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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hey, I'm just about up to top form, was actually going to message you soon with another clip, but I can sense there is no time to waste so clips are silly. I work today and won't get off until night, and by then my throat is dried out. I'm off the next 2 days. Let's give this a good old try, and I am sorry for keeping you so long. I also need to finish a song by the 9th for an album, and another song by the end of February. I thought this kind of stuff was going to end in December, little did I know. :-/

  2. Alex and Dan are two of the most awesome people I've ever had the privilege of talking to and meeting IRL. Kunal is also really awesome and it's cool to see him even though we haven't really talked since MAG9 for some reason (Heroes vs. Villains time). Tony touched my boob.
  3. I thought 3 months was pretty generous. Hopefully this won't take 2-3 years to complete the album.
  4. Yes, this is 100% what I wanted and expected for an upgrade of the Miis in HD
  5. MichaelTheCrow and myself are also hoping very hard that Dragon Quest X makes its way here. I haven't bought any of the other games or really played them at all (sigh)... but an mmorpg on the Wii U? I would snap that up faster than a snapping turtle seeing a hook with a hotdog chunk on it (that's how we used to catch them at my family's cabin back in the 90s)
  6. It is unfortunate that any project, regardless of size (minuscule in this case), has to be doomed to a back burner, especially when it is something that would increase the user's satisfaction. But that is the downfall of a tiny, preoccupied staff and older forums.
  7. Man, you better tell whoever is making it that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and to get on the ball before it's too late...
  8. What about Steiner's Theme, Crossing those hills, Fairy Battle(!!), Kuja's Theme, Eternal Harvest, Ambush Attack, and Iifa Tree!? .... and Cid's theme!?
  9. My gift to you for your birthday is me posting in your birthday thread first Happy birthday, Overcoat!
  10. I wish Miis enabled more customization... should have been upgraded from the original Wii
  11. Happy birthday Amy, you are the awesomest!
  12. Do you still need someone for vocals on Terra? Would love to give it a good ol' try if so

  13. February 15th is the WIP (or Final Song) date! Are you a bad enough dude to finish your song so we can get the album out? It's almost 2 weeks, and I know you guys are capable!
  14. Chernabogue has Dungeon. He may do a great job with it in an orchestral style! The kind folks at OC ReMix have moved our thread to the Projects subforum. Thanks a bunch! I truly appreciate the support given which enabled us to get some good exposure and a lot of fantastic claims. I'm setting the first WIP date for MAY 1ST! Would you kindly provide a WIP by this date? Thank you! edit: No word on a project subforum yet for posting WIPs, but sixto wants one... you hear that djp? Sixto wants it! That's all it takes, right?
  15. Plus an MMORPG Dragon Quest X upgrade in the future? It's a no brainer.
  16. Yep I signed the consent form! And I appreciate you making a spreadsheet of the info! That will really help me out! I'll just copy/paste my stuff from the template I'll use, no biggie. :-)

  17. Groundhog Day is a huge Holiday at the Strader households! I would like to wish you all a great Groundhog Day, later we can discuss the outcome of the Groundhog's forecast and in the coming weeks, see how accurate it was. The news is already forecasting more snow for this area, so I can see the Groundhog potentially going in that area as well. We'll see!
  18. Yeaaahh... I have trouble following the movements when they get too fast and start going random directions... But it's fun enough. Seeing me on a blimp in the background is disturbing. Yoshi's Fruit Cart is great. It's so disappointing to keep coming within a tiny distance of the piece of fruit. Pikmin one is cool, seems easy, but it's my kind of thing. It's more of an experience than a challenge. F-Zero Racer is pretty darn awesome, I'm actually excited to play that one again sometime. Zelda is kind of meh. Without anyone to help out, it's just me rapidly spamming arrows at pigs, it's not as fun as I thought it would be. Ninja Castle -- excited to play this again too, but I feel like I am held back by the gestures for scrolls not working properly. Donkey Kong's Crash Course -- easy source of coins perhaps, difficulty curve gets to be a bit much near the end. Not bad. Balloon Trip Breeze -- probably my favorite of all of them. The later levels where you have to squeeze through lines of floating spike balls is just ignorant. Games I won't get to play cause I have no friends: Mario Chase, Luigi's Ghost Mansion, and Animal Crossing: Sweet Day, arguably the 3 best minigames in the set... You'd think they would have made online co-op or at least an AI companion like they did for Pikmin. Oh well. edit: like most players I think I've played Metroid Blast the most, but I forgot to mention it.... hmmmm... it's not my favorite but it's definitely fun.
  19. I got a score of 2947 and a gold trophy in Balloon Trip Breeze I really like this game... I forget which day I was on but the spiked balls starting getting ridiculous. I only lost because of a split-second electrocuted spiked ball that instant-killed me a fraction of a second before it turned back to normal. :/
  20. Yeah Orchestrations are hard to get passed on OCR, but I will give you Dungeon... just promise me you'll sub it and try to get it passed... preferably before the last minute... :-P

  21. Hah! Look at you throwing down claims like a real posted mixer :lol: hah i kid.. don't hurt me.. ;p

    But hrrmmm.. what style would you do Dungeon in? Got any samples of something similar? xD

  22. I put Nintendo Land up for sale. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251222518998 Starting price $15, 5 day duration.... wish me luck, bid if you want Aaaaand Balloon Fight on the GamePad is pretty sweet, but I can't beat my score from the very first time I played it. >;/ I can only manage HALF of that score. I don't understand why.
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