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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I don't like servers that are built with adminhax and have all the land filled up with ridiculous stuffs spawn via adminhax Rome wasn't built in a day
  2. Hate the addictive drums snare but that's not your fault ^^; This is actually a lot better than I expected from a random person saying a song is done and uploading it to Youtube. It's ridiculously short, and the source isn't even remotely recognizable. Still, it's a pretty sweet song and I bet when you hone your craft more, you could be passing stuff on OCR.
  3. So I haven't heard anything about PSN being back up but I did hear rumors that there might be a new attack on Sony this week. What is going on? Why so much irrational rage towards Sony?
  4. I listened to see what the big deal is and why it's so terrible. I like it. But I dig abstract chiptune muzak.
  5. Wow, chthonic wrote a review? And it's huge.. this.. is.... o_o BLUENOIZ will earn a spot on my phone, good sir. My only gripe is that the songs are too long. GREAT WORK BRO <3
  6. It might not hurt to extend a bit more, and maybe get a co-director involved
  7. Sweet news, silly goose! I will talk to you whenever you're available on aim
  8. I don't even know if that is true. I don't think good graphics and the gamers' perception of them concerning game quality has anything to do with marketing. It's not like we have ads today that say "Sega does what Nintendon't" and the Wii was the clear winner of the console race, despite having the worst graphics. The motion controls were also an interesting gimmick for a while. I think consoles getting more powerful, and games getting prettier and functioning better, is a natural evolution for gaming. I think a console that stays in past generations should technically not do as well, but like I just mentioned, the Wii broke that theory. A lot of it may have had to do with loyalty to a brand. I know I'll be most-likely to go with the Microsoft console this next generation, especially if they figure out how to get the edge up on their competitors. Offer blu-ray, have better technology and faster loading times. Continue having a nice interface that I consider more easy to use than the PS3's. As for graphics, I certainly will be looking for which one has more power in that department. In this generation, I think the ps3 was the most powerful graphically if by a tiny margin with the games that were painstakingly exclusive to the system. Like Heavy Rain, or GoW3. There's a Wii 2 and Xbox360 2 floating around, and I haven't heard of a PS4 yet, so they may have the edge-up to see what the playing field is and then go beyond that. However, they also have a ridiculous amount of problems going on and it's probably not financially viable to start producing a new console yet. You don't deserve line-breaks.
  9. I know what it is, Akuma just signed the T&C for Apple and is becoming the world's first Human CentiPad. Some computer problems, indeed.
  10. To whom it may concern: buttholes That's an inside joke Ask Emunator, he'll tell ya On a related note (not to buttholes, but to Stilt Village) I tried to make that song once. Back when I was a little less knowledgeable about how to make remixes. I think I still have like 20 seconds worth of utter crap somewhere that would have became a stilt mix. I heard a wip of Will's song and it was pretty sweet, the kind of thing that'd make me slap my head and go "of course!" Smart, talented man. buttholes
  11. I only had a few games for mine.. :/ Only had 1 game for my N64 (Yoshi's Story). In hindsight I don't know why we bought those consoles. Had a lot of NES games though, but even still, nothing like Zelda or anything. Had stuff like Gyruss. Which I have to admit, is an amazing game. Dreamcast I had what, Sonic Adventure, The Grinch, and Centipede. On the SNES we had Donkey Kong Country, The Lion King.. can't remember any others but there were probably a couple similar to that. THAT'S MY GAMING SOB STORY. I've just revealed that I don't belong with you guys. I'm so sorry. Had Sonic and Aladdin on the Genesis.. Ahh ok, I'll stop now. lol
  12. I used to have GFWL, it's a little stuttery getting installed (what program isn't eh?) but I didn't have no problems with it running. Liked having my XBL Gamercard on it. Ran ok, the interface was a little confusing but not something that would take too long to get used to. I'll undoubtedly have to use it again when I reinstall Red Faction Gorilla or GTA4 on Steam. Tried Section 8 on the 360. In general, I liked it. Didn't get too far in it though. Probably difficulty issues. I tend to judge every shooter against Rainbow Six Vegas 2, a lot of shooters just don't stand up.
  13. Dreamcast was amazing, truly ahead of its time, but it really didn't stand up. You can say that about some past-gen consoles, but even the NES has some real appeal to go back and play it. The one game I really liked on Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure, got ported recently and playing it was just so disappointing. It really sucks compared to what we've come to expect from games today (i.e., not falling through the map) Having said that, I've got a lot of respect for Sega and they've taken some chances that have ultimately paid off, like Sonic Colors, and Resonance of Fate, which was amazing. But again the problem arises of nobody knowing or caring about Resonance of Fate. I loved the Dreamcast, with the little memory cards that had games in them.
  14. Still definitely has a bit of a garage band sound to it, pretty snazzy arrangement though, nice genre shift
  15. I have a 52" HDTV and I use it for my computer (like right now) and I run netflix off the website on it. The netflix in the other room on the wii is for my parents, who refuse to get a new TV. Because the old one isn't broke. o.O Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest RPGs of all time. The graphics are great, they don't make RPGs like they used to. That's a shame. But still, I'd go insane if they made a new graphics remake of CT.
  16. It may happen in the future. Dimmu Borgir style chocobo theme
  17. I think the next generation of consoles should, at the very least, have real-life textures... They probably could have done that in this gen of games but I didn't see it. Heavy Rain was damn close. They're getting to the point where they can motion capture an actor but ALSO put the actual video of them in the game, so that they like, look exactly as they do in real life. Come on game companies, make it happen Possible side-effects include vietnam flash-backs Maybe games are becoming "too" real
  18. I listened to the Pirate Man theme and it didn't sound remotely pirate-ish so I skipped on it
  19. We have a wii, it's primarily used to stream Netflix on an old standard def TV. :/ I knew my info wouldn't be safe in the 360 and I never put my credit card into it. Turns out I probably had it backwards.
  20. (1) It wasn't a poem (2) this isn't Off-topic (3) i would buy a rrod'ing console over an info-leaking one any day
  21. They don't have Amon Amarth? Wtf kind of joke Thor movie is this?
  22. New Xbox? But the slim just came out. And do they really need a new one? It better have photo-realistic graphics. Cause without those there's no point. It better have 10 processors at 6GHz each and 64gb of ram
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