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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yep I signed the consent form! And I appreciate you making a spreadsheet of the info! That will really help me out! I'll just copy/paste my stuff from the template I'll use, no biggie. :-)

  2. Yeah Orchestrations are hard to get passed on OCR, but I will give you Dungeon... just promise me you'll sub it and try to get it passed... preferably before the last minute... :-P

  3. Hah! Look at you throwing down claims like a real posted mixer :lol: hah i kid.. don't hurt me.. ;p

    But hrrmmm.. what style would you do Dungeon in? Got any samples of something similar? xD

  4. And for purposes of combinations, like you did with the last couple victory themes, you can combine this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2nSEZ6kEuk

    It'll be perfect :D I know it's not FF but it's applicable imo

  5. dOOd! YEAAAAHH!!! That means we can use the 2 you made for ff2 for ff2 instead of splitting one off for ff3. That's fantastic my friend. :-)

    Secondly, there's only slim pickin's left for ff3... seems like everyone got everything... but if there's anything else you'd like to do, please let me know. :-)

  6. You find anyone for Covert Town? :-o

  7. You never got on IRC. Very odd. :/

    Don't worry. I'll add you to Wii U when I get it hooked up.

    We will have SO much darned fun, my friend...

  8. No, I don't even think it shipped today, probably tomorrow. Then it'll be a while. But you will add me, right? And why aren't you on a talky thing?

  9. Dearest Ocre, I see you are online, but you are not on IRC. This is quite sad. ADD ME ON WII U!

  10. Ended up getting Nintendo Land :3

  11. If you edit your post and go advanced, you can change the title

  12. The Wii U was listed as new but I messaged to ask if it had Nintendo Land and the dude is like "no, Nintendo land sucks anyway, my son has the Wii u I'll ship it on monday" and I'm like watts ;/ might end up having to buy it one day, with it not being online I don't gotta rush.

  13. Well I figured there'd be consequences to the accident, because of damage to equipment. I wasn't being negligent and the full blame doesn't actually fall on me, but we'll see. I could barely walk the day after but I'm fine now.

    As for growling, I think it's coming back... Getting close :-) I'll just keep "practicing" until it's good!

  14. I still don't even know what's going to happen. -_- I was told by the scheduler person that the longer they take to figure something out, the less serious the consequences will be... I did get hurt but it was just pain that went away in a few days.. Yeahhh stinky times. I try to growl and I get a few good seconds but it just makes me cough hard. I don't know why it's taking so long to heal up or whatever, or if I just need to push through this tickle.. it doesn't seem right. :/

  15. So the YES is for Victory and the final NO is for anything else? xD

    Please be more clear! :-P

  16. Never! Such crassity has no place here!

    Can you pass orchestral stuff on the panel? Might be really hard! :o Could be good for Dungeon though who knows :-D

  17. Hey, can I hear a sample of your live recorded piano music? The pokemon chiptune isn't too good of a sample to see how your piano would be.. thanks!!

  18. Maaaan how do you cook the charcoals?! I didn't know I was going to need a blowtorch and a jackhammer for this stuff eh

  19. I will record you a message and send it to you when I get home from work today in about 6 or so hours

  20. Hey, did you tell Meteo to tell me to do the vocals? I'm just now starting to talk normally after that flu, which was pretty serious. I still have no high singing range whatsoever, and as for growls... I don't even know if they'd be decent at all if I tried to do them now... Any quality in my voice is not healed yet... :cry: My lungs still make that sick "woosh" noise when I breathe. -_-

  21. I posted some funny pictures on your wall and it says "deleted by ocre because: Stupidity"

    I can hit edit and see what picture it was. It was a cute one about a cat. I don't get you sometimes.. :cry:

  22. If you get 3.6k visiters to this page per day, you're the most famous person ever to grace OCR

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