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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Aw thank you so much! :-D As for where and when to post... everywhere, and always, as long as it's on topic and not disrespectful or whatnot. :-)



  3. You oughta make the album mastering mandatory. It was only 2 people who "complained" about it, one of which wasn't even part of the album I don't think. I can work with G-Mixer to get the best possible sound for his remix but we shouldn't sacrifice album quality for a single dissenter. :-)

  4. Man, I got $32! Thanks so much ! :-D

  5. Honestly man not to be a wienerbutt, but would it be easier to just make something like your Phantom Train mix for it and we can give your metal version the TLC it needs to pass with less of a rush? Iunno man you don't gotta worry about being BROOTAL. You'd be surprised how much non metal is on de album. I know you're super busy with xprt bebbe so it's whatever you feel man, ALL up to you!!!! Thank you so muuuuuuuuuch! :'(

  6. Man I smoked up all dat wildberry mint, put in my usual stuff and realized I've been burning the crap out of everything. I'll have to get it again and try it with the normal coals.

    Anyway what's up with your FF2 song!! Man I'm so excited about this. I still need to do my own songs, and I'm trying to juggle everything I owe people and figure out how to get back to it. Hmph. Anyway yeah! :-D

  7. Haha!!! The last visitor message you got was from me.

    Anyway, I think one more song and I could send you a pack for the ff2 trailer... I know you're probably busy with ff6 and stuff but couldn't hurt to figure things out eh. Songs + Artwork for it, do you need WAVs and a tiff? Or just high quality mp3s and a big jpg? :-)

    Probably... May for the files... maybe?

    JUST ASKING for whatever would be easier for YOU!! I aim to be kind and helpful, so let me know! :-D

  8. I don't even know if you care at all, but I recorded the intro for ff5wip (around 30 secs), as well as mandolin for the parts of the song that are there... replaced the midi with decent sounds. Still a long way to go but it's going to be great.

  9. Hey when your key for XSplit runs out, try out OBS - open broadcaster software... it's free and it doesn't seem like it has any limits, and is pretty easy to set up -- opens fast, etc. :-(

  10. Worked with zircon tonight, he made HELLA progress and doing a fantastic job. I think this is going to rock hard.

  11. Still waiting for that baby to kiss.

  12. How hard did you cry after the Spartacus finale? BE HONEST.

    I actually had the WORST nightmare the night after watching it.

  13. Hahaha wtf, they're a LOT more famous than I was expecting. 1.5 million likes on Facebook. I can hear why though. Amagad.

  14. Ok, downloading and about to start on it. It's awfully small, is that normal? Hmph. I sent a simple acoustic song to sixto and it was almost 700mb, granted I sent the entire session, and all the bad takes too haha.

    Also, I did send zircon an email 2-3 days ago, maybe more I forget. But... he may be a bit preoccupied with ff6. I hope we don't miss the 30th deadline but if it comes to a rush I do not want to sacrifice the album quality to get it out. They did that with the album I linked you -- rushed it, and made it crap.

    EDIT: Tried something different and mixed all the instruments first without drums. NOW, to mix the drums in. >:]

  15. Hey! If you want me to use your drum sounds, I'd need them in separate wavs so I could mix them, but I haven't even listened to them yet... just got up, face caked with tears and sand, and I gotta go to work in less than an hour -_- Life man... sometimes it really sucks. But like I said, I'll be OFF!!!!!!!! 15th to the 18th, might be able to start on this as soon as tonight after work, and get something presentable, toss it back and forth and see what you like. Might just use my own drums, cause I have a pretty diverse set of samples and I know how to control them decently, and that just ain't the case with pre-recorded sampled drums. So yaaahhh maybe hold off on sending them, unless I misunderstood and they are live drums or something. :-)

  16. Man, they turned my shift last night into a double. 10:30pm to 2:30pm. Gotta say... I always sort of subconsciously groan when that happens, but I always accept the extra shift. Yeah, it means more munny. But I've been up for 21 hours as of right now. Not so fun. Lots of coffee. At any rate, after Sunday I'm off for like... 3 or so days, maybe more. Definitely send that stuff and I'll take full advantage, could possibly have the song to you in 1 day, depending on the complexity of it. Mixed and mastered.

  17. Well I am not so sure what I did to deserve the strawberry turtle, but thanks :cry:

  18. YARRR!!!!!!! Is normal and awesome! :-D

  19. WHOO! I'm with you man! I'm all about the music and paying tribute to THOSE PEOPLE YOU LISTED and many others! :-D

  20. Your sax for Sax of Gold is still SO good, that song has held up really well to this day, mostly because of your sax and Usa's hand percussion. :-P

    Haven't heard anything from you in forever, hope you are doing well.

  21. :-o dang man you're cool
  22. Man I sent a message that day describing what the coals were doing and asking what I was doing wrong, and they granted me $15 in store credit to buy different coals! I guess what I described wasn't normal.

  23. Hey, did you see my offer in the "what a deal" thread? I hope I didn't scare you off... I'd truly appreciate it and I could paypal you if'n that's what you're into.

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