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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. THAT was the sidebar?! I didn't know! It doesn't even look like a traditional sidebar... I liked that thing, I think it needs to make a return. You hear that djp! Bring it back!
  2. You know I am sure I was on these forums during the time of the sidebar, and I remember there being a login panel on the left, but I never considered it to be a "sidebar" so much. I am not on The Copo's list of people who were banned from the sidebar bashing tirade. I thought the sidebar, if that's what it was, was great and a useful utility that should return and I hope it does.
  3. Hah yeah I showed them to an ocr friend at MAGFest and said I thought it printed dark, and they said "Well it's a dark album" and I was like hell yeah.

    Any luck with ff2? Wip date in 6 days. No problem if you still need time *_*

  4. Excuse me, was the sidebar a mistake or are you saying the removal of the sidebar was the mistake? I don't remember the sidebar but I'm sure it was amazing.
  5. The fist, and other things! I was having trouble with the vocals, then I drank some beer and suddenly it started to sound cool
  6. Hahaha!! They're both amazing, but the second one with all the dudes in a pot is hilarious. I hope they let you include your art with the album when it is done.
  7. It's a great song and arrangement for sure. But there's a lot of production issues that are bothering in a similar way to Neko's last mix. There's no diversity in the drum velocities and they're STILL OVERCOMPRESSED. Those damn pumpy cymbals. Saying $5 headphones isn't an excuse, I got a set of Gear One G40DX full frequency headphones for free, and they're generally a super cheap set of headphones, but they're the most accurate sounding speaker system in my house. So there. I think this battle with cymbal compression is something you've been struggling with pretty much forever, and you're only going to improve if some jerk like me comes out and yells about it on every mix that comes out with bad cymbal pumping. And your hihats either have a solid velocity throughout, or like at 3:39 the open hat is quiet and the pedal hat is a lot louder... it makes no sense. Listening to it is unpleasant but obviously not a dealbreaker, it's just an annoying, irksome thing because your mixes always get by with this kind of sound and most other people aren't quite so lucky to get through the panel with glaring flaws like that, with overcompressed drums with no velocities. As for the scooping in the rhythms, really doesn't bother me at all. It's a stylistic choice and I think it works. It gives space to your leads and allows them to be clearly audible pretty much from the get go. It'd probably work well for vocals too if you ever used 'em. I love the clean tones, and the drums don't seem quite as bad there, but that overcompressed, static snare is pretty ugly.
  8. It looks like it is baby blue when I look at the site on my smartphone like I am doing now. So weird, I use an HDTV as a monitor, it's also big enough to be the light source of the room so there's no reflections. One of those things I guess. Tv has pink booties, smartphone has blue booties. I'm excited for the new site design that was displayed somewhat at mag x. Is it going to launch this year?
  9. About "Oh I'm A Flamelet" I hadn't listened to it in so long, I forgot how good it is... I've known I have needed to do a final spitshine to it but for some reason I thought it was a lot rougher than it actually is. It's actually purty good and I think I could fix it up right nice with the experience I got nows. I should definitely be able to get it to you within the month, and we can go from there for whatever. Just letting you know I'm gonna be good for it and not to cut it.
  10. Hehe... well thanks everyone for their very nice comments, I subbed this on I think January 23rd so wish it luck. I NEVER get mod feedback on mixes EVAR EVAR well ok maybe once or twice. But I ain't gonna put songs on the workshop forums anymore so there. I'm either really lucky to get no comments because a song is good (?) or very unlucky to not get any comments cause they all hate me and my music. Either way... thanks y'all for the nice comments... no hate!
  11. It's the weirdest thing but whenever I'm on this site it starts to look like the very light gray gradients are pink, so then the site looks pink to me... It's kinda weird, I don't think you guys are changing it to pink. I can't help but see pink on the lighter grays though. You guys need beta testers for the new site design?
  12. I could get a 3ds for $50... maybe.. and it'd have to have verygood emulation on it!
  13. Hey, TuneCore costs $5 per album per year? x_x

    Why has nobody made it easier for musicians to get their music around? :-(

  14. Quad-tracking is a good idea, but... Panning the rhythms like you did is not so common I think, they should be hardpanned together so that the tone is a strong, singular unit on both sides. Again it's a matter of taste, not saying you did it "wrong". Never ever ever put reverb THAT noticeable on rhythm guitars. EVAR. Also NEVER put reverb on a bass guitar. Just sayin' for anyone who happens to read this. For quad tracks to work well, they really need to fit together so that it's not noticeable that there are 4 tracks going. That's why I pretty much stopped doing 4 tracks, I may revisit it sometime in the future though. But using a real amp, it would be less a matter of screwing with EQ and more a matter of just moving the mic an inch or two away from the center of the cup just to get a somewhat more low-endy tone. I wouldn't even change the settings on my EQ pedal. But I haven't experimented with that. I know I recorded quad-rhythms at some point but I don't remember what song I did it on, it could even be one of my earlier mixposts, or one waiting to get posted (like my BadAss track) *shrug*.. wish I could remember so I could point to it as an example..
  15. I will personally accept this compliment as I painstakingly adjusted pretty much every single note that was clicked in so that it would have a more natural start time and more realistic velocities.. apart from that the live guitar is the only live thing and there's barely any of it in there. I do play my keyboard parts live which you can hear at 2:00 -- all live keys there Most of the stuff rexy and ben did was clicked >:] And your comment of live vs. mouse seems to be more a gripe about the clean-ness of samples and production than the actual method of writing
  16. The translated interview said to expect much better graphics than the original, and that's what I'm going to do.
  17. Will change the title if it'll make you happy, sweetie. I don't think anyone was expecting a full-on remake. Importing the assets into the FF13 engine and using the same voiceover and such could be called a remaster rather than a remake. And that's all I really wanted anyways! I wish they'd be more straightforward about where this is and when it'll be out.
  18. Sorry for sending you so many pms, hehe... Hope everything is alright, haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you got your CDs. ^o^

  19. Hey... what's up with FF5 Water?

  20. As painful as it was to finish songs at times, I'm happy with them and the compo in general, and if you were all women I would flirt with you
  21. Chibi art isn't suitable for looking at on the crapper
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