A quick update about this "project"
I never forgot about it. I just got stuck doing other things I was obligated to do and still am obligated to finish before I can start on this. It may still yet be a month or two until I can REALLY sink my teeth into this bad boy. But there are a few good results that came of this:
File size increase on OCR
Software upgrades to 64bit
A lot more samples and better libraries
Had time to practice, suck ever so slightly less
The file size increase will be beneficial because it will give me the freedom to just write the song and not worry about length. I won't have to worry about limiting it to 5 minutes in order to fit 8MiB with decent quality.
On the flip side, this break has given me time to evaluate my own strengths as a producer and consider what is or isn't acceptable for this collaboration. I may go ahead and maintain all existing instrumental claims. It's too early to say whether I'd be able to make something work in the mix, and assuming it won't work out is too grim and pessimistic of a view to have before even starting.
Without further adieu, I would like to invite the people listed on the first post roster to sound off if you're still interested in being a part of this. I haven't checked it over in a while honestly and there may be a couple spots where I could make additions or subtractions.
Lastly, this is going to be very freaking epic, like insane, yo. I've been coming up with ideas for sections in my head all this time. I think it will be an arrangement that satisfies all of my wishes as an artist and hopefully those of many of you and the listeners as well.
Thanks, sorry for the wait, thanks for being patient.
EDIT: Holy crap I just noticed the last post was from 2010. WOW!