry gets sick sometimes from eating too many McRibs and does not attend, like MAGFest 11. As for the shirts, they are adequately cool. I WOULD get caught wearing one.
  5. Could see an OCR convention and try to win one, or buy a T-shirt and get a free one or something. If there's any left by then.
  6. Yup! If anyone else is considering another pass, let me know! After I hear from Sir_NutS and Gario about the final versions of their songs, we gonna send this in to the proper authorities. Artwork posted in subforum, share an opinion if you dare. Huge thanks to halc for making the cover!
  7. It would have been awesome if they had only made $10 and then had to still do the stuff.
  8. But wait, what did you sample the bacon in? >:P

  9. I really liked the full thing, I thought some of the keys (strings) were exposed and some stuff like that, maybe you ran out of time to smoothen out the whole friggin 40 minute thing, but it's still pretty damn good.
  10. OH LAWWWD Willy Wonka intro is SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

  11. dOOd didn't I see you at MAGFest? Are you on uhhh... Facebook!? Man I owe you a remix from like a year and a half or more ago :-o

  12. Like I said, I'm not particularly interested in your opinion about Dante's Inferno -- and the thread is about Star Wars anyway. EA needs to publish more games like Dante's Inferno. If the new Star Wars games are as refined as that, they should be fantastic.
  13. Yeah, because God of War was the first action game. If you didn't like the game, that's fine. I don't agree with your opinion and frankly don't think your opinion invalidates the point I was making.
  14. I can never be mad at EA because of Dante's Inferno, Shadows of the Damned, and others... nobody else was going to publish those and they're unlike other game experiences... that kind of support for innovation and storytelling should be admired... As for Sim City, Mass Effect 3, and stuff... I didn't get those so it didn't affect me at all.
  15. I heard VII really revolutionized the Battlefront series, with the themes of urban terrorism and cloning, among other things.
  16. I like the Aquatic Ambiance part! Give it a shout-out and list it in the write-up, obscure game sources like that need all the love they can get! Really nice song, very clean and pristine, enjoyable and actually I may go as far as to say.... educational? Definitely hearing a difference between how I EQ stuff, and this.
  17. Oh.... is that why you changed it back? Because as far as I know there's only a little difference, which , where I had tried doing the harmony with guitar for this part in the solo (before changing it to glockenspiel for the ocr version)I try to put up the final versions on youtube but sometimes it's just a matter of some small changes before something gets subbed. Or lately, big changes after being subbed.
  18. If you kids don't shut up back there I'll turn this album around!!
  19. I'm sorry, I should have stated it was actually MeteoXavier who made this posting after my own was unsuccessful (I put it in the wrong subreddit, heh....) Hehe I bet zircon could help us get a lot of views for this campaign, might be a good idea since this might be where the... production budget comes from... Eh? Then again this is one helluva passion project! Anyway that's awesome, feeling pretty optimistic about the kickstarter, I have high hopes for it!
  20. Thanks dude. Hey sorry for the DOUBLE post but I just noticed you guys ninja-entered the music video version of my recent Wild Arms into the mixpost thing... I gotta say I was surprised to see this was done, but it makes a lot of sense. Was this because of what the youtube commenter said on the recent youtube upload? Hmm the comment isn't there anymore but the guy basically asked "Are you guys going to update the ocremix youtube video?" Or was this done before that? I think it's a cool idea, is this something that you could see OCR doing for all of the mixposts? The ones that people make videos for, I mean. I thought with Version 6 of OCR (upcoming) that it would have things for the ocr upload, music video if available, and link to the source for the song? Maybe I'm overthinking it but I think it's a pretty cool idea.
  21. If someone wants to help upvote this on reddit, you can do so here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Metal/comments/1dru05/japanese_death_metal_kickstarter/ It has 15 points right now which seems to be pretty normal for the subreddit but the more the better! No new backers but at least it'll get the word out, maybe
  22. Daamn... I accidentally left my single coil burner on for over 24 hours. Please tell me you've done this before. I am so messed up. -_-

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