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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I tweeted you a question about vocal collabs :3

    I don't have one ready or even until next year, was just wondering, wasn't trying to put you on the spot ;p

  2. Yes indeed, Fernito! I guess you know how to get in touch with him then, eh? :D

    Thanks for birthday wishes, you need to get Facebook!

  3. Hey, a friend did a bloodlines mix. Told him about you he said to show you this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOAkd08xgUI

    The rest is up to you :-o

  4. Yeah that was me eh.. glad you liked the album and thanks for the kind words! I see you've already complimented a couple of the other (awesome) album artists, eh? ;-)

  5. Yar Family reunion tomorrow until Sunday :'(

  6. The Last Guardian lives

  7. Cause i no longer have a shadow anymore

  8. I have big plans for MAGFest DoD which may or may not work out, so I am hoping to finish your songs in November which will give me enough time in December to work on DoD especially if I need to make a whole new song or think up different ideas for that. Just thought I'd let you know about my plans for November. :o

  9. Who you callin' a lamo!? ;-)

    Thanks! hehe

  10. Thank you. :-D

    I guess the campaigning for Less BS, More BS has been paying off!

  11. Back. back back. backbackback. Backity back HOOAHH

  12. I love these songs, man! Seeing how many lyrics there are for the next songs is really intimidating though. It's 10pm, I may start soon. I gave up on not screaming at night. No complaints from neighbors.

  13. Someone asked me "Why?" earlier and I was like "CAUSE SHE NO LONGER HAS A SHADOW ANYMOOOORE!"

    It has invaded my mind! :cry:

  14. Please D:

    Contact me if you can :cry:

  15. Thanks! So, I can count on your vote? I didn't even have to kiss your baby? ;-)

  16. Eh it might be too gimmicky I dunno. Seems like some people aren't into the growls. We don't have a song with growls yet, an actual song. Now that I think we don't have any vocal songs. Might be best to stay away from the growls. :-o

  17. Damn son I guess it's ok that you're finishing the other one next month but the one for FF2 is not far from done eh? Can you finish it in September? I'm trying to get final wavs from everyone in September. :-o

  18. I'm not like the common trash that goes to MAGFest, I usually get a room to myself, with a King bed. :-o

  19. Man I think someone else is gonna send a PSP, they contacted me late last night and they had 3 PSPs and one was somewhat broken and I'm gonna get that one and he's gonna let me keep it! That's pretty awesome! But I will NEVAH forget that YOU were the first person expressing interest in that. Thanks man. :-)

    Quit being British! :x

  20. Yes! Precisely, and techno is the easiest to learn. Back in the day OCR was always pushing hard with the fruity loops (later FL studio) so everyone was making electronic muzaks.

    If you sent me your psp and game that'd be awesome! I'd totally send it back, I wouldn't even rub my butt on it or anything, I promise!

  21. I love posting here, are you kidding? It's such a CLEAN wall! Nobody is posting on it but me! It even says I am the only visitor to this page. Love it. >:]

    I hope you don't get mad when they start posting my techno mixes. Did 'em just to see if I could, plus I kinda... secretly... do like it. Secretly, of course. I did more of a 9bit type thing, not sure about actual techno or trance, I think that stuff is way overdone. I'm all about carving out an interesting and original path that people might think is memorable. >:|

    Nah I forgot all about the PSP + Crisis Core thing. I really would love to check it out but it's probably not gonna happen. :cry:

  22. hah, you has 1 post

    you gots to post more

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