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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I'll check your samples when I get home from work to determine whe--STOP CALLING ME OINKNESS GASHDANGIT

  2. So..... are you on board for FF3 Victory? ;-)

    Would you like to claim anything else too?

  3. I'd take your 2-months-from-now claim, just sayin'... that'd be fantastic. :-P I was expecting difficulty getting covering for Veggies of Geasal, if you can hear it as a Fishy song, then it'd be an honor to have you abroad. ;-)

    I ain't expecting sixto or anyone to turn in a finished song in 3 months. Just sayin'.

  4. Hey, I'm really sorry I wasn't here earlier when you had a WIP... I was at work, and I also have the flu, so it was pretty unbearable. I don't know how good my ears are right now for critiquing a mix to be completely honest... but if you're still up for it, I'll give it a try. Feel free to PM me something any time and I'll give it a good look.

  5. pooh_christopherrobin.jpg

    i'm feeling pretty good about the music then, you said the last few seemed like direct poop, that's a good change from when i thought everything would fail :-)

  6. man i have the flu :cry: got it yesterday morning.. slept almost constantly since... hope there's not too much left to it.. it completed destroyed my throat on day 1, when i woke up it felt like i neesed to clear everything out of there but it was so painful and i couldn't talk and i was sad.

  7. I sent you a pm but I also forgot to mention FF3, if you wanna get in on that, that'd be AMAZING!! But there's a lot more time with that one. :-)

  8. I mapped out the stats yesterday, so good timing on this question!

    11 WAVs, 58:42 of finished songs, 6:57 of BONKERS WIPs for 2 mixes which are super close to done... A lot of the stuff is either super close to done or not started at all.

    The stuff that hasn't been started is mostly my problem (songs I'll do) and I don't foresee it being an issue, I'll just do it, but while there are other holdouts, I'm relaxing. >:)

  9. We played together once and it was awesome. I'd say step 1 is to add lazygecko and bustatunes on Steam. :-o

    The thread isn't organized that well for this yet, I guess. Maybe something to do after MAGFest!

  10. I like "Dost Thou Even Hoist" but I didn't see it last time I was on. I ain't been on in a few days though. Trying to do a very last second DoD entry while working overtime. :/

  11. Nope. :3

    I might tweak it for a future album but there's really no need. It's unfortunate that they didn't "get it" but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the song, really. The version I subbed sounded like this:


  12. You should enter Dwelling of Duels for MAG Fest month. Capcom vs. Konami.

  13. Harrison becomes a killer

  14. I think my style is evolving beyond what is acceptable or comprehensible at OCR, but I do want Fairy Battle to pass if it can. As a result I'm kinda trying to figure out how to make the drums less chippy. I may just go with acoustic drums and even acoustic guitar along with the chippy stuff. It still might not be acceptable. I know they're all about "when a chiptune comes along that is produced well blah blah" but that's not how it goes down in the decision forum. :3 And making music is too much work for something to get denied for some arbitrary or subjective reason. I'm trying to figure it out if you want to share some thoughts that'd be cool. I may just go chipcoustic with it. :banghead:

  15. I'm at work until 7am EST. thank you so much for updating your song. I will hopefully comment in your thread later today.

  16. For some reason I'm really feeling like I need to find a vocal song for DoD that I can make totally brutal, it seems to be a recurring theme for me

  17. I guess not, just general talk to clear the air or whatnot

  18. If you ever have a spot of time to talk, and Skype, that'd be ideal, let me know.

  19. So how is the BC song coming, Rozo? Did you figure out how to end it yet? :D

  20. Hey, you're in the future... also! Let me know how your Bionic Commando song is coming! Thank you :D

  21. HEY pH! Gimme a Bionic Commando update! I DEMANDZ IT! I kid, but let me know how it goes. :D

  22. Hey hey! Just here to keep Bionic Commando fresh in your brain, let me know how it's going! Thanks!

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