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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Thank you thank you thank you! I'll wait for your word. But... Thank you!!

  2. LOLOLO >>> I am going to pm you some totally over the top ugly bugger MP3... if it's too over the top tell me I'll redo it :tomatoface:

  3. I already left audio fidelity a message & I don't know if you would still be up for making the opening for Bionic Commando, I know you're bussy, please let me know what's up and if you 2 have talked.. peace

  4. Thank you SO much for your quick reply. I knew I could count on you!!

  5. Hey! Do you still have any interest at all in the Bionic Commando opening? It'd be great to have you on that.. please let me know.

  6. It's a Watchman gig at a few "construction" type locations, might end up working a lot of night shifts. Hope I don't meet too many "fun" people :-P Hehe

  7. sure i'll make it next year or somethin :)

  8. Hey! I went in today for a physical for a job offer and I passed it, even peed in the cup and all that. I think it'll only be part time starting out but this is exciting eh? Shouldn't affect me being able to finish the vocals. :-D

  9. Only other thing I could probably do is Jap Final Boss, Will-o-the-Wisp style apart from that, sowwy.

  10. Only thing that sticks out to me is 48 seconds into Jap / Stardust Speedway Past... Maybe some of the Good future melodies. Could probably make something out of them.

  11. SuperiorX is spying on us! NO!

    You'll only have to make 1 for ff3 haha... you only had to make 2 this time because you wanted to I guess???? It was your choice :D And it ended up being an awesome on, both mixes are downright incredibull! ASS BUTT NO F-WURD

  12. Ass is fine. I had a teacher in elementary school he said that ass was just a body part so it wasn't technically a bad word. But there's a pretty big difference between ass And the F word

  13. Heeey, this is going to sound crazy, but.... I kinda want to use both of your Victory mixes on the album. Your second one is just too good to not use right now. What do you think of that?

    I would most-likely put one after a battle remix on each disc, that would make sense.

    I never got a WAV for your second Victory mix. :-( I think you were gonna censor the "WE JUST KILLED THAT MOTHERFUGGAH" parts >:]

    MAYBE I could record the new lines for that replacement, and sing somethin like "We just killed that ugly bugger!" So you don't have to feel silly doing it.

    Also if you're cool with dropping both victories on this album, I can totes imagine a Sir Jordanius FF3 / FFX Victory remix for the FF3 album hahaha!


    Totes Jordanium! VESUVIUS!

  14. LOL Oops please disregard what I said in that PM, I completely forgot I never did song 6 yet... err so I may try to finish 10 today, might have to hit up 6 tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. :-D

    Edit: Actually I'm feeling super tired and will hit the bed, hopefully finish the other 2 tomorrow. 2 a day ain't bad. Sorry I didn't get 'em all done on the weekend :'(

    Edit2: 6:15am I'm gettin close to recording again, see you are online :-o

  15. Hey, instead of making all 4 of your songs in November, can I make 2 in Nov and maybe 2 in Dec? The deadline for my BadAss volume 2 song is December 1st so I may need to move it into November. Let me know if that's cool.

  16. Hey.... I was recommended for the job but the "higher ups" overrode the decision after putting a freeze on jobs and all I was told was that someone else had "more experience"... I can't help but think there is something else they might have found, like my growling or something. Naturally I've been pretty down in the dumps about that.

    Anyway, I want to try to get all of the vocals done this weekend. Wish me luck. It's hard to get the motivation to get into it but I need to get it all done for you, I appreciate your patience and your compassion.

  17. For some reason I'm really feeling like I need to find a vocal song for DoD that I can make totally brutal, it seems to be a recurring theme for me

  18. Hey, you're making an album? For what, OCR? I gotta be on it bro. :-D

  19. too late you flaky derelict!

  20. Some stuff came up, but I am READY to finish this thing up, so... hopefully it'll be all knocked out in the coming days, eh??

  21. found another tune for that vocal vgm ;-)

    also this es us


  22. Y U dropping all your trax

  23. FEWL I posted your mp3s in the private group! Go there and comment or wait for people to comment first!!

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