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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I was not responding to you, for I am not a judge, and that is not my place. I was posting my own message for the joojs.
  2. The submission page says "Contact a judge if you have waited more than three months for an evaluation." Hey... hey guys... hey.... I think I count 6 of mine that are over 3 months waiting for eval Also this pretty pretty please :'(
  3. I've never played Wind Waker before (GASP!!) so I don't think I'd honestly know the difference between 50Hz and 60Hz. I've been playing DmC at 23Hz. :/ And it's fluid and amazing looking. I'm excited to play Wind Waker for the first time in HD remake form.
  4. I can assure you, I am not associated with it in any way. Furthermore, this is a Europe only issue isn't it? So it doesn't really affect a lot of us here in the US, no offense. Is the Wii U region locked so the Europeans wouldn't be able to play the US version? I don't know if 17% slower would be too noticeable, maybe it would, but maybe it would be better in a weird way. I'm sure they wouldn't release something that could be seen as inferior to another version. :3
  5. Thanks for the advice, and no kidding I work hard for my money! I can't just throw it away. Good thing for eBay buyer protection, if this ends up being faulty and the dude fights me on getting a return. I gotta have hopes that it is legit though, I want to roam the Miiverse with ocre.
  6. Ok I'm gonna be straight up and 100% honest with you guys here, so be gentle; I won a Wii U on eBay yesterday. :3 It was listed as New, and is the Deluxe Set 32gb black one. It was a good $90 or so cheaper than the same is listed for on Amazon. I messaged the seller to ask if it had Nintendo Land in it (which it SHOULD if it is truly a NEW as listed Deluxe Set) and he said, and I quote in full: So what am I supposed to think here? Is this not new but actually USED or would someone open a new package to take Nintendo Land out? (Which would still make it not be new, technically)
  7. The Wii U was listed as new but I messaged to ask if it had Nintendo Land and the dude is like "no, Nintendo land sucks anyway, my son has the Wii u I'll ship it on monday" and I'm like watts ;/ might end up having to buy it one day, with it not being online I don't gotta rush.

  8. This calls for a B. Strader vs. Garpocalypse 1 on 1 in the arena, Vanguard against Vanguard, pay per view event of the decade
  9. This is a lot less information than BONKERS usually provides This is not a REAL preview of the final song, this is a chiptune using existing assets from BONKERS' remix. The solo, other stuff, it is in his mix but it is not chiptune... I thought this was a really awesome side-edit type thing that SORT OF represents a bit of his arrangement but in a very different style. So it's sort of a preview, I called it a semi-preview. I really liked it so I requested him to share it here, I hope you guys dig it but don't be disappointed when the final song doesn't sound like this. But you have THIS AND the other mix, the more the merrier! Progress Update Edit! We're so close to the end I can taste it, but we're still playing The Waiting Game (not a Wii U exclusive) with some of these songs. At least 2 of them are done but waiting for WAVs to be turned in. BONKERS has made considerable progress with both of his songs, but even more considerabler with Town recently, I can see that becoming a wav in not too much time. XPRTNovice is making pretty good progress with Magician's Tower, it's definitely an unexpected but cool take on the source! Hat has been working on a couple concepts for his song, but is generally a good worker. That leaves basically me and mithius. Mithius has been MIA for quite a long while but seems to appear randomly with considerable amounts of progress (he appeared the day before deadline with Sentient Machines, a 10 minute magnum opus for ff1) As for me... Not too worried So perhaps I'd put us around the 90% mark as djp mentioned at MAG 11, I was hesitant to acknowledge we were so far along at the time, but honestly, that seems to be the case. We're far enough along that I can begin making a potential song order for the final (double disc!) album. Of course if mithius pulls through, things may shift a bit -- especially since he has the potential to turn in a 15 minute beast if he turns in anything at all. Artwork as previously mentioned, finished by Edward Dennis, I have yet to add any text to it. We won't be doing an obnoxious number of "page cuts" like I did for ff1, I'll probably stick to the digipak artwork format which may or may not be distributed in the torrent, might just go front and back with that one. Might just go front. We'll see. Digipak layout seems like it should be a site-staff only thing, due to potential future printing, no need for EVERYONE to have that. Trailer... ideas floating around that don't include game footage, nothing set in stone. Website... no biggie, same deal as with ff1.
  10. While I agree that I wouldn't get it for $25, it is a good game and it doesn't play like a half-life 2 mod at all. Not sure if you're trollin, MAN. This is a great game. It's well worth the $8 I put into it, and I may have even been charged twice for it, been too busy to check my statement and see for sure, heh. But it's definitely worth $16. So I think you could justify the $12 purchase or whatever it is on Steam right now. EDIT: Oh but yeah the constant racism and N-bombs and ragequitting and raging in general from everyone "taking it too seriously" drives the value down, BUT if you can revel in their anger and have a good time despite it, and just laugh at them, it's a great time.
  11. Well I figured there'd be consequences to the accident, because of damage to equipment. I wasn't being negligent and the full blame doesn't actually fall on me, but we'll see. I could barely walk the day after but I'm fine now.

    As for growling, I think it's coming back... Getting close :-) I'll just keep "practicing" until it's good!

  12. I still don't even know what's going to happen. -_- I was told by the scheduler person that the longer they take to figure something out, the less serious the consequences will be... I did get hurt but it was just pain that went away in a few days.. Yeahhh stinky times. I try to growl and I get a few good seconds but it just makes me cough hard. I don't know why it's taking so long to heal up or whatever, or if I just need to push through this tickle.. it doesn't seem right. :/

  13. YOUR NAME.......... is.......... In Nept! ...inept.... As well Flexstyle got Good Morning and Afilion got My Home Town.
  14. Heck yeah, buddy! You and me, we's can sit in the non-blame bleachers and watch from afar.
  15. So the YES is for Victory and the final NO is for anything else? xD

    Please be more clear! :-P

  16. Aw man I know I was right off to the right of that picture cause I was filming Ragnarok with my phone (if this is Ragnarok)
  17. I'll take Dice-Dance-Days, I don't think that one was open when I looked earlier. Seems the most melodically adaptable out of the ones that were left... I can't really work with stuff without a lot of melody in it... Thanks I've got about 10 or so songs to make before I could get to this if that's ok
  18. I do let personal differences get in the way, but I didn't think we had any.
  19. It's awesome to see so much faith put into new projects on OCR lately. I might take another look at this when I clear my plate a bit (unless you hate me which I can understand )
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