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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I love it moar. Ocre's a hoar.

  2. I love posting here, are you kidding? It's such a CLEAN wall! Nobody is posting on it but me! It even says I am the only visitor to this page. Love it. >:]

    I hope you don't get mad when they start posting my techno mixes. Did 'em just to see if I could, plus I kinda... secretly... do like it. Secretly, of course. I did more of a 9bit type thing, not sure about actual techno or trance, I think that stuff is way overdone. I'm all about carving out an interesting and original path that people might think is memorable. >:|

    Nah I forgot all about the PSP + Crisis Core thing. I really would love to check it out but it's probably not gonna happen. :cry:

  3. I love these songs, man! Seeing how many lyrics there are for the next songs is really intimidating though. It's 10pm, I may start soon. I gave up on not screaming at night. No complaints from neighbors.

  4. I love you.

    Sub it! Then in 3 weeks, sub Epic Win.

  5. I love your sig. Don't ever change it. :-)

  6. I love your vocals! It may just be because they're in another language though :-P I dunno. What language is it, and what kind of microphone did you use? :-o

  7. I mapped out the stats yesterday, so good timing on this question!

    11 WAVs, 58:42 of finished songs, 6:57 of BONKERS WIPs for 2 mixes which are super close to done... A lot of the stuff is either super close to done or not started at all.

    The stuff that hasn't been started is mostly my problem (songs I'll do) and I don't foresee it being an issue, I'll just do it, but while there are other holdouts, I'm relaxing. >:)

  8. I meant 4 people, not 5, in the pm I sent you. :-)

    You probably know all about it already though.... right...?

  9. I meant the "Even if it means our end" line is out of time but it's TOO LATE NOW!!!!! TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I might go to MAG next year but I know next to nothing about preparing for such a journey.

  11. I might need your trailer skills... I want to try myself first, just to see what I can do, but if that doesn't work out, you're my first choice! If nothing else I will like to bounce the trailer off of you to get your thoughts and critiques.

    Also about ff2 -- I am SO SORRY It took this long. That project is also finishing. I'll be getting WIPs to you ASAP for your input. I haven't started yet, I am shamed to admit it but it's true.


  13. I need heeeeelp cleaning the living room so I can work on songs

  14. I never go to Off Top and I didn't know it worked that way. :-P I just made that piece of poo for fun. I am probably going to make a collage of albums I've been on as a sig so I don't really need juneisbothmonth one.. Thanks though. :-)

  15. I never heard it wasn't allowed o.O Seems pretty common though, people do it all the time in private

  16. I never thought I'd hear those words, evar..! It's an honor, sir.. thank you

  17. I only got the 2, but then I wrote lyrics for it and plan to do some of my own. You work wit what you got. :-)

  18. I posted an interest thread in community liek you did once ERMAGHERD

  19. I posted some funny pictures on your wall and it says "deleted by ocre because: Stupidity"

    I can hit edit and see what picture it was. It was a cute one about a cat. I don't get you sometimes.. :cry:

  20. I probably need the lyrics or something xD

    Are the vocals kind of unmelodic, I mean they don't follow a specific melody line?

  21. I r teh sorry :-(

    What is the actual next deadline? If it's reasonable I can definitely get you the finished song before it. You know MAGfest is coming up, ff1 is ending, and i'm trying to finish my acoustic album within a couple days and immediately send it off to get printed.. so much in just a few days.. :-o

  22. I ran out of space in my PM inbox. Don't have time to clean it out. :/

    With guitar rhythms, you want to record 2 individual takes, one to pan left, and one to pan right. That's all you need. They can both be mono tracks panned 100% wide. It sounds like what you are doing would just make unnecessary mud/mess while not actually sounding too good. :/emoticons/default_icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":-D"> Then your stuff might even sound LOTS BETTAR!! Maybe you'd have cleaner tracks and could get a good mix on them guitars.

    You simply can't use a single recording and try to pan it apart for a rhythm. The tracks have to be different or else they'll phase together and sound like poop.

  23. I really appreciate it sir, sorry for the hassle. :-)

  24. I remember trying to apply for OCR jazz collective when it was starting up. But I have little to no jazz skills. ;/

  25. I revised it because it is hitting the panel on "April 10th". I'll see if it passes then hook you up with a new WAV. Hopefully it'll pass. :-o

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