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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. The remixer is having a tough time IRL, and real life is the priority, especially when people are sick or have something really serious going on. edit: I asked Hylian Lemon and he's gonna try to make it next weekend! Even Sir_NutS expressed interest in possibly helping if we don't find someone else. It's good to know you both are there to help just in case. Definitely makes things seem more optimistic that this won't get stuck in development forever. I am excited to hear your final version of the song, Rockos! It's really good.
  2. I can see this hurting MSoft and Sony more than Gamestop though. Even if they can't sell the new generation of games used, they still have.... every other generation they can sell and trade. Heck, who's to say NES and SNES won't have another surge after the epic fail of next-gen?
  3. There is nobody else who wants to, or CAN do the fanfare like you can.

    Also this is MOSt-LIEKLY my last FF album for a few years, maybe forever. So... maybe plop all of your ideas into one really amazing, send-off of a mix. :-)

    Or 2 mixes, like you did for ff2. :-P

  4. I've heard the same rumor about the PS4, always on internet and no used games / no backward compatibility... It'll be interesting, to say the least, if that's the way consoles go in the future. I could see Nintendo being victorious again in the console arms race.
  5. I am ashamed but I didn't make that song for the 10th, I ended up sleeping instead :-/

  6. I am really hoping to prevent this from being cut. I think the soonest I could work on it is either Tuesday or Wednesday, but at this point it's just a race to see if everyone else gets done before I do... wish me luck.
  7. Boss intro/BGM just opened up! If you think you can make a good OCR quality mix within a month, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!! Thank you! edit: I forgot to say that the spot was filled
  8. Boss intro/Boss BGM just opened up, if anyone would like to help out, please let me know ASAP. Would be ideal if you could finish the song within a month. Sweet, thank you for your dedication. And all of you, it has been great! After the 15th deadline... I may try to contact people a little more often, just those that don't turn in the final song. The "deadlines" are going to be increments of 15 days, with increasing amounts of nagging as we go along. If you want to avoid my nagging, see if you can turn in something substantial by the 15th! The people who read this thread are doing really well with their songs, you guys are great, I'm gonna have to get my nag on for a few of the Facebook people.
  9. It's fine for FF2 production to be overshadowed by FF3 production because FF2 is full-up and pretty close to being done! FF3 on the other hand, is just starting out. As far as release goes, I don't see FF2 being overshadowed by FF3 any more than FF7 was overshadowed by FF8, or FF8 overshadowed by FF9 -- production on these titles probably overlapped the way Squaresoft used to work, but that didn't affect the release as far as I can remember. A remake in the style of Crisis Core would be AMAZING. FF2 is so good and engaging and has such a good soundtrack, that I actually played the GBA version to near the end and am starting over on the PSP version. If they made another version before I finish PSP I'd have to continue with that one. As for the album itself, not too much to report. Two people were moving into new homes and it's taking them a while to set up shop. BONKERS made great progress with Town but hit a couple quite scary snags with Reaper crashes. I am personally holding a few songs back but I don't see them taking too long to complete when the time comes. The majority of the remaining songs have been like 95% done which is pretty hair-pullingly crazy but we're good. I can produce a near-final order for the tracks QUITE SOON just for kicks, and possibly share it here, which may shed some light on the basic flow of the album. I want to get some feedback within the project for the order though, just to make sure everyone is satisfied about the context. It's an amazing mix and a huge honor to have Jeff Ball on our new Prelude. The hardest decision will be whether to start with the Prelude, or the Imperial Army theme... so hard to choose...
  10. I personally am a lot more outraged that Japan is getting Earthbound and Fire Emblem in the 30th Anniversary sale while we are (instead) getting F-Zero and Punch-Out (Or was it Balloon Fight? Which I gotta be honest, is a really fun game, but it's no Earthbound.)
  11. Tuner should have a little tuning fork icon, it's not a component in Guitar Rig -- it's a tool. Pitch pedal and detune have their uses, but not for this particular issue.
  12. Thank you so much for the NEW WIP!! I'll try to listen to it soon with my good headphones, am at work though, night shift, it's scary and I need to go lock the gate

  13. Even if you used a different string (G for D) it shouldn't have sounded out of tune... odd, sure, but not out of tune. You need to make absolutely sure that all of the strings are properly tuned before recording. With a real tuner, a DAW's tuner, or a VST's built-in tuner (like Guitar Rig's tuner)... There are some other issues but the guitars being out of tune is straight up the most important issue with the mix, so best of luck! Buy some new strings if you need to!
  14. https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/486874_281802198599351_557669932_n.jpg Not sure if NSFW but it's very cute ^
  15. Graal caused 9/11. Small world. I was one of the head LATs on N-Pulse for a while, haha. I actually worked on most if not all of the main servers before the crazy move to being a facebook app. Even almost made music for Classic iPhone, except they said it sounded "too high end" or something. :/ Didn't fit the Link to the Past style.. edit: A couple fun finds from the far away past A level from when over-detailing was popular.. why are there so many bush stubs? My own tileset + overworld designing, never really went anywhere because I didn't own the playerworld :/
  16. That's some Square-Enix FF13 bullshit
  17. http://graalonline.com/playerworlds/ They never shut down Zelda: Link to the Past online clones
  18. Hah, you guys are quite silly. You don't have to follow deadlines, they're... sorta like pirate guidelines.. as long as the songs get done, the album will come out. If people don't finish their songs, the album will be vastly delayed. That's more or less how it goes regardless of deadlines. Sooo.... Please! Everyone work towards finishing your songs. We've been added to the consent form! Sign that thang! https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFNlTmlYYUJtUVNNd2hpSWxXa19Ra0E6MQ
  19. I don't really have other paying gigs.. I have a gig finishing a song for the band Careless Juja and they might pay me but they're poor so I don't want to hold them to anything like that. :/ I'm also poor, but having a poor person pay a poor person is just no good.

  20. Haha yeah no kidding, the paid projects will always be the highiest priority :-P

  21. Personally I'd love to hear an XPRTNovice Steiner remix, I think it would be worth waiting for, and I'm not just saying that to buy me some time. If you've heard his work for FF6 you know
  22. A keyboardist wouldn't be able to play 7 layers of written key elements live, so having a live keyboardist is kind of redundant unless you just want them up there to play a basic solo wank. That wouldn't replace the backing track, so I don't see the real point to it. And it's not that keyboardists are hard to find, it's pretty much what I said, they can't play ALL of those parts... might be fine for a solo but meh... no real point, IMO.
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