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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. You gonna have a wip for May 1st ff3? I am REAAAAALLY looking forward to this one :-D

  2. 0RSkLtl.gif

    Totally gonna (try) to work on Fairy Battle probably on the 4th or 5th

    aaaand if you wanted to make a wip for ff3 for may 1st that'd be rad but if you can't is understood

  3. Just confirming with you, I did download your new WAV! Thank you so much!

  4. I might need your trailer skills... I want to try myself first, just to see what I can do, but if that doesn't work out, you're my first choice! If nothing else I will like to bounce the trailer off of you to get your thoughts and critiques.

    Also about ff2 -- I am SO SORRY It took this long. That project is also finishing. I'll be getting WIPs to you ASAP for your input. I haven't started yet, I am shamed to admit it but it's true.

  5. Wut, the PLAY thing should have come with it. Then you load it as a VST into your DAW. If you downloaded Gold or something then it should come with Kompact, but you could also pirate some good ol' Kontakt :P

  6. Hah he plays so many games, instead of working on ALBATROSS

  7. Hey, I am sorry for snapping at you in Ben Briggs chat, it's just that you called me pig, and that is sixto's thing, only he does it and he's allowed, we have a thing, at ANY RATE it was wrong to snap at you like that and I apologize

  8. I am so sorry, I think I might have pmed you about sending your Bionic Commando wav, not realizing that you were uploading it to the same folder. My deepest apologies, I will download it when I get home, please leave the wav up! Thank you! :-D

  9. Willrock should be banned from OCR, he's a terrible person and he eats pig blood.

    That wip you linked me is AWESOME! Haha. Crazy Kanye intro needed more pained screaming.


    Holy shit it's Mr. Bungle

  10. Hey! Ain't nobody got time fo bonus tracks! How you doing with your main Bionic Commando remix? :twisted:

  11. I saw that EWQL Free edition torrent recently while I was... doing some.... entirely legal and above the bar internet searching. Was wondering if you had any luck acquiring it.

  12. Hey... I stayed up for a while, you never got home. :3

    Wimped out and heading to bed...

    Anyway it'd mean a lot if you could do this, can understand if not since it's so complicated, but peep 0:44 - there's some good melodic parts that aren't too crazy.


  13. Hey, I decided... that I may use whatever you pay me as a price point for future people.. you said I should set up a services page, well no better time than due to this album! I'll have your price point to start with, and maybe link to your album samples as a demo, or produce some kind of youtube trailer with the final vocals as a demo reel type thing, what do you think? Good ideas? I know leaving it up to you puts a lot of pressure on you but I dunno. :P

  14. Masked men are the best kind of men.

    And they're sexy.

  15. /emoticons/default_biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

  16. You got some wild feedback from Nutritious and Larry!

  17. Thanks mane I really appreciate it :-)

  18. Holy shit your trailer dude, holy shit

  19. DAMN SON!!! You had a 4th Spawn? What did you name it? Congratulations! Hey, no biggie. I think avaris might be waiting for it before finishing the song, but we still have a good handful of songs waiting.

    Mazel tov!

  20. Did you judge cap avaris's song yet? :-D

  21. I kid mane I will listen haha just not right now I'm watchin a show and eating a burrito

  22. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! I will set off ALL of the powder kegs!

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